Tips for Negotiating an Injury Settlement With an Insurance Company (2024)

Position yourself to get the best settlement from the insurance company after any kind of accident.

If you're making a personal injury claim after any kind of accident, at some point it's probably going to be time to negotiate with the other side's insurance company. Here's what to know at the outset:

  • The personal injury settlement negotiation process might consist of nothing more than a few phone calls with an insurance claims adjuster, but that's a fairly rare scenario.
  • Even if you've taken the additional step of filing a personal injury lawsuit, settlement negotiations will likely be ongoing, and your case could reach an out-of-court resolution at any time.
  • If you or your lawyer have presented the insurance company with an organized demand letter and proper supporting documents, that's a great way to frame your case for settlement talks.

The Personal Injury Settlement Process

Every personal injury case is unique, and there's no standard point at which settlement negotiations begin in earnest.

Typically, if someone else caused your injury, and the incident is covered by their liability insurance, you'll be making what's called a "third party" claim under that policy. To get an idea of what these claims look like in the wake of the most common accident scenario, learn more about third party car insurance insurance claims.

The big picture injury settlement negotiation process typically looks like this:

  • Whether through emails, letters, or more informally, you (or your lawyer) and the other side's insurance adjuster will each make your points about the strengths and weaknesses of your claim.
  • Next, the adjuster will make an offer to settle your claim (if you already sent a demand letter to the adjuster, this offer will almost certainly be significantly lower than what you asked for).
  • You'll counter with a figure higher than the adjuster's offer but lower than your original demand.
  • Finally, whether it's after two or three phone calls, or after you've filed a lawsuit in court, you'll agree on a settlement figure somewhere in between.

Learn more about the timeline of a typical personal injury case. Now let's look at how to best position your claim for success during the negotiation process.

Have an Injury Settlement Amount In Mind

If you and your lawyer put together a demand letter, you should have determined what you believe your claim is worth. (Learn how insurers value a personal injury claim.) Within that range, and before you speak to an adjuster about your demand, decide on a minimum settlement figure that you will accept. This figure is for your own information—so you can keep your bottom line in mind when under the pressures of negotiating—but it's not something you should reveal to the adjuster.

You don't have to cling to the figure you set for yourself. If an adjuster points out some facts you hadn't considered but that clearly make your claim weaker, you may have to lower your hopes a bit. And, if the adjuster starts with an offer at or near your minimum, you may want to revise your figure upward.

Did the Insurance Company Send You a Reservation of Rights Letter?

If you receive a "reservation of rights" letter from the insurance company, don't be alarmed or intimidated. This letter informs you that the insurance company is investigating your claim, but that it's reserving its right not to pay you anything if it turns out that the accident isn't covered under the policy.

The letter simply protects the insurance company by preventing you from claiming that the company's insurance policy covers your accident just because it began settlement negotiations with you.

Don't Jump at the First Injury Settlement Offer

When the insurance adjuster makes you a first offer, it may be so low that it's just a tactic to see if you know what you're doing (more on this below). Or, it may be a reasonable offer, just too low.

If the offer is reasonable, you can immediately make a counteroffer that's a little bit lower than your demand letter amount. This shows the adjuster that you, too, are being reasonable and are willing to compromise. A little more bargaining should quickly get you to a final settlement amount you both think is fair.

Get the Adjuster to Justify a Low Injury Settlement Offer

If an adjuster makes a first offer so low that it's obviously just a negotiating tactic to see if you know what your claim is really worth, do not immediately lower the amount you put in your demand letter.

Instead, ask the adjuster to give you specific reasons why the offer is so low, and make notes of what he or she tells you. Then write a brief letter responding to each of the factors the adjuster has mentioned. (See a sample reply to an unreasonably low settlement offer.)

Depending on the strength of any of the adjuster's reasons, you can lower your demand slightly, but, before lowering the amount very far, wait to see if the adjuster will budge after receiving your reply.

