How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (2024)

How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (1)

Creating a daily daycare schedule is no small feat. As a daycare owner or child care director, your day-to-day can be hectic to say the least. Daily routines are the key to maintaining order in such a lively setting. This goes for your staff, your children, and even their families. Creating a daily schedule for infants and toddlers is a bit of an art, since so many factors must be taken into account. In this guide, we'll teach you how to create a daily daycare schedule that provides the perfect balance between structure and flexibility.

The Basics of a Daily Daycare Schedule

Building a daycare schedule that works for your program can be a challenge. You’ll need to factor in available resources, licensing requirements, developmental needs, and space constraints, just to name a few. While every child care provider has different rules and program offerings, there are some general guidelines to follow when building out a daycare schedule. Regardless of age group, your daily schedule must incorporate ways to meet all of the social, emotional, and physical needs of the children at your child care center, while also ensuring for the safety and well-being of both your children and your staff.

There are 4 key areas to consider as you work on crafting a schedule that works for your center.

1. Licensing Requirements

Do you know the daycare and child care licensing regulations in your area? These vary depending on your location and will provide you with a framework to start from. Are you required to provide 30 minutes of daily exercise for your 3-year-olds? What are the rules regarding staff ratios for each age group at your daycare? Do you need to document health checks for your infants every morning? Are there regulations on cleaning tasks during the day? Do your due diligence to ensure that you are building in both the required and the recommended components into your daycare schedule template.

2. Developmental Needs

Consider the fact that 85% of brain development happens in the first three years of life. More than 1 million neural connections are formed every second during these years. Not to mention the rapid physical development that occurs during this stage of childhood. The good news is that there are easy to follow recommended guidelines for meeting the daily needs of each age group, whether it’s hours of exercise per day or types of play activities. As such, all daycare daily schedules should be built to support the developmental milestones of each age group, with the purpose of preparing each child for the next developmental stage and classroom. Your schedule will contain blocks of time dedicated to supporting physical, social, and cognitive growth through structured routines and activities. It will also take into account necessary physical needs of each age group, such as naps, feedings/meals, and diapering/potty-training.

3. Facility Logistics

Depending on your daycare facility and available resources, daily scheduling can turn into a bit of a puzzle to piece together. Different age groups may need to use your outdoor facilities at staggered times. If you have a multi-purpose room for special events or guest activities, you’ll need to work this space’s availability into your daycare schedule template. If the toddlers and preschoolers share a wall between their rooms, you may want to schedule some quiet activities while the toddlers are having their morning nap. If you offer flexible options, such as part-time mornings or afternoon schedules, you may have programs that share a room, and so you’ll need to build transition time into your daily schedule.

4. Staff Logistics

Another building block of your daily daycare schedule will be staffing needs. Your child care staff will need regular breaks throughout their day. Will you be scheduling a floating staff member to provide these breaks throughout the day? Or will these be built into each classroom’s daily schedule, depending on activity block? Staff will also need time to perform all other duties that don’t involve direct supervision in their rooms, from prep time and cleaning, to record keeping and assessments. Another common practice is consolidating classrooms at the end of the day as children are picked up at different times. This helps to maintain ratios but still keep staffing costs down. Some daycare centers plan to pull a teacher in the afternoon as students leave to perform non-supervisory duties such as administrative or cleaning duties. For example, you may want to schedule outdoor time at the end of the day for both your toddlers and preschoolers, so that the groups can be combined as needed depending on ratios each day.

How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (2)

Daycare Schedules for Infants

The infant daycare schedule is typically designed to meet the needs of children between the ages of 6 weeks to 18 months (or when they begin confidently walking). Building in opportunities within your daily schedule to engage with these little ones face-to-face and on their level will help encourage their progress on all of their developmental milestones.

To inform your schedule, you’ll need an understanding of benchmark behaviors and abilities in this age group.

Infant Physical Development Milestones

  • By 4 months, they will be reaching for toys, holding up their heads unsupported, and starting to roll over.

  • By 9 months, they will be sitting without support, pulling themselves up to stand, and starting to crawl.

