The Importance of Establishing a Routine or Schedule (2024)

Creating and maintaining a schedule provides a sense of routine, and in some cases, something to look forward to. We understand as well as anyone that things come up and life happens, but establishing a sort of regularity will ease some day-to-day stresses. Below are just a few of the areas of life that show the importance of establishing a routine or schedule.

Hygiene & Health

The Importance of Establishing a Routine or Schedule (1)Developing a routine for personal care is important because it can ensure that personal hygiene, completing any necessary physical therapy or exercise routines and receiving the needed medication and health treatments are being taken care of. Also, taking care of oneself feels good! Building a program of self care tasks will keep you thinking positive.

Changes in health and physical abilities can happen slowly. Having a regular schedule for exercise, bathing, and chores such laundry and taking out the trash will help you know when these changes happen and when to recognize support or help is needed. A change might be as simple as a tight muscle, or could be as serious as noticing an irregular bruise or bump; having a routine gives seniors the ability to address concerns as they arise. Practicing good hygiene not only helps individuals feel better about themselves, but also gives family members and loved ones peace of mind that they are maintaining every day, healthy habits.

Medication management is a source of concern for many, and can be particularly stressful for older adults. Find out if your loved one needs support with their medications – and if so, put systems in place to help. These could be as easy as a morning and afternoon phone call, or as detailed as hiring professionals to assist. Taking medications when and how they are prescribed is a very important part of an individual’s health and success, and establishing a routine for when they are taken or administered can ease the burden or worry that prescriptions can sometimes cause.


Older adults who struggle with or suffer from memory loss often experience confusion or disorientation. Creating a schedule can help them feel more comfortable in their environment. Although creating a routine may not necessarily restore their memory, it can help them manage successfully with day-to-day life.

When tasks are done repetitively and regularly, they are easier to remember. Simply doing certain activities at the same time every day or every week supports independence, especially if they can be easily recalled. Specific routines like brushing teeth before breakfast, watering plants after lunch, taking a walk in the afternoon or eating dinner at 5:30 each evening makes the day enjoyable and easy to follow, as well as helps create stability.

The Importance of Establishing a Routine or Schedule (2)Personal & Social Life

Whether it’s visiting your parent or loved one in person, chatting with them on the phone, or talking though a computer video call, keeping in regular touch is an essential part of an older adults life. They love hearing from family, friends, and grand kids!

Sit down with those who would like to visit regularly and come up with a realistic schedule. After you have an initial schedule in place, discuss it so they know what to expect. A large calendar that has visits and events written on it can be very helpful.

A healthy lifestyle is all about finding a balance. Routines provide a reassuring structure to daily life at a time when older adults may begin to feel the frustrations and confusions of their age. A daily routine also offers the stability for individuals to relax and enjoy what their days bring and settle into a healthy, affirming, and encouraging senior lifestyle.

The Importance of Establishing a Routine or Schedule (3)

The Importance of Establishing a Routine or Schedule (2024)


The Importance of Establishing a Routine or Schedule? ›

Routines help us to create positive daily habits that promote self-care. We can organize our time around things that we deem important to maintain happiness and feelings of fulfillment.

Why is routine and schedule important? ›

Familiar activities can provide comfort for both adults and children during challenging and uncertain times. Just like adults, children feel more confident and secure when their daily activities are predictable and familiar.

What is one benefit of establishing a routine? ›

An effective routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, more time to relax and less anxiety. Sleep better: Routines like your sleep schedule and bedtime habits affect your mental sharpness, emotional well-being and energy.

Why is it important to use safe and predictable routines? ›

Routines offer powerful opportunities for connection, engagement and development. They also support children to learn new skills in safe and familiar settings. While often mischaracterised as “mundane”, the recurring nature of routines builds a child's self-confidence.

Why is it important to understand individuals routine? ›

Establishing healthy habits: By understanding a person's routine, you can identify areas where they may need to improve their habits to support their physical health. For example, if someone is not getting enough sleep or exercise, understanding their routine can help identify opportunities to improve these habits.

What is the value of routine? ›

Even if you don't typically thrive on a strict schedule, having a routine can be helpful in times of unpredictability, uncertainty, and stress. Implementing a structure to your day can give you a sense of control. It can also improve your focus, organization, and productivity.

What is the power of routine? ›

Routines help to give you stability and this is a comforting feeling during times of uncertainty. Routines also help you overcome mental barriers that might usually prevent you from doing something.

What happens when you don't have a routine? ›

Exhausting. Every day you wake up frantic, usually later than you planned after hitting the snooze button too many times. That you overslept doesn't mean you're rested. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

Is routine important for success? ›

By defining and creating a good routine, we can create a specific workflow and stick to it, ensuring we are productive and successful. Routines can also help us prioritize tasks and avoid distractions, allowing us to stay focused and reach our goals. Routines make life easier.

What's an essential part of your daily routine? ›

Examples of Daily Routine

Waking up at a specific hour and going to sleep at a reasonable time. Drinking a glass of water after waking up. Making your bed first thing in the morning. Planning your work the day before or right before you begin the work day.

What is the difference between a schedule and a routine? ›

A schedule is a plan of actions that are tied to a particular time, where a routine is a sequence of events that occur in a certain order, but are not tied to a time. Schedules are helpful when you have a deadline and need to complete your tasks by a specific date or time.

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine? ›

A proper daily routine will help you arrange your activities most sensibly. Without a daily routine, people usually do things spontaneously, which could waste their time and reduce their work efficiency.

Do humans need routine? ›

However, the importance of routine is not unique to children. Observational research indicates that individuals in good health engage in highly routine health behaviors. For example, those successful at maintaining weight loss often eat the same foods, engage in consistent exercise, and do not skip meals.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of routine? ›

It helps in creating habits that keep one focused and on track, And helps to keep one productive, with nothing held back. But too much routine can make life seem dull and uninspiring, With no room for exploration or new experiences to be acquiring.

Why is it important to change your daily routine? ›

It's important to disrupt your schedule if you feel stagnant in your daily routine. Making small changes to your routine can help you feel more engaged and energized. It can also help you discover new interests, hobbies and experiences. Even simple changes to your routine can create a happier, more fulfilling life.

Why is routine and schedule important in Montessori? ›

-Ally Altuna, Director of Bell Canyon Montessori

Even in uncertain times that we might face, with an established routine children will feel empowered to be independent and responsible as they will not be questioning what comes next. This gives them the ability to focus on learning and growing in their own unique ways!

Is important to have a daily routine? ›

They also help us be more productive and get things done faster without having to worry about what needs to be done next. And probably the most important benefit of all: a daily routine can help with mental health by making sure that you're doing something productive every day.

Why is scheduling important for students? ›

A well-planned schedule helps students manage their time effectively and prioritize their assignments. Additionally a good schedule helps teachers more effectively support students through the learning process.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.