The Evolution of Technology Timeline History & Future (2025)

The Evolution of Technology Timeline History & Future (1)

The term evolution of technology means how technology has evolved with the timeline from the early human tool prior to the latest modern technology.

Since the “big bang” event which took place over 13.4 billion years ago from later on our universe has gone through constant evolution and significant changes.

Following the radical physical, chemical, and biological evolution and now finally we are experiencing technological evolution.

Technology has helped us to conquer modern civilization where we all stand today. Technology always evolves and becomes more advanced, sometimes it is ahead of our time.

Men have come up with revolutionary ideas and innovations over centuries together with creative ways to utilize those ideas into reality which is later known as technology.

All technologies are born to serve purposes, like the man who crafted and designed the earliest human tools (could be an arrow, hammer, or knife) made the tools purposely to meet his demand like hunting and survival.

For a brief understanding, I have breakdown the list of the evolution of technology timeline history from starting to now on and to give a little summary of every period of time.

Table of Content: The Evolution of Technology Article

  • History of Evolution Technology Timeline
  • What is the Evolution Technology?
  • Evolution of Technology Timeline from Paleolithic Period to Artificial Intelligence
    • Palaeolithic Period (2.3 Million Years Ago)
    • Lower Paleolithic Period ( 1.3 Million Years Ago)
    • Neolithic Period (12,000-15,000 Years Ago)
    • Copper and Bronze Age ( 6000 BC)
    • Iron Age (1200 BC-2000 BC)
    • Mesopotamia (800-1800 BC)
    • The Roman Empire (25 BC – 390 AD)
    • First Industrial Rution (1600-1820s)
    • Evolution of Technology in Communication (1831)
    • The Invention of The Automobile (1880)
    • The Invention of The Telephone (1849)
    • Second Industrial Revolution (1860-1930)
    • The Invention of Airplanes (1904)
    • The Invention of The Computer (1930)
  • Future Trends of Technological Evolution
    • Internet – (1974)
    • Industry 4.0
    • Artificial Intelligence (2017)
    • 5G Networks (2019)
    • Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Virtual Reality
    • Evolution of Technology in Education and Classroom
  • References

History of Evolution Technology Timeline

3.3 million years agoThe first tools
1 million years agoFire
20,000 to 15,000 years agoNeolithic Revolution
6000 BCEIrrigation
4000 BCESailing
1200 BCEIron
850 CEGunpowder
1250–1300Mechanical clock
1765Steam engine
1876Internal-combustion engine
1879Electric light
1942Nuclear power
1974Personal computer
2017Artificial Intelligence

What is the Evolution Technology?

The Evolution of Technology Timeline History & Future (2)

According to Czech philosopher Radovan Richta, Technological evolution is a theory of radical transformation of society through technological development.

Society has adopted the transformation with the process evolution of technology. Right now, in every section Technology evolution is working as a helping hand in society’s every aspect.

From agriculture to medical science, in every possible way technology give its footsteps.

The trend goes on and now we have technologies that are far more advanced than the previous ones and are solving our day-to-day problems.

Technology has reshaped the course of human history from the invention of wheels to the industrial revolution all that has made mankind reach the ultimate milestone.

With the core of technology, man can now travel to places that were previously unknown and discover countless scientific endeavours over time.

To be frank, it is not quite possible to cover all the extent of technological supremacy over time. But, here in this article, you will get a complete outlook of how technology has come so far and shaped the future of tomorrow.

The Evolution of Technology Summary from Paleolithic Period to Artificial Intelligence

The word technology comes from the Greek words “techne “ and logos “ which in short means artefacts or applied arts.

At that time technology was described as “the method or activity to imply new ways to improve the everyday environment”.

But time has passed and technology is now defined as, ”the implementation of scientific knowledge for the overall development of human life”.

Early evidence of mankind utilizing technology backdated to the stone age(1.5 million years ago) when sharp flakes were used as knives and stones were used to set fire. Since then notable innovations were made and technology evolved with time.

