Rear End Collision Settlement Guide | Average Rear Ended Settlements (2024)

Rear End Collision Settlements

What's In This Article

Were you in a rear end collision car accident and feel entitled to a rear end collision settlement? If so, it is common to wonder what you should do next. You may also be wondering who is responsible for your accident damages and what a typical rear end crash is worth. Determining the value of rear end collision settlements is not always cut and dry, so read on to see what might be in your future after a rear end accident.

Rear End Collision Settlement Stats

Rear end collisions are among the most common types of auto accidents. For instance, in 2019, about 1.7 million rear-end collisions took place in the United States. Of these nearly two million accidents, about 1,700 people died and another 500,000 suffered injuries. Consequently, this makes rear end car accidents a top contributor to all highway accidents, injuries, and fatalities nationwide. However, even though rear end collisions make up around one-third of all accidents in the US, the outcome of each case will be different due to the specific details of the crash. Ultimately, the basis for your rear end collision settlement relies on many factors, including speed, distracted driving, and road conditions. All of these factors will play a role in the final rear end collision settlement amount.

What Causes Most Rear End Collisions?

The most common explanation for a rear end crash is the driver in the rear is driving too closely to the vehicle in front. Distractions also can lead to these accidents – most often, using a cell phone, talking to passengers, or adjusting the radio. Driver inattention is generally at the heart of most rear end collisions. Speed can also play a role in these situations, as it takes longer to apply the brakes the faster you are going. Inability to brake in time can result in a rear end collision.

There can be other factors, though. Poor weather conditions lead to many rear end accidents. A road that is slick with rain or snow or obscured by fog can cause many serious accidents. However, it is the responsibility of all drivers to drive safely. If a driver hits you from behind, he or she may be liable for your accident injuries.

What To Do After a Rear End Crash

After the accident, there are several vital steps to take right away to ensure a fair rear end collision settlement:

  • Check for injuries: Even a low-speed, rear end crash can cause many injuries, like broken bones, facial lacerations, soft-tissue damage or whiplash. You should go to the hospital for a check, even if you think you are unhurt. Minor soreness right after a crash could turn into a severe injury after a few days. For that reason it is always safer to opt for an examination from a medical professional after an accident. You are more likely to receive compensation for your injuries if documented right away by a medical professional.
  • Document property damage: Take pictures of your vehicle and the one that hit you. Also take photos of the road conditions as soon as possible after the crash. Take wide angle photos of the cars’ positions on the road before they move. Also take up close pictures of vehicle damage. If in doubt, photograph it.
  • Obtain police report: No matter if the accident is minor or severe, your claim or lawsuit benefits from having a copy of the police report. If the other driver was negligent, it is likely noted in the police report.
  • Contact insurance company: In the event of a rear end collision, it is important to give your insurance company all the information it needs as soon as possible. If you were rear ended by a semi truck or another commercial vehicle, make sure to get their commercial insurance information.

Rear End Collision Settlement Guide | Average Rear Ended Settlements (1)

  • How Much Is Your Car Accident Settlement Worth?

    Find out the maximum compensation you could receive.

  • How Much Is My Car Accident Settlement Worth?

Who Is At Fault in a Rear End Collision Accident?

In establishing who is at fault, state and federal laws, as well as insurance companies, will strongly favor the driver hit from the rear. Therefore, most rear end crashes are eventually blamed upon the driver in the back. This is because driving rules dictate that it is the responsibility of all drivers to follow from a safe distance. By ‘safe distance,’ we mean that the driver should be able to slow and stop in time to avoid hitting another vehicle or object. This applies regardless of why the car in front slowed or stopped.

That said, there are several factors that can reduce the level of rear driver liability:

  • Unfavorable road conditions (icy, uncleared snow, potholes)
  • Poor visibility due to weather conditions
  • Missing or broken stop signs and stop lights
  • Unsafe or unmarked work areas

Another factor to determine fault for rear end collision injuries is identifying any broken laws. For example, if a car makes a left turn at a red light into traffic and is then struck from behind by a car with right of way, the car in the rear may not be completely at fault. The driver in front also may be negligent. Additionally, other factors that can influence fault are whether the car in front had working brake lights or if the driver suddenly went into reverse without warning.