The next time you speak with the adjuster, begin by asking for a response to your reply letter. The adjuster should now make you a reasonable offer upon which you will be able to bargain and arrive at a fair settlement figure. Remember, most personal injury cases settle at some point, it's just a question of when.

Emphasize Emotional Points

In these negotiations, don't bother to go over all the facts again. Just emphasize the strongest points in your favor—for example:

  • that the insured was completely at fault for the accident
  • that you had a very painful injury
  • that your medical costs were reasonable, and/or
  • that you had long-term or permanent physical effects.

If you've sent the adjuster a photo of a smashed car or a severe-looking injury, refer to it.

If your injury interfered with your ability to care for your child, mention that your child suffered as a result.

Even though there is no way to put a dollar value on emotional distress and "pain and suffering", these components of an injured person's losses ("damages") can go a long way toward getting an insurance company to come to the table with a fair settlement offer.

Put the Settlement in Writing

When you and the insurance adjuster finally reach agreement, immediately confirm the terms in a letter to the adjuster. This letter can be short and sweet, stating the amount for which you settled, what injuries or damages the settlement covers, and the date by which you expect to receive settlement documents from the insurance company.

Getting Help With a Personal Injury Claim

When you're making a personal injury claim, it's a near-certainty that at some point you (or a lawyer) will need to:

  • put together facts, records, and other evidence that puts your position and your claim in the best light, and
  • engage in some amount of (potentially contentious) back-and-forth with the insurance company, and stick with it until there's a fair result.

If you feel capable and willing, it might make sense to handle a personal injury claim on your own, at least initially. But if the insurance company doesn't seem to be taking your claim seriously, or if you're just not comfortable handling the process on your won, it may be time to consider putting your case in the hands of a legal professional. That's especially true if you've been seriously injured.

A personal injury lawyer will have the expertise to best position your claim for a fair result, and the experience to negotiate on your behalf until the best outcome is achieved. Learn more about when you might need a personal injury lawyer and how to find the right injury attorney for you and your case. You can also use the tools on this page to connect with a legal professional in your area.

Tips for Negotiating an Injury Settlement With an Insurance Company (2024)


Tips for Negotiating an Injury Settlement With an Insurance Company? ›

Within the letter, you can indicate that you reject the offer and highlight why you deserve a higher settlement amount. You should also counter their reasons for offering the lowball initial offer. Your explanation behind these reasons can be critical in getting a better second offer from the claims adjuster.

How do you negotiate a settlement with an insurance company? ›

Negotiating a Settlement with an Insurance Company
  1. How Insurance Claims Work. ...
  2. Understand the Value of Your Claim. ...
  3. Do Not Forget to Address the Strong Points. ...
  4. Do Not Immediately Accept an Initial Settlement Offer. ...
  5. Get Your Settlement in Writing. ...
  6. Consider Working with a Personal Injury Attorney.

How do I ask for more money in a settlement? ›

How to Negotiate the Best Deal on Your Settlement Agreement
  1. Prepare Well for the Settlement Agreement Negotiation. ...
  2. Decide which negotiation tactics to use. ...
  3. Ask for a Protected Conversation with your Employer. ...
  4. Don't ask for too much. ...
  5. Don't ask for too little. ...
  6. Find out how the settlement payments will be taxed.

How can I get more money out of my insurance claim? ›

Maximize Your Insurance Claim Payout: 10 Tips for Understanding and Negotiating the Estimate
  1. Never Accept the First Offer.
  2. Never Sign Anything Before Consulting.
  3. Hire a Professional to Review and Give You Advice.
  4. Look Out for These Four Specifically.
  5. Show Proof if You Want to Argue the Estimate.
Jun 6, 2023

How do you negotiate a successful settlement? ›

The following guidelines can help you settle out of court and reach creative, mutually beneficial resolutions to your disputes, with or without lawyers at the table.
  1. Make sure the process is perceived to be fair. ...
  2. Identify interests and tradeoffs. ...
  3. Insist on decision analysis. ...
  4. Reduce discovery costs.
Dec 26, 2023

How do you counter offer a personal injury settlement? ›

Within the letter, you can indicate that you reject the offer and highlight why you deserve a higher settlement amount. You should also counter their reasons for offering the lowball initial offer. Your explanation behind these reasons can be critical in getting a better second offer from the claims adjuster.

