Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (2024)

Rocket League is a super-fast-paced game where players can drive rocket-propelled cars as they attempt to shoot goals and prevent others from scoring. Players can customize these cars with special items such as bodies, wheels, cosmetics, and more.

Rocket League is a free-to-play game that features a futuristic version of high-stakes soccer. Players are able to zoom around the map in their tricked-out cars as they attack the ball on land and in the air using exciting maneuvers.

Some players, however, just want their cars to stand out more than anything. This can be done through fancy in-game items. One thing to remember here is that some of these items are very rare and exclusive.

Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (1)

Here are the rarest items players may come across in the game.

Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (2)

The top 5 rarest Rocket League items

5) Monstercat Wheels

Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (3)

The Monstercat Wheels are a very rare and interesting addition to this list. Players were able to obtain these wheels by pre-purchasing the Rocket League x Monstercat: Greatest Hits Vinyl. With this item, the wheels gained the ability to play special record-scratching sounds when the player moved around.

Players can no longer get this item for ordering the vinyl.

4) Grey Apex Wheels

Sometimes players can get lucky, and in order to get the Grey Apex Wheels, this is exactly what they need to be. This item is randomly offered to players who link their Rocket League account to their Twitch and then watch competitive Rocket League matches.

Simply cross your fingers and hope you get these wheels as a reward for watching competitive Rocket League.

3) Titanium White Dominus

Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (5)

The Titanium White Dominus may not be the best body for a car in Rocket League by any means, but its amazing appearance and color scheme definitely stands out.

While this item was previously craftable, it no longer is. Players who seek to obtain the Titanium White Dominus can find it in the market when it is available.

2) Titanium White Octane

Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (6)

Hands down, the player-favorite vehicle is Octane. This is due to how balanced the vehicle is, with almost no downsides. To top it off, the Titanium White version has a very sleek color scheme. Players could craft this item before, but since that is no longer the case, players who want to get their hands on this beautiful vehicle will need to find and trade for it in the marketplace.

1) White Hat Topper

Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (7)

The White Hat Topper is the rarest item in the entire game. This is because of how the player has to go about earning it. In order to get one of the White Hat Toppers, the player must report a game-breaking bug. This essentially includes any bug that can be detrimental to the game as a whole.

For their help, the player will be rewarded with this special White Hat Topper.

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh


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Top 5 rarest Rocket League items (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.