What Factors Determine a Rear End Collision Settlement Amount?

Economic Damages

The easiest aspect of your claim to calculate is the economic damages. As the name implies, these are the things that have a direct financial impact on you and your family. Common examples include the following:

  • Deductibles and other health insurance payments
  • Cost of damages to your vehicle or other personal property
  • Loss of income from missed days of work
  • Late penalties and fees for missed bills
  • Funeral expenses
  • Estimates of future expenses related to injuries

Your attorney can work with your doctor to ensure you get all the documentation you need. If you do not yet have a lawyer, then be sure to save and safely store all receipts, invoices, medical records and other documentation related to the crash and its aftereffects.

Non-Economic Damages

Also known as “pain and suffering,” non-economic damages are a lot more difficult to estimate. One of the most common ways to calculate this amount is to add up all the economic damages and multiply the amount by a number ranging from one to five. The more severe the damages caused by the crash, the higher the multiplier used. Here are a few other factors that may lead to increased non-economic payments:

  • Gross negligence on the part of the driver, the company that hired them, the manufacturer or the insurance company
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Development of permanent, life-changing disabilities
  • Development of PTSD or other psychological problems
  • Presence of dependents who relied on the support of the injured or deceased person
  • Dash cam footage or consistent witness statements that make determining fault easy

Typical Factors In Determining Fault in Rear End Collision Settlements

Rear end collision settlement damages can vary from minor bumper damage with no injuries to a totaled vehicle with serious personal injuries, such as whiplash, back and neck injuries, head injuries, brain injuries, lacerations and other injuries. There are many factors that determine how much a rear end collision settlement may be worth, such as:

  • Type of injuries sustained
  • Severity of injuries
  • If injuries incurred affect your daily living or ability to work
  • Long term effects of injuries
  • Pain and suffering in addition to your physical injuries
  • Damage that occurred to your personal property (ie your vehicle)
  • Medical expenses incurred as a result of the rear end collision
  • Who was at fault for the car accident
  • Usage of seatbelts

There is no precise calculation that will determine how much you will get in a rear end collision. Your personal injury attorney can help you to understand the types of settlements and judgments decided in your area in similar circ*mstances. Generally, however, remember that the more extensive your injuries and property damage, the higher the possible settlement. Below is a closer look at the key aspects of a rear end accident case that ultimately determine the level of compensation.

Your Liability as a Factor in a Rear End Collision Settlement

If struck in a rear-end collision, the good news is that liability is often a straightforward matter. In most cases, the car in the rear is to blame for the accident. If that is the case, you stand a good chance of getting compensation after getting in a rear end collision.

However, there are some circ*mstances where the driver in the front may be partially at fault; this could affect the compensation you receive for your accident injuries:

  • Brake checking the driver in the rear by slamming on the brakes for no reason
  • Suddenly reversing
  • Driving with a flat tire or a mechanical problem
  • Driving distracted and then slamming on the brakes too late to avoid an object or pedestrian in the road
  • Failing to repair a broken brake light

Unless the accident involves one of those scenarios, it is most likely the tailing driver will be liable.

Property Damage

What will be the cost to repair your vehicle? Some damage is obvious, such as a crushed bumper. But not visible to the naked eye could be substantial damage to the frame of the vehicle. Therefore, it is smart to have your vehicle completely checked over by a mechanic after the rear end crash. You may also need to consider damage to items inside the vehicle, such as the cost to replace children’s car seats that were present or possibly in use at the time of the crash.