How do you respond to a low settlement offer? ›

If you have determined to respond to a low settlement offer yourself, consider the following:
  1. Stay polite and professional. We understand it's a frustrating and emotional process. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Offer the facts. ...
  4. Put your response in writing. ...
  5. Don't be bullied.

How much money should I ask for in a settlement? ›

Ask for more than what you think you'll get

There's no precise formula, but it's generally recommended that personal injury plaintiffs ask for about 75% to 100% more than what they hope to receive.

How do I counter offer an insurance settlement? ›

Rather, ask why the adjuster has provided this extremely low figure. You should then write a formal letter of response in which you state that you don't find the initial low settlement offer acceptable, listing the reasons why and concluding with a demand for a higher settlement offer.

Why do lawyers often try to negotiate a settlement? ›

Settlements are a preferred method for many people involved in a legal dispute. They typically take much less time than taking the dispute through the court system. Each party can get a satisfactory resolution to the case. Additionally, with a settlement agreement, the parties benefit from a guaranteed outcome.

How to write a counter offer letter for insurance settlement? ›

Finally, draft a counteroffer in the form of a letter. Start by summarizing the adjuster's offer and tell the adjuster that the offer is rejected. Explain, point by point, why the offer is too low. If you have any bills or other documents to prove your damages that you haven't already provided, you should attach those.

How do you get the most money out of a crash? ›

Follow these steps to get more money from your car accident settlement:
  1. Don't be in a rush to settle.
  2. Get all the medical treatment you need.
  3. Consider hiring a lawyer.
  4. Do not take the first offer (or the second)
  5. Seek professional legal advice about the value of your case.
Mar 13, 2024

How do I argue with my insurance adjuster? ›

Tips for Negotiating With an Insurance Claims Adjuster
  1. Come well-prepared with supporting evidence. Records and documentation are critical components of the process. ...
  2. Calculate a full settlement amount. ...
  3. Know your bottom line. ...
  4. Beware of the first offer. ...
  5. Get the settlement offer in writing. ...
  6. Read the fine print.
Feb 17, 2023

What is a good settlement figure? ›

It comes down to math. Very roughly, if you think that you have a 50% chance of winning at trial, and that a jury is likely to award you something in the vicinity of $100,000, you might want to try to settle the case for about $50,000.

What is the 408 rule of settlement negotiations? ›

This rule as reported makes evidence of settlement or attempted settlement of a disputed claim inadmissible when offered as an admission of liability or the amount of liability. The purpose of this rule is to encourage settlements which would be discouraged if such evidence were admissible.

What is considered a good settlement? ›

In general, if you can get close to judgment value of the case in settlement, then it should be considered a very good settlement.

Can I negotiate my own settlement? ›

Go directly to the original creditor and see if you can negotiate a deal with them. One clear benefit to negotiating directly with creditors is the opportunity to settle your debt for less before the creditor turns the outstanding balance over to a collection agency.

How long does it take to negotiate a settlement? ›

When it comes to determining how long a settlement negotiation will take, the answer can vary. The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve.

Should I counter a settlement offer? ›

It's okay to make a counteroffer when an insurance company offers a settlement, but you have to make an educated decision before moving forward.

Is a settlement negotiable? ›

Settlement negotiations can be made before a lawsuit has been filed or afterwards. Sometimes, either by court request or by the request of one party, the parties may enter into a mediation to negotiate the claim.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.