Car Accident Settlement | Free Case Evaluation | Ben Crump Law (2024)

Car Accident Settlement | Free Case Evaluation | Ben Crump Law (1)

There is no average time for a car accident settlement because many factors play into how long it takes to compute and settle a claim. Every car accident is different, obviously, and the time it takes to resolve an auto accident case varies based on the details and facts of the case.

It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months (or years) for a car accident case to settle. There is plenty to investigate on each party’s end, and if you suffered extensive injuries and property damage, this could explain why the settlement process is lengthy.

Overview of the Car Accident Settlement Process

Having a car accident lawyer on your side can help you get an idea early on of the value of your case. Once you consult with a lawyer about your case, they will be knowledgeable of the details and facts and obtain the evidence they need. Your lawyer can then prepare to speak with an insurance company and defend your rights.

Once you file your claim and the insurance company has documentation of your medical bills and damages, the insurance adjuster will offer a settlement. Your lawyer can negotiate with them for the compensation you deserve.

A person who recently suffered injuries should not have to deal with stressful phone calls with insurance adjusters, who are known to manipulate people into thinking they are responsible for an accident or share fault; thus, they do not deserve much compensation, if any. Your lawyer can fight for the financial award you are entitled to receive. They have experience fighting insurance companies that they can put to work for you.

With the evidence they compile and possible help from medical experts and accident reconstructionists, your car accident lawyer can pursue a fair settlement. They will not be able to tell you an average time for how long it takes to receive a car accident settlement. Unexpected delays can happen, prolonging a settlement process. They have no way of knowing what twists and turns your case might take, but they will work to produce the best possible outcome for you.

The Factors That Dictate the Settlement Process

It may not be smooth sailing for your settlement process if it lasts longer than a few months. The following factors could affect the settlement process.

Questioning of Liability

Establishing liability and proving negligence is more difficult in some car accidents. If you shared fault, this could complicate the process in states that use comparative negligence, which the Legal Information Institute explains apportions fault and allocates damages. Determining liability might make the settlement process take longer.

Eyewitness Accounts

If there were many eyewitnesses to the accident, and you exchanged information with them so they can provide statements, either you or your personal injury lawyer will have to interview a lot of people. This process can take several months or more. It may not be easy to coordinate with all the witnesses and have them satisfy their essential role at an ideal time.

Recovery Time for Your Injuries

If you still must receive treatment for your injuries, the final amount of your medical bills has yet to be determined. Once you have fully recovered, only then will you know what your medical expenses are and what future medical care you might need. You also will have a better idea of what to request as compensation for lost income. A car accident lawyer will likely not want to settle a claim until you have finished recovering and know all the recoverable damages you may be entitled to receive.

Insurance Company in No Rush to Settle

The more significant the accident, the longer it will take for a case to settle. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), “Over the past two years, both the accident rate and the size of insurance claims have climbed dramatically.”

Insurance companies will investigate your case and try to find any small pieces of information they can hold against you to devalue your claim. They may also delay in offering or paying out settlements. Working with a car accident lawyer can be beneficial to your case. A legal professional is familiar with insurance company tactics and can handle all communication with them while maintaining productivity.

Ben Crump Law, PLLC, Will Fight for You

The average time for a car accident settlement does not exist. The amount of time it takes to receive a settlement will depend on everything surrounding a case.

A car accident lawyer from Ben Crump Law, PLLC, will work for you to fight for the financial award you deserve, keeping your best interests in mind. You might not want to wait to reach out, as it takes time to build a case before your state’s statute of limitations runs out. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can get to work on your behalf. Call (844) 730-0233today for a free case review with a member of our team.

Car Accident Settlement | Free Case Evaluation | Ben Crump Law (2024)


Car Accident Settlement | Free Case Evaluation | Ben Crump Law? ›

Call Our Team at Ben Crump Law PLLC Today

What percentage do most personal injury lawyers take? ›

The specific percentage that lawyers take for personal injury cases varies but averages between 33% and 40% in most personal injury cases in California. For example, if a client receives a settlement of $100,000, the lawyer's fee, at 33%, would be $33,000. The remaining $67,000 goes to the client.

Is it worth suing for whiplash? ›

Seeking compensation through a claim for a whiplash injury can help cover medical expenses and compensate for lost wages and the emotional distress you suffered.