  • From 1 year to 18 months old, they’ll be working at standing/walking, and are starting to have more coordinated movements in activities such as banging objects together or drinking from a cup.

Infant Social/Emotional Development Milestones

  • By 4 months, they will be recognizing faces, returning smiles, and imitating facial expressions.

  • By 9 months, they will be playing “peek-a-boo,” showing preferences for favorite toys, and may exhibit the beginnings of separation anxiety.

  • From 1 year to 18 months old, they can be shy or show fear, cry when a parent leaves, respond to simple requests, and have their first temper tantrums.

Infant Language Development Milestones

  • By 4 months, they will be babbling and imitating sounds.

  • By 9 months, they will understand no and start copying sounds/gestures.

  • From 1 year to 18 months old, they will have a few words, repeat words/ try to say words, and wave goodbye.

Infant Schedule Guidelines

When they aren’t sleeping, eating, or having their diaper changed, these littlest ones need as much interaction as possible as they are learning about the world around them. They also need plenty of exercise! Even for the newborns, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends several minutes of tummy time a day from the time they come home from the hospital.

Daily schedules for infants should contain a lot of flexibility and variation, since you’ll likely have a range of need levels in this room. Infant programs typically have a higher staff to child ratio to handle all of the physical tasks that go along with caring for a group of babies. You may also face some stringent licensing guidelines around documentation of naps, feedings, or diapering, so these activities may need more thorough planning out than is provided in our sample below.

Many centers opt to not post daily schedules for infants, given how varied the needs are and how rapidly they are changing. However, it is still best practice to have a guideline to work from to ensure these little ones are getting the support and interaction they need to grow and learn.

Sample Infant Daily Schedule

8am - 9am

Drop-off + Bottles/Breakfast

9am - 9:30am


9:30am - 10:00am

Circle Time (books + songs + puppets/finger plays)

10:00am - 10:15am

Bottles/Morning Snack

10:15am - 10:30am

Diapers/Clean up

10:30am - 11:30am


11:30am - 12pm


12pm - 12:30pm

Story Time (books + songs)

12:30pm - 1:30pm

Outside Play/Gross Motor

1:30pm - 2:30pm


2:30pm - 3pm


3pm - 4pm

Sensory or Art Activity

4pm - 5pm

Individual Play Time

How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (3)

Daycare Schedule for Toddlers

The toddler daycare schedule is generally designed to meet the needs of children from 18 months to 3 years old. This group is newly mobile and trying very hard to communicate verbally. Building in plenty of time to work on language and gross motor skills will be the basis of the toddler daily schedule as you help progress on all of their developmental milestones.

Toddler Physical Development Milestones

  • By 2 years old, they will be walking confidently, throwing a ball, and holding a crayon.

  • By 3 years old, they will be running, jumping, pedaling a tricycle, and climbing stairs and playground structures.

Toddler Social/Emotional Developmental Milestones

  • By 2 years old, they will be experimenting with defiance and independence, copying others, and engaging in simple cooperative play.

  • By 3 years old, they will be showing affection and concern for friends, taking turns in games, and engaging in joint activities with a common goal.

Toddler Language Developmental Milestones

  • By 2 years old, they will have a simple vocabulary of names, everyday objects, and body parts, speak in 2-4 word sentences, and can follow simple instructions.

  • At 3 years old, they can follow multi-step instructions, are starting to carry on conversations, and can be understood by most adults.

Toddler Schedule Guidelines

Once your kiddos are mobile toddlers, the daycare daily schedule will change some, with the biggest difference most likely being the absence of the morning nap. Daily schedules for toddlers will contain ample amount of outdoor/gross motor time to foster the important physical development that is happening at this age. The AAP recommends 60 minutes of active play per day for toddlers, with at least half of that being led by adults.

Toddlers need plenty of group play time to explore the beginnings of cooperative play. Your schedule should encourage interactions during activities or at play centers in the classroom. The younger ones will benefit from observing the older toddlers as they begin to play and interact with each other. Imitation is the name of the game as they start to build a real understanding of how to work with others around them.