Medical and Related Expenses

There are many potential medical costs incurred due to a car accident. The at-fault party and/or their insurance company may be responsible to cover the following expenses and more:

  • Ambulance ride
  • Prescription drugs
  • Hospital stay
  • Doctor visits
  • Physical therapy
  • Physical and mental pain/suffering

Lost Income

Lost wages are a substantial factor when considering your potential damages in a rear end collision settlement. An example of this is how long you were unable to work, as well as how much you will not be able to work in the future due to accident injuries. The level of lost income varies on the sort of work you do and how the accident has affected it. If you are a server and broke your leg, your lost wages would theoretically be higher than a person who can work sitting at a desk.

The overall violence of the crash determines the multiplier used to increase the total amount of damages. The more severe the crash, the bigger the multiplier will be. For a devastating rear end accident that leaves you unable to work for a year, the total financial loss could multiply by a factor as high as four, for example.

The amount you may receive in a rear end car accident will vary tremendously. The idea behind compensation for your accident injuries is to ‘make you whole again.’ This means that the compensation received should be enough to put you in a place where you would have been if you had never been rear ended. What that amount would be will hinge upon your property damage, medical bills, time missed from work, pain and suffering and other factors. Getting rear ended on a motorcycle, for example, will often result in much more serious injuries and will usually mean a larger settlement.

Compensation for Rear End Collision Injuries

Determining liability in a rear end collision settlement will consider all the previously mentioned scenarios and others. The ability of the driver in front to receive rear end collision injuries compensation will depend upon many factors. In addition to compensation for physical injuries, drivers may also receive payment to cover pain and suffering. Pain and suffering after a rear end collision can include both physical and mental trauma caused from the accident. If any of your injuries prevent you from working or affect your daily routines and habits, you may be additionally compensated for that. An accident attorney can assist in analyzing specific accident factors to determine liability and potential compensation in your case.

What Injuries Can Happen From a Rear End Collision?

  • Whiplash – The most common injury from a rear end collision is whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head is rapidly jerked forwards and backwards. It may result in neck pain and stiffness. Always consult your doctor after whiplash occurs to determine the severity and necessary treatment. Whiplash settlements can vary widely depending on the grade of whiplash and severity of the injury.
  • Broken or fractured bonesIt is not uncommon for a driver who is rear ended to suffer from breaks to their wrists and arms. This is typically because they are gripping the steering wheel at the time of the impact. In high impact crashes, it is also possible to break leg bones or ribs.
  • Back, neck, and spinal cord damageEven at lower speeds, an impact can have a serious effect on your spine. A herniated disk occurs when the connective tissue between your vertebrae becomes damaged and moves out of place.
  • Head and brain injuries – Concussions or broken facial bones may occur if your head strikes a part of your car. Brain injuries can also occur from the sudden movement of your head. These injuries are often serious.
  • Soft tissue injurySoft tissue injuries are damage of muscles, ligaments and tendons. This happens when your body is jolted by the force of the impact. The end result is sprains or contusions which can cause pain and swelling of the affected area.
  • Airbag or seatbelt inflicted injuryEven though the purpose of airbags and seatbelts is to save lives, this doesn’t mean that these safety features won’t inflict damage. Seat belts can cause bruises and lacerations to the torso and neck. When an airbag deploys, it may cause burns, contusions, or breaks to your face.
  • Death – Wrongful death of driver and/or passengers is an unfortunate reality of rear end collisions.

Rear End Collision Settlement Process

To receive compensation in a rear end collision settlement, the first step usually is to file a car accident claim with the at fault driver’s insurance company. It is possible that the claim will need to be litigated in court, but most rear end collision settlements end up settling out of court. Going to court is expensive and can take weeks to years to settle depending on the severity and complexity of the case. Filing auto accident lawsuits and taking cases to court is usually not necessary in a rear end collision settlement. Negligence in these accidents is generally clear.

Most rear end crashes are resolved and compensated without a lawsuit ever filed as part of a car accident settlement. This occurs during early settlement negotiations. If this happens, it generally means the following:

  • Accident injuries are minor and probably will not get worse over time
  • You did not have any pre-existing injuries that the accident made worse
  • The driver who hit you was purely at fault
  • The at fault driver had insurance at the time of the crash

In such cases, there is little to argue about in court. That will become clear in the first month or two, which is when a settlement is most likely. This means the insurance company who represents the liable driver will write a settlement check to you.