How long do most car accident settlements take? ›

The majority of car accident cases can be resolved within a few weeks to one or two months. The time required to complete any car accident case usually depends on the overall severity of the damages involved and whether the at-fault driver admits responsibility for the accident.

How long does it take to settle a car accident claim in California? ›

Each car accident insurance claim is unique, so there is no cut and dried timeframe for settlement. Settling a car accident case in California could take as little as two months or as long as many years.

What is the highest personal injury settlement? ›

Here are the Largest Personal Injury Awards & Settlements in US History
  1. $206 Billion Dollars for The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. ...
  2. $150 Billion For The Family of Robert Middleton. ...
  3. $20 Billion for the BP Oil Spill. ...
  4. $4.9 Billion For The Anderson Family From General Motors.
Jan 20, 2024

What is the success fee for a personal injury case? ›

Both a Success Fee and insurance premiums are legitimate deductions from successful compensation claims, however, most firms will seek to charge 25% of your damages, plus the insurance premium, plus possibly interest for loans to cover the expenses incurred for running your claim.

What is the average payout for whiplash? ›

Compensation for whiplash ranges from a minimum of £240 to a maximum payout of £4,345. Typically, the average compensation amount for whiplash is between £570 and £630. As part of the Civil Liabilities Act, compensation amounts for whiplash injuries are now based on how long your injury lasts.

What is a typical whiplash settlement? ›

The average whiplash payout in the UK is between £1,000 to £3,000 for milder injuries where there is some discomfort and headaches lasting from a few days to a few weeks. More severe whiplash injuries with longer-term symptoms can settle for up to almost £100,000 in the most serious cases.

What is the maximum payout for whiplash? ›

The amount of compensation you can claim for whiplash range from £240 up to £4,215, depending on the length of time you suffer from your injuries. You can claim directly or use a solicitor for whiplash claims valued less than £5,000. Compensation amounts for severe whiplash injuries can be significantly higher.

Why is my settlement check taking so long? ›

Factors such as the complexity of the case, negotiation processes, and administrative procedures can impact the timing of the settlement check. It's essential to note that while the general range is 3 to 6 weeks, the specific duration can be shorter or longer based on the unique details of your situation.

Why is my settlement taking long? ›

The settlement process may be quicker if the accident was minor and resulted in only minor injuries and property damage. However, if the accident was more serious, with significant injuries or fatalities, the process could take much longer, as more elements may be in dispute.

How long does it take to reach a settlement? ›

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

Why do lawyers take so long to settle a case? ›

One of the main reasons your lawyer may be taking their time is to make sure they have all the facts, witness statements, and medical records needed to demonstrate the full extent of your injuries and the impact they've had on your life.

What is the average personal injury settlement in California? ›

Average Personal Injury Settlements in California
Personal Injury ClaimAverage CA Settlement Amount
Slip and Fall InjuryApproximately: $10,000 – $60,000
Dog BiteApproximately: $79,900
Defective ProductApproximately: $500,000 – $1,000,000+
Medical MalpracticeApproximately: $200,000 – $400,000
7 more rows
Dec 8, 2023

How do car accident settlements work in California? ›

Your settlement may be lower or higher than the average amount based on the circ*mstances of your accidents. Your settlement is based on economic and non-economic damages you incurred as a result of the accident. Economic damages include your current and future medical bills, financial losses, and property damages.

What percentage do most lawyers take as a contingency fee? ›

That said, the most common lawyer contingency fee average ends up being 33%, or ⅓ of the total earnings of a case, but can go up to 40% (in some jurisdictions) as the complexity and risk involved in taking the case increases.

What are reasonable attorney fees in California? ›

Lawyers in California typically charge between $178 and $509 per hour, with the average being $344. For comparison, District of Columbia has the highest average hourly rate at $392 while West Virginia has the lowest average hourly rate at $162.

What's the most a lawyer can take from settlement in California? ›

Most personal injury lawyers in California take between 33 to 40 percent of each settlement or award they win, but can go as high as 50 percent depending on the complexity of the case. This reflects cases taken on a “contingency fee” basis.

What is the maximum contingency fee in California? ›

In California, you will usually not see a contingency fee over 40% for most law firms. * In such cases (frequently called “medical malpractice” cases), the portion of the recovery which may be charged for an attorney's contingency fee cannot exceed statutorily designated percentages.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.