Sample Toddler Daily Schedule

8am - 9am

Drop-off + Breakfast

9am - 9:30am

Independent Play/Play Centers

9:30am - 10:15am

Circle Time (morning routine + songs)

10:15am - 10:30am

Morning Snack

10:30am - 11:30am

Outside Play + Physical Activity

11:30am - 12pm


12pm - 1:00pm

Sensory or Art Activity

1:00pm - 1:30pm

Story Time (books + songs)

1:30pm - 2:30pm


2:30pm - 3pm

Afternoon Snack

3pm - 4pm

Group Play (puzzles + games + center activities)

4pm - 4:30pm

Closing Circle

4:30pm - 5pm

Choice Time/Outside Play

How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (4)

Daily Schedule for Preschoolers

The preschool daily schedule will meet the needs of the oldest children at your center, typically 3- to 5-year-olds. The shift for this age group will be to focus more on fine motor and language/cognition abilities and other kindergarten readiness skills. Building in more structured activities with an increasing academic focus will encourage progress on this group’s developmental milestones.

Preschooler Physical Development Milestones

  • By 4 years old, they can hop, catch/throw a ball, walk backward, use scissors, copy shapes, and can dress themselves.

  • By 5 years old, they can skip, do a somersault, use the swings, and draw shapes and people.

Preschooler Social/Emotional Development Milestones

  • By 4 years old, they are engaging in imaginative play, can cooperate with others, and have interests/likes/opinions.

  • By 5 years old, they can tell what’s real and make believe, are exhibiting more independence, and want to please their friends and be like their friends.

Preschooler Language Development Milestones

  • By 4 years old, they will be following some basic grammar rules (using he/she and over/under appropriately), telling simple stories, singing songs such as “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “The Wheels on the Bus,” and starting to copy capital letters.

  • By 5 years old, they will be speaking very clearly, using future/past tense and more sophisticated grammar, telling stories with full sentences, and can write letters and numbers.

Preschooler Schedule Guidelines

This is the age that the afternoon nap is starting to drop off, so naptime can also turn into quiet reading time for those who aren’t able to fall asleep. The other big shift will be turning towards more cognitive and literacy skills in preparation for kindergarten. Your daily preschool schedule should include more table and task-centered activity blocks to ensure they leave your center fully equipped to handle the transition to school.

This age group still learns a lot through imaginative and fantasy play, as they build a stronger sense of self and cooperative relationships with each other. They also need even more physical activity, up to 2 hours daily, according to the AAP. This group will work on improving balance and coordination in both fine and gross motor activities.

Sample Preschooler Daily Schedule

8am - 9am

Drop-off + Breakfast

9am - 9:30am

Fine Motor Work

9:30am - 10:00am

Circle Time (morning routine + songs)

10:00am - 10:15am

Morning Snack

10:15am - 10:45am

Outside Play + Physical Activity

10:45am - 11:30pm

Table Work (Literacy/Math)

11:30am - 12:00pm


12:00pm - 1:00pm

Art or Sensory/Fine Motor Activity

1:00pm - 1:30pm

Story Time

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Naptime/Quiet Time

2:30pm - 3pm

Afternoon Snack

3pm - 4pm

Group Play (puzzles + games +center activities)

4pm - 4:30pm

Closing Circle

4:30pm - 5pm

Choice Time

Whatever your variation on these schedules is, it’s important to post your daily schedule in the classroom and share with your families to keep everyone in the loop. Following your daycare schedule framework will ensure that each age group’s developmental needs are met, which will help build a strong relationship with your families. It will also instill trust within your classrooms, as children will know what to expect each day. Stick to your daycare routine as much as possible, but also allow for flexibility as special events or opportunities arise.

Further Reading
  • Average Daycare Director Salary Statistics
  • The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Daycare Center
  • Daycare Supplies: Everything You Need to Start a Daycare
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How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (5)

How to Create the Perfect Daycare Schedule (2024)


How do I set up a childcare routine? ›

Keep routines consistent.

Doing the same things in the same order helps children know what to expect in child care. For example, toddlers may know that when the teacher says it's lunchtime, they need to put away their toys, go wash their hands, sit down at their place at the table, and wait for the teacher to sit down.