What To Expect From the Insurance Company

Typically, the insurance company for the at-fault driver make a rear end collision settlement offer to the party who has been injured. The initial offer from the insurance company may be inadequate, so be ready to negotiate by proving how much your damages are, including lost income. If the accident involves substantial medical bills and pain and suffering, it would be wise to enlist the help of an attorney at this point.

A car accident attorney will be invaluable in the investigation process, as the details of the accident are collected and reviewed. At this point, your lawyer may file a lawsuit on your behalf against the insurance company or the at-fault driver if they were uninsured at the time of the crash. If you yourself were not insured or did not have uninsured motorist coverage, it is a good idea to enlist the help of a car accident lawyer to get you compensation for the rear end collision.

When Will I Receive Compensation From a Rear End Collision Settlement Offer?

After reaching a settlement agreement, you might be wondering how long it will take until you receive your compensation. For cases with minor crashes and minor damages, cases typically take 30 to 90 days. If your case goes to court, it could take years for a settlement to be reached. After signing the release for a rear-end collision, your car accident attorney will return the signed copy to the insurance adjuster. It will be reviewed and a check will be sent back to your attorney within weeks. After your attorney has taken their portion of fees from the settlement check, you should receive it within 2 to 6 weeks.

What Determines the Final Compensation?

There are several different factors that contribute to the final settlement value you are awarded. This payout can range anywhere from just a few thousand to several million dollars. Here are some of the factors affecting compensation when looking at rear-end collision settlement examples:

  • Vehicles: If the vehicle rear-ended is much smaller than the following vehicle, this can cause more severe damages. Semi-truck settlements where a trucker rear-ends a smaller car is an extreme example of high costs associated with this.
  • Negligence: If the rear-end collision was a result of negligence and led to serious damages and injuries, courts tend to be more likely to award higher non-economic damages.
  • Parties: When a company is liable, judges often tend to mete out harsher punishments. These cases most often involve gross negligence.
  • Speed: Even small vehicles can cause serious damages to larger ones if the driver is speeding. Speeding is also often tied to negligence, which may increase payouts.
  • Injuries: The more severe a person’s injuries, the higher the likelihood of obtaining bigger payouts. This is true even when the result is death.

What’s the Average Rear End Collision Settlement Amount?

Because of the multitude of factors that go into a rear end collision settlement, and the different ways injuries can happen and fault can be allocated, there is a very wide range of settlement amounts for rear end car accidents. Below are some actual settlement examples, which will illustrate an important point… the average settlement for a rear end car accident is going to be the result of a bunch of smaller settlements and a few huge settlement amounts added together. As a result, it’ll look like the average settlement for a rear end car accident is in the range of $20,000 to $30,000, when in reality it’s probably closer to $10,000 or $15,000 but is being skewed by a few 6 and 7 figure rear end collision settlements.

Simply put, there is no average rear end settlement amount that can be provided in the case of a rear end collision. There are many factors involved, but it is also important to consider the insurance companies and policies that come into play. The best way to get a general idea of how much you may be able to expect from a payout would be to speak with an accident attorney who can go over the specifics of your case with you.

Rear End Collision Settlement Amount Examples

Below are a few real life rear end collision settlement examples. These can give you an idea of what your car accident settlement might look like. Keep in mind, all car accidents are different, every state has different laws and insurance requirements, and as a result, only an auto accident attorney in your state can give you a true accurate idea of what your rear end collision settlement may be. Most offer free consultations and will give you a case evaluation to see how much your settlement might be.

