Tip Calculator (2024)

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Calculate a tip or gratuity and add it to your check or bill. Enter the check amount and percent tip you want to leave. If you are splitting the check at a restaurant or bar input how many people and see the total amount each person pays.

How to Calculate Tip

It is customary to leave a tip or gratuity for waitstaff and bartenders to recognize the quality of service a customer receives. People generally tip 15-20% of the bill.

To calculate tip multiply the total check by 1 plus the decimal percentage tip you'd like to leave. If you wanted to leave a 20% tip, you would add 1 to 0.20 to get 1.20. Multiply the bill by 1.20 to get the total amount you'd leave including tip.

  1. Decide on tip percentage
  2. Add the decimal form of tip percentage to 1 to get your rate
  3. Multiply the bill by your rate

Alternatively you can calculate the percentage tip and then add it to the bill. You will get the same end result as using the tip calculation method above.

  1. Decide on tip percentage
  2. Multiply the bill by tip percentage as a decimal. This is the amount of tip you're leaving.
  3. Add this amount to the bill

Increasingly, restaurants and other establishments include gratuity in the bill for larger parties. You can use the Tip Calculator to double-check the accuracy of those tip charges, or to leave a different gratuity amount if permitted.

How to Calculate Tip on Your Phone's Calculator

Calculating gratuity or tip on a calculator is a simple multiplication. Since the tip is figured as the bill times a percentage you can do one calculation to find the total amount you'll leave including tip. Use the rate 1 + tip percentage as a decimal and multiply that by your check amount.

If you want to leave 18% for your server, multiply your bill amount by 1.18. The result is the total amount you'll pay.

If you need to know exactly how much your gratuity is, multiply the bill amount by 0.18. This is your tip amount. Add this to the bill to get the total amount you'll pay.

Example Tip Calculation

Say you and a friend had dinner and the check came to $26.50. You had good service and want to leave an 18% gratuity. Put the percentage in decimal form as 0.18 then multiply the check amount by this number.

26.50 * 0.18 = 4.77. So your tip is $4.77.

An easy way to get the total amount of the dinner plus tip is to multiply the total check by 1.18.
26.50 * 1.18 = 31.27

How to Calculate Tip in Your Head

You can get a good approximation of tip amount by doing it in your head.

Find 10% of your bill by moving the decimal one place to the left. If 26.50 is 100% then 2.65 is 10%. Since 20% is 2 times 10%, 20% of the bill is 2.65 + 2.65 = 5.30.

Now you know the tip you could leave ranging from poor to good, 10% to 20% is $2.65 to $5.30. To find 15% which is halfway in between take the 10% and add half of that which would be another 5%. 2.65 plus about 1.30 is 3.95.

Now you have

10% is 2.65 - by moving decimal 1 place to the left
15% is 3.95 - 10% + half of 10%
20% is 5.30 - 10% * 2

This is plenty of information to make a good guess at the tip amount you should leave. If you decide on about 18%, 4.50 to 5.00 would be a safe guess.

When leaving a tip for a service you might want to tip an amount that is not calculated based on the amount of the bill or expense. In this case you would want to come up with a gratuity amount that you're comfortable with, one that would demonstrate your gratitude for the service you have received by the service provider.

Cite this content, page or calculator as:

Furey, Edward "Tip Calculator" at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/financial/tip-calculator.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: March 28, 2024

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Tip Calculator (2024)


Is a 20% tip a good tip? ›

Even if the service is poor, it's recommended you leave at least 10 percent. * Check your tab carefully because some places add a gratuity to the bill. You may or may not want to supplement that. For the wait staff at sit-down restaurants, the tip should be 15 percent to 20 percent of the pretax bill.

Is 15% a good tip? ›

The appropriate amount to tip servers depends on your service. 15% is appropriate for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. You should feel free to tip above 20% if you received excellent service. If you received poor service, it is better to talk to the manager than skip on the tip.

How do I calculate my tip? ›

If your total bill is $200 and you want to tip 15%, work out the tip by multiplying the total bill by 0.15. You can then add this amount to your bill when it comes to pay. Simple. Or alternatively, you can multiply the bill excluding service by 1.15 (assuming you want to leave that same 15% tip).

What is a 20% tip on $75? ›

10% of $75 is $7.5. Multiplied by 2 (to get 20%) equals $15. 20% of $75 is $15. Total amount of the $75 bill with a 20% tip is ($75+$15) $90 total.

How much should I tip for a $50 meal? ›

Yes, a 10 dollar tip for a 50 dollar order is generally considered a pretty good tip. This amounts to a 20% tip, which is commonly regarded as a standard tip for good service at a restaurant or for a delivery order.

How much should I tip for a $40 meal? ›

People generally tip 15-20% of the bill. To calculate tip multiply the total check by 1 plus the decimal percentage tip you'd like to leave. If you wanted to leave a 20% tip, you would add 1 to 0.20 to get 1.20. Multiply the bill by 1.20 to get the total amount you'd leave including tip.

Is it OK to tip 10 percent? ›

As far as tipping, most experts say it's OK to tip below 15%. But try to give at least some grace (and gratuity).

What percent of Americans don't tip? ›

A majority of Americans say they would tip 15% or less for an average meal at a sit-down restaurant. Nearly six-in-ten (57%) say this, including 2% who say they wouldn't leave any tip. Only a quarter of people say they'd tip 20% or more. For most people, tipping is first and foremost about service.

How much do you tip on a $100 bill? ›

A Simple Trick to Calculate the Tip

This will be a 20% tip amount. For example, on a $100 bill, double the bill in your head – the result is $200. Then move the decimal point one place to the left, which is $20.00. Thus, the tip amount in this example is $20.

How much do you tip for a $30 meal? ›

In the U.S., a tip of 15% of the before tax meal price is typically expected.

How much do you tip on $500? ›

The thought of tipping more than a little bit of loose change is completely alien to me. However, in the US, where waiters and waitresses are criminally undervalued for the service they provide and do not recieve a living wage, you should tip around 20%, which for a $500 meal would equate to $100.

What is a good tip for a $300 bill? ›

If the meal involves a large party or is at very high-end (i.e. Michelin-starred) restaurant, then I'd suggest bumping it up. My personal baseline percentage for tipping in a restaurant whether it is a waiter or a waitress is usually 20% of the bill. For example if my bill was $300 I would tip $60.

What is 15% tip on $100? ›

For example, if your bill is $100 and you want to leave a 15% tip, the calculation would be $100 x 0.15, resulting in a $15 tip.

How much tip do I leave for $60? ›

In the US and some other countries, they expect people to tip so, if you don't tip, and you go back, you get terrible service. But for a $60 massage, the person giving you the massage is likely to be getting $30 to provide that massage. A good tipping rule in the US at the moment is 20%, so around $15.

What is a $35 tip? ›

20% of 35 dollars is 7 dollars.

What would a 20% tip be? ›

Suppose you paid $90 for a meal, and you want to tip your server 20%. This means you'd leave an $18 tip.

How much would a 20% tip be? ›

Enter the total bill amount. Multiply this amount by 0.20 (since 20% is the same as 0.20 in decimal form). The result will be the amount of the 20% tip. For example, for a $50 bill, a 20% tip would be $50 x 0.20 = $10.

Is a 25% tip OK? ›

All agreed that "20 percent is still greatly appreciated by servers and bartenders," but interestingly, people in the industry typically tip 25–30 percent when dining out, regardless of the level of service.

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