How many days of daycare is best? ›

Based on these findings it is clear that children enrolled in care for at least two to three days per week experience greater long term benefits, including an easier transition to school and increased social growth.

What age is the best time for daycare? ›

Many experts feel that 12 months old is an optimal time to transition an infant to daycare. It's commonly held that separation anxiety peaks at 9 months by many childhood care experts. But what they don't take into consideration is that each child is unique in both temperament and their relation to their environment.

What should a toddler's schedule be like? ›

Sample schedule
  • 8 to 9 a.m.: Eat breakfast and clean up. ...
  • 9 to 10 a.m.: Playtime. ...
  • 10 to 11 a.m.: Outdoor time, exercise, etc. ...
  • 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Planned activity or errands. ...
  • 12 to 1 p.m.: Lunch and wind down. ...
  • 1 to 3 p.m.: Nap or quiet time. ...
  • 3 to 3:30 p.m.: Afternoon snack. ...
  • 5 to 6 p.m.: Family dinner and cleanup.
24 Sept 2021

Why a schedule is important in childcare? ›

Schedules and routines are important because:

They help children feel secure and comfortable. They help children understand the expectations of the environment. They help reduce the frequency of behavior problems (e.g., tantrums). They can result in higher rates of child engagement.

How long is too long in daycare? ›

Around 20 to 25 hours of care is usually appropriate for toddlers between the ages of one to three years old. If your family needs more than 25 hours of care each week, consider cutting back on work hours to allow you more time with your child. However, this is easier said than done for most families.

Is it better to do consecutive days at daycare? ›

Having multiple days per week, especially consecutive days, at daycare will help the child feel more comfortable there and form a better connection with teachers and peers.

Do babies in daycare develop faster? ›

The effects of daycare on infants, toddlers, and children have been well-researched and continue to present similar findings over many years and countries. Studies show a positive connection between quality child development daycare programs and improved social, emotional, and cognitive growth.

How long is nap time at Kindercare? ›

Some only sleep for 30 minutes, and some may sleep for two hours. Just as each baby is different, each baby also has their own sleep temperament. Some babies are good at soothing themselves and sleeping longer, while others need a little bit more help getting to sleep and might sleep a little less.

What's a good schedule for a 3 year old? ›

Breakdown of Daily Routine for a 3-Year-Old Child
  • 7 AM – Wake Up and Breakfast. ...
  • 8 AM – Morning Activity. ...
  • 10 AM – Daily Outing or Indoor Activities. ...
  • 12 PM – Lunch. ...
  • 1 PM – Nap Time or Quiet Time. ...
  • 3 PM – Outdoor Play. ...
  • 5 PM – Dinner. ...
  • 6 PM – Bath and Bedtime Routine.
9 Jul 2021

How long does it take toddler to adjust to daycare? ›

It can take anywhere from one day to four weeks, depending on their temperament, for a child to adjust to daycare, says Wittenberg. Until then, you might see a few tears upon pickup.

How much does daycare cost per month? ›

What is the average cost of childcare? According to nonprofit organization Child Care Aware, the average monthly cost of full-time daycare in the U.S. in 2020 was around $850. On average, families who hire a private full-time nanny spend around $2,450 per month, according to a 2021 survey conducted by

Does daycare affect attachment? ›

Results revealed that after the age of 6 months as care hours increased from 40 to 60 hours per week, risk of disorganized attachment increased; and after 60 hours per week it increased exponentially. These results emerged with statistical controls for quality of care, family income and infant temperament.

How do you structure a 2 year old's day? ›

A daily routine for a 2 year old is a great way to manage your day.
Example 8:
  1. 7am: Wake up and eat breakfast.
  2. 9am: Snack.
  3. 11:45am: Lunch.
  4. 1:30pm: Nap.
  5. 6:30pm: Dinner.
  6. 7:30pm: Watch television.
  7. 8pm: Read books.
  8. 8:30pm: Bedtime.
12 Oct 2020

What's the earliest a toddler can go to bed? ›

While some toddlers are able to switch into a bed around 18 months, others might not transition until they're 30 months (2 1/2 years) old or even 3 to 3 1/2. Any time between these age ranges is considered normal.