  • $400,000 Rear End Collision Settlement: Husband and wife were in a rear end collision. The husband had a herniated disk while the wife suffered whiplash. But the at-fault driver’s insurance company initially refused to compensate the medical expenses. Following a demand letter and extensive mediation, a settlement was awarded to the couple to cover medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • $120,000 Rear End Collision Settlement: Client was involved in a multi-car accident where she was hit from the rear by a drunk driver. The client suffered from a serious lower back injury that required surgery, therapy and caused long term pain and suffering.
  • $90,000 Rear End Collision Settlement: Client was rear ended by a pickup truck. This broke her driver’s seat and led to a rotator cuff injury. She was compensated for property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • $25,000 Rear End Collision Settlement: Client was rear ended at a stop sign. While damage at the scene was minor, he awoke the next day with serious neck and low back pain. He suffered from multiple herniated disks. His medical bills, including extensive physical therapy, was paid for by the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  • $75,000 Rear End Collision Settlement: A vehicle failed to stop at the intersection of a major highway and rear-ended a woman at the stoplight. The woman suffered neck and back pain and went to the emergency room. She underwent surgery to fix herniated disks. The woman sued the driver, but he did not respond to the lawsuit. She then sued her insurance company based on uninsured motorist coverage.

Actual Rear End Collision Settlement Story: Stacy, Los Angeles, California

Facts- How The Rear End Collision Happened

On November 4th 2019 I was stopped at a red light on Lincoln Boulevard & Olympic in Santa Monica California when suddenly I was rear ended by a large Range Rover causing my injuries and damages. I called 911, and officers arrived on scene shortly after. They took my statement and also spoke with the driver that hit me. The force of the rear end collision caused my vehicle to be a total loss. I had it towed home later that evening. The police officers provided me with the others drivers insurance information and gave me a report number so I could order the police report myself. Officers on scene told me they gave the other driver a ticket for speeding, so I knew that I would not be placed at fault.

Injuries Sustained in the Rear End Collision

Immediately after the rear end collision, I was shocked, scared, and nervous. I returned home later that evening and began experiencing the onset of pain and discomfort throughout my body. I felt burning pain in my neck and low back. The pain was radiating to my right leg, and I had never experienced leg pain like this before in my life. I attempted to relieve my ailments via the use of home remedies such as hot/cold packed, rest, and over-the-counter-medications such as Advil and Tylenol. Unfortunately, these methods failed to relieve my pain and symptoms and at this time I decided to seek professional medical attention for my injuries.

On November 9th, 2019 I presented to Better Health Chiropractic in Santa Monica California for treatment of my injuries. I had neck, low back, mid back and right shoulder pain and discomfort after the car crash. I began experiencing headaches, along with anxiety and insomnia. I started treating with the Chiropractor 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks. My pain and symptoms failed to subside, so my Chiropractor prescribed me an MRI of my cervical and lumbar spine.

I presented to Expert MRI in Los Angeles California for a lumbar and cervical MRI. The MRI’s revealed the following:

Lumbar MRI:

  • L1-2: 1 mm disc protrusion indenting thecae sac.
  • L3-3: 2.5 mm protrusion with annular tear
  • L4-5: Mild disc desiccation with 1.5 mm disc bulge
  • L5-S1: 4 mm disc herniation associated with nerve root impingement and annular tear

Cervical MRI:

  • C2-3: 2 mm protrusion
  • C3-4: 1 mm protrusion. Disc material indents thecal sac. Annular tear seen at this level
  • C4-5: 3-4 mm protrusion with abutment on bilateral exiting nerve roots and mild to moderate bilateral neural foraminal stenosis
  • C6-7: 3 mm disc protrusion indenting the thecal sac. Annular tear seen at this level with bilateral neural foraminal nerve root impingement.
  • C7-T1: 5 mm protrusion abutting the bilateral exiting nerve root with mild to moderate neural foraminal stenosis.

Two days later, my Chiropractor received the results of my MRI’s. As a result of the positive findings on my MRI, the chiropractor referred me to a pain management physician to go over the results with me.

