Establishing Predictable Routines in a Child Care Setting – eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care (2024)

Establishing Predictable Routines in a Child Care Setting – eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care (1)Consistent, predictable routines help young children understand the child care environment and feel secure. A regular routine enables children to reduce anxiety by knowing what is coming next. A well-planned routine will also help encourage children’s positive behavior by meeting their basic needs for eating, sleeping, active and quiet play, time alone, and time with other children.

Here are a few basic guidelines for setting up a consistent routine in your child care program:

  • Plan based on children’s ages. Children of different ages need different types of schedules and routines. Infants respond best to individualized care, where they eat and sleep on their own biological schedules. Trying to get all infants to nap or eat at the same time is frustrating, both to the infant and the child care provider.
  • Establish consistent times for eating and napping once children reach the toddler age. Children’s small stomachs and high energy levels need nutritious snacks and meals frequently. All children need to rest, even if they don’t sleep. Children whose basic needs are met will be less cranky and whiny.
  • Balance active times with quiet times. Children are full of energy and don’t know how to slow down and rest. Planning your daily schedule so there are active play times and quiet play and rest will help children learn how to pace themselves.
  • Balance group time with time to be alone. Children two years old and older need time to come together as a group, time to play with one or two friends, and some alone time. This teaches them the importance of community, the value of friendships, and respect for individual needs. Create a schedule that balances whole-group activities, small-group interaction, and child-directed free play.
  • Keep routines consistent. Doing the same things in the same order helps children know what to expect in child care. For example, toddlers may know that when the teacher says it’s lunchtime, they need to put away their toys, go wash their hands, sit down at their place at the table, and wait for the teacher to sit down. Most children who have been in child care for a while remember the basic routines and are less stressed when the routine is consistent.

For More Information

Remember that children of different ages need different types of schedules and routines. For more information on establishing predictable routines, check out the following eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care articles:

Establishing Predictable Routines in a Child Care Setting – eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care (2024)


Establishing Predictable Routines in a Child Care Setting – eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care? ›

Keep routines consistent.

How do you establish routines in childcare? ›

Move only small groups of children at a time to complete a routine. Make routine times fun. Sing a song that incorporates the steps of the routine or play a game that fits in with the activity; for example, 'This is the way we wash our hands' when going to the bathroom or 'Five currant buns' when going to morning tea.

How can you encourage children to predict routines? ›

You can say something like, "Plans change, things happen, but give your child a warning ahead of time if things are going to be different. Let them know what is going to happen." Encourage parents to offer a choice in activities or the steps of a routine whenever possible.

How you could use daily routines to support children to extend their learning? ›

Participating in routines support children to learn and grow. Everyday actions such as dressing, washing hands and getting ready for the day are rich opportunities to support your child's learning and development. Routines build self-confidence, curiosity, social skills, self-control, communication skills and more.

How would you ensure the routine at your child care centre is predictable and enjoyable for the babies and toddlers? ›

Design an Effective Schedule
  1. Provide at least 60 minutes of free-choice time each day. ...
  2. Provide at least 60 minutes of outdoor time each day. ...
  3. Keep large- and small-group times short. ...
  4. Keep children engaged during transitions. ...
  5. Provide warnings before transitions.

Why is it important to establish routines for children? ›

Routines are an important opportunity for learning.

But these everyday actions are rich opportunities to support your child's learning and development, while having fun. Routines offer the chance to build self-confidence, curiosity, social skills, self-control, communication skills, and more.

How do you establish effective classroom routines and procedures? ›

  1. Use hand signals. Hand signals work for all grade levels and can help minimize distractions from your active teaching and discussion. ...
  2. Set a routine for lining up. ...
  3. Set a timer for transitions. ...
  4. Provide bell ringers. ...
  5. Share your calendar. ...
  6. Be clear about technology rules. ...
  7. Have a system for pencils. ...
  8. Lock down your bathroom policy.

What are predictable routines? ›

A routine is a predictable activity or regular program that typically occurs at a specific time of day and/or in a specific order. Routines are regular procedures and/or a sequence of actions regularly followed.

How can routines benefit children and care providers? ›

Daily routines provide opportunities for children to learn more about themselves, the world and other people. Daily routines also offer children a sense of stability, and a feeling of warmth and caring from their teachers.

What predictable and responsive routines promote? ›

Responsive, consistent routines and schedules help strengthen relationships between infants, toddlers, and their caregivers. This provides security and a sense of control by letting infants and toddlers know what is coming next, which allows them to relax and explore their environment.

How do I ensure children are actively involved in activities and routines? ›

Ways to do this include:
  1. being active yourself – your child will notice and be more likely to follow your lead.
  2. giving your child praise and encouragement for participating in physical activity.
  3. making time to have fun playing actively with your child – it's great to find something you both enjoy doing.

How do routines help to build an encouraging learning environment? ›

Routines establish a sense of predictability in the classroom that supports students' learning. By knowing what to expect, they're better able to engage in curricula without being thrown off by unexpected activities or scheduling shifts.

What are 5 daily routines that can help children develop their physical skills? ›

Activities to boost physical development in preschoolers
  • Take family walks. ...
  • Encourage sandbox time. ...
  • Water play in the backyard. ...
  • Make an obstacle course in your living room or backyard, consisting of cushions, cardboard boxes, toys, or other found objects that your child can run around and climb over.
  • Play pretend games.

What is a routine in childcare? ›

Daily routines provide a consistent pattern of activities for learning time, meals, rest, and outdoor play. The predictability of the routine helps children to feel secure and positively influences their emotional, cognitive, and social development.

Why is it important to use safe and predictable routines in aged care? ›

Feeling Safe and Secure

Often, senior adults don't like to be surprised by things that throw off their schedule. A daily routine lets them feel in control of their day. If the day makes sense for them, everything feels more stable. This is especially true if there are issues such as dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.

What are the five ways we can create a predictable and nurturing environment for preschoolers? ›

8 Tips to Create an Environment for Early Childhood Development
  • Tip#1 Provide Enough Stimulation. ...
  • Tip#2 Respond to Their Communication Efforts. ...
  • Tip#3 Give Them Opportunities for Physical Development. ...
  • Tip#4 Create Functional Spaces for Different Activities. ...
  • Tip#5 Connect with Them and Provide Them Emotional Support.
Feb 10, 2023

Why should teachers establish routines and procedures in the classroom? ›

Routines allow students to quickly accomplish day-to-day tasks that are required of both the teacher and students. Routines also help to create smoother transitions between activities and therefore allow fewer opportunities for disruptions to occur (Burden, 2003; Docking, 2002).

How do I establish practices and routines rules procedures in my classroom to facilitate learning in a diverse classroom of students? ›

Explicitly go over your classroom routines with students on the first day of school. Review and practice them frequently. Expect students to automatically know your classroom routines. Post written or visual cues for routines in your classroom so students can refer to them each day.

How do you use routines and activities to communicate with the children? ›

Think about how your child could take a turn in the routine (e.g. body movement, eye contact, smile, sound, sign, picture, word, phrases etc) Think about how your child could ask for more/ again in the routine. Repeat routines often to help your child learn the routine and to take a turn.

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