What time should 2 year olds go to bed? ›

Toddler bedtime routine

A positive bedtime routine helps toddlers feel ready for sleep and settle more easily when they wake at night. Most toddlers are ready for bed between 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm. This is a good time, because they sleep deepest between 8 pm and midnight.

What is the difference between a schedule and a routine? ›

What is the difference between a schedule & a routine and which one is right for you? A schedule is a plan of actions that are tied to a particular time, where a routine is a sequence of events that occur in a certain order, but are not tied to a time.

Why should the schedule be flexible in a childcare setting? ›

When children are especially engrossed in their play, or a daily activity demands a few additional minutes, it is beneficial to adjust the schedule to accomodate the activity. Problems can result when children are regularly asked to stop engrossing work to engage in something less meaningful.

Why are routines important in early childhood? ›

Routines help babies and toddlers learn self-control.

Whether it is time to play, time for a snack, a nap, or a loved one to return, knowing what will happen next gives babies and toddlers security and emotional stability. It helps them learn to trust that caring adults will provide what they need.

How do you ensure that your routines are sufficiently flexible to cater for the individual needs of children? ›

Tips for Creating Developmentally Appropriate Daily Schedules
  1. Provide Consistency. ...
  2. Include Experiences That Meet Individual Needs. ...
  3. Provide Opportunities and Interactions to Foster Physical, Social, and Emotional Growth. ...
  4. Allow Long Amounts of Time for Free Play. ...
  5. Provide Time and Support for Transitions.

Can you give an example of goal directed behaviors you may see in a child? ›

Sit them down and ask them if they like the sound of the end result – be it a nice grade, school award or gold star on their report. By all means give your kids some pocket money if they mow the lawns or clean the windows. That's accepted goal-directed behaviour for such tasks.

Why setting a schedule is important? ›

Creating and maintaining a schedule provides a sense of routine, and in some cases, something to look forward to. We understand as well as anyone that things come up and life happens, but establishing a sort of regularity will ease some day-to-day stresses.

What do preschool teachers do on a daily basis? ›

Their main duties include teaching children about basic fundamentals, like numbers, color and shapes, helping children build their social skills and keeping the classroom clean and safe for all of the students and Teachers.

What is the difference between routine and schedule? ›

What is the difference between a schedule & a routine and which one is right for you? A schedule is a plan of actions that are tied to a particular time, where a routine is a sequence of events that occur in a certain order, but are not tied to a time.

What are caregiving routines name six of them? ›

Caregiving routines: Arrival, feeding or eating, diapering or toileting, sleeping, departure, etc.

How can educators create an effective play environment for children in your care? ›

These include:
  1. Spaces to enable quality interactions with educators and children.
  2. Areas for exploration and investigation.
  3. Group spaces and areas for children to explore creativity.
  4. Spaces for relaxation.
  5. Zones for rough and tumble play.
  6. Welcoming spaces for families.
  7. Opportunity for risk-taking and challenge.
17 Feb 2020

What are some important factors to consider when creating routines and rules in your classroom? ›

1) Define behavioral expectations for each routine so that they are developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, positively stated, specific, and observable. 2) Explicitly teach and review the routines. 3) Practice the routines.

How do you encourage a child to think beyond the here and now in pretend play? ›

Encourage Pretend Play – The "Hanen" Way!
  1. Be face-to-face (on the floor, across from each other at a table, etc). ...
  2. Observe your child's interests. ...
  3. Don't put out too many toys at once. ...
  4. If your child doesn't know how to pretend yet - you might need to start off the play. ...
  5. Imitate your child's pretend actions.

What are goal-directed activities? ›

Purposeful goal-directed activity means an activity in which the individual is an active, voluntary participant and is directed toward a goal that the individual considers meaningful.

How do you develop goal-directed behaviors? ›

6 Goal-Directed Resiliency Strategies
  1. Pushing Past Fears. There's an old saying that talks about how it's okay to be scared but to not let it stop us. ...
  2. Goals and Behavior. ...
  3. Journal to Realign. ...
  4. Change Your Mindset. ...
  5. Positively Challenge Yourself. ...
  6. Engage in Self-Care.
4 days ago

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.