I got an appointment with Dr. Abi, M.D., a pain management specialist in Santa Monica California. At this time, my neck and low back pain had progressively worsened. My pain levels were at 7/10. Dr. Abi went over the results of my MRI’s with me. I was shocked to discover that I sustained significant disc protrusions (known as disc herniations) in both my neck and low back. Prior to the accident, I never had neck or low back pain. Due to my ongoing pain, Dr. Abi recommended that I undergo a lumbar epidural injection. At first, I was apprehensive to move forward with the recommended injections, but I knew that the other drivers insurance company had accepted liability and was legally required to pay for any damages and medical expenses that I incurred. With this in mind, and after discussing the procedure with my family, I elected to proceed with the recommended injections.

In January 2020, I presented to Dr. Abi’s outpatient surgery center fort the epidural injection. I was scared to get an injection, however my neck pain became unbearable and interventional treatment seemed to be the only answer. The procedure went well and provided me with some much needed pain relief. I returned home later that evening and rested. The next 2-3 weeks I continued seeking treatment with my chiropractor.

Two weeks later, I returned for a follow up visit with Dr. Abi. My pain levels came down to 4-5/10 which was a relief. Dr. Abi recommended that I begin physical therapy 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. Dr. Abi provided me with a prescription for physical therapy, so it was easy to get an appointment.

I started treatment with On Star Physical therapy in Santa Monica California per Dr. Abi’s recommendation The goal of physical therapy was to decrease pain, and improve my active range of motion. My neck and low back pain was still present, and would occasionally keep me up at night. I continued treatment with On Star Physical Therapy for 5 weeks prior to being discharged with instructions to continue with a home exercise program for 4 weeks.

At this point, I was feeling a lot better and my pain and symptoms had significantly decreased. I knew that it was time to gather all of my medical records and send a settlement demand to the other drivers insurance company to receive a settlement for my injuries and damages, along with pain and suffering and any out of pocket expenses.

Negotiations & Final Rear End Collision Settlement

The other driver was insured with USAA Insurance Company. On February 1, 2020 I sent a rear end settlement demand letter to his insurance company. I made sure to include a copy of the police report, and all of my medical records and bills from the treatment received.

At this point, my medical bills were about $17,500. I gave the insurance company two weeks to respond to the rear end collision settlement demand. On February 13, 2020 the insurance adjuster called me and tendered the other drivers policy limits of $25,000 to settle my case.

I Was Rear Ended, Should I Get a Lawyer?

This article should give you a good overview of what to do in the case of rear end collision injuries. If you have any further questions, it is recommended to speak with a car accident lawyer. They will be able to review your case – including your medical records and police report – to determine if there is the possibility of making a personal injury claim. Lawsuit Info Center can help you receive the rear end collision injury compensation you deserve.

Rear End Collision Settlement Guide | Average Rear Ended Settlements (2024)


Rear End Collision Settlement Guide | Average Rear Ended Settlements? ›

In most rear end accidents, the person who is rear ended is not badly injured. And in many cases where he or she is seriously hurt, there is limited insurance available. The average rear end car accident settlement is likely under $15,000.

What is the average payout for a rear end collision in Florida? ›

Accident circ*mstances aren't always the same and settlements depend greatly on the unique circ*mstances of each case. According to the rear-end car accident settlement examples listed on this page, the typical Florida rear-end collision accident settlement is anywhere from $500,000 to $875,00.

What is average settlement for rear end collision in Arizona? ›

Car accident settlement amounts in Arizona can vary enormously, but the rough average falls between roughly $10,000 and goes up to over $30,000.

How much are most car accident settlements? ›

The average settlement amount for a car accident is approximately $41,783.00. This figure may be high in comparison to national averages across the United States because the data includes more car accident settlements involving serious injuries.

How do I get the most money out of my fender bender? ›

How to Get the Most Money From a Car Accident
  1. Remain at the Scene of the Accident. ...
  2. Gather Information at the Scene. ...
  3. Obtain Witness Information. ...
  4. Seek Medical Treatment. ...
  5. Report the Accident to Your Insurance Carrier. ...
  6. Keep All of Your Bills. ...
  7. Keep a Record of Your Injuries and Recovery. ...
  8. Keep Going to Your Doctor.
Mar 24, 2021

How is pain and suffering calculated in Arizona? ›

Insurance companies and attorneys often calculate pain and suffering by using a multiplier between 1 and 5 (the more severe the injury, the higher the multiplier). This means that pain and suffering is calculated over and above medical expenses at that rate.

What is the average settlement for a car accident in Indiana? ›

Unfortunately, there is no average car accident settlement amount in Indiana. Your settlement will depend on the circ*mstances of your individual case. Your Indiana car accident attorney will help you navigate the unfamiliar network of insurance companies, claims adjusters, and court processes.

How long does a car insurance claim take to settle? ›

Total loss claim – this means your car isn't repairable (also known as a write-off). At this point, your insurer will agree a settlement figure with you which is likely to be agreed within 30 days, once your insurer has assessed the car and agreed it is a write off.

How long does a car accident claim take to settle? ›

It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months (or years) for a car accident case to settle. There is plenty to investigate on each party's end, and if you suffered extensive injuries and property damage, this could explain why the settlement process is lengthy.

What happens when car accident claim exceeds insurance limits? ›

When a car accident claim happens to exceed the insurance limits usually one of three things result: (1) the claim will result in a settlement with a personal contribution over the policy limits by the at-fault driver; (2) a jury will return an “over limits” verdict against a collectible defendant; or (3) a bad faith ...

How do insurance companies negotiate cash settlements? ›

Let's look at how to best position your claim for success.
  1. Have a Settlement Amount in Mind. ...
  2. Do Not Jump at a First Offer. ...
  3. Get the Adjuster to Justify a Low Offer. ...
  4. Emphasize Emotional Points. ...
  5. Put the Settlement in Writing. ...
  6. More Information About Negotiating Your Personal Injury Claim.

How can I get more money from an accident? ›

To get the most money from a car accident, take the following steps:
  1. Hire a car accident lawyer.
  2. Gather evidence to help your case.
  3. Seek medical attention right away.
  4. Report the accident.
  5. Check your insurance coverage.
  6. Keep off of social media.
  7. Never agree to anything without speaking to an attorney.
May 30, 2022

What's the legal term for pain and suffering? ›

Legally, though, "pain and suffering" describes the physical pain and emotional distress a victim endures as a result of a personal injury accident. Emotional distress (also called "mental anguish") can include depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and more.

Can you sue for emotional distress in Arizona? ›

Emotional distress can uproot your life with nightmares, PTSD, and suicidal thoughts. If you suffer from demonstrable emotional distress, you have the right to pursue an Arizona personal injury claim.

How long after a car accident can you sue in Arizona? ›

Under ARS § 12-542 the Arizona statute of limitations for alleging a personal injury in a car accident is “two years after the cause of action accrues.” This two year time period generally begins on the day of the accident.

What are the Arizona constitutional limitations on personal injury awards in civil court? ›

The Constitution of the State of Arizona prohibits placing caps on damages for personal injury or death. Specifically, Article 2, Section 31 of the Constitution states that: “No law shall be enacted in this state limiting the amount of damages to be recovered for causing the death or injury of any person.”

What is the average settlement for a car accident in Florida? ›

What Is the Average Car Accident Settlement in Florida? The average accident settlement in Florida is about $15,000. When injuries are severe, the average settlement is higher.

Why is my car accident settlement taking so long? ›

Delays can occur when your injuries are more serious. The doctor may not be able to provide a timescale for recovery. Perhaps it is too soon after your accident. You may have to undergo further treatment and await the outcome.

Who is at fault in a 3 car rear-end collision in Florida? ›

In a 3 car chain-reaction rear-end accident in Florida, negligence is typically apportioned primarily to the car that caused the initial accident. So if Car 3 rear-ended Car 2, sending it into Car 1, then Car 3 would likely be responsible for most, if not all, of the damages.

What damage can a rear-end collision cause? ›

Unfortunately, rear-end collisions often result in frame damage, which can put stress on the suspension system of the vehicle and cause the shocks, struts and other parts to wear out faster. Additionally, as mentioned, poor alignment can also put more pressure on suspension components.

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