Now let’s have a look into some of the important ancient discoveries in the field of technology that happened thousands of years ago and how they influenced society.

Palaeolithic Period (2.3 Million Years Ago)

During this prehistoric period of time also called “before the stone age” humans constructed the earliest means of human tools( knives, hammers, scrapers) from stone, wood, antlers, and bones.

These early technological innovations were tied to hunting, survival, and food preparation.

Lower Paleolithic Period (1.3 Million Years Ago)

Historians believe that one of the prominent technological breakthroughs, the discovery of “fire” originated more than 1.3 million years ago during the lower palaeolithic period.

The discovery of fire allowed humans to cook food and visibility at night.

Neolithic Period (12,000-15,000 Years Ago)

During the neolithic period, humans invented some key technologies like agriculture and animal farming and harvesting techniques. People began to live in large groups and laid the foundation of modern-day society.

Mud and clay were used to build houses and localities. In the neolithic period, humans also made fabrics from animal skin, and fur to create cloth.

Copper and Bronze Age ( 6000 BC)

The Copper and bronze age is an era of great technological advantages. Humans began to extract materials such as copper and bronze for making tools.

Copper smelting technology allowed humans to create more precise, polished, and exact shaped mechanical tools.

Iron Age (1200 BC-2000 BC)

During this particular period of time, the introduction of iron ore smelting and forging technology allowed us to make more efficient, lighter, stronger, and cheaper tools and weapons thus replacing tools made from bronze and copper.

Mesopotamia (800-1800 BC)

Mesopotamia pioneered the discovery of wheels. Writing practices were first invented in Mesopotamia.

Mesopotamia witnessed some significant technological advancements like the first true arc construction, water transportation, irrigation, and many more. The true civilization began in Mesopotamia.

The Roman Empire (25 BC – 390 AD)

A crucial development in technology was carried out during this time. The Roman empire was economically developed and productive thanks to advanced engineering and scientific knowledge.

Concrete, glass blowing, dams, reservoirs, and advanced building technology are some notable Roman inventions. Some structures from the Roman empire even stand today.

18th &19th Century: The Era of Modern Technology

The first industrial revolution of the early 18th century driven by the discovery of the steam engine set an important aspiration of modern technological evolution.

In the 18th century, important technological breakthroughs took place.

The 19th century also saw the development of one of the prominent technological advancements of the modern era, the invention of computers that brought the age of digitalization.

The development of rocket science has put man in space and for the first time, mankind was able to land on the moon.

In the late 19th century the introduction of the internet and the world wide web initiated the term global village and brought the communities even closer than ever.

Let’s look into some of the major technological innovations of this period.

First Industrial Revolution (1600-1820s)

During the first industrial revolution, numerous inventions were unveiled. Minerals like Coal were used to generate much of the energy for the industry.

The industrial revolution began with the textile industry, manufacturing processes were transformed from hand to hand to machine production.

Steam-powered locomotives accelerated mobility and introduced railway transportation.

The Evolution of Technology in Communication (1831)

The big change in technology started in 1831 when the electric telegraph was invented. In the 19th century, the revelation was with the hand of electrical engineering.

Because of that, digital methods have the main tools for business, communication, education and many more.

In the early 1820s, the invention of the photographic camera by “Joseph Nicéphore Niépce” demonstrated a new approach to optical technology.

The invention of photography revolutionized culture and communication in society.

The Invention of The Automobile (1880)

The invention of the automobile is widely considered one of the key technological discoveries in the course of human history.

The first automobile was powered by an internal combustion engine. Automobiles have influenced the social, cultural, and economic perspectives since then.

The Invention of The Telephone (1849)

The Tech phone was invented in 1849, it was the mainstream of the business, and the office for those who have luxurious options was at home. It has taken almost 50 years to develop the telephone.

One of the biggest turning points in the world of technology was when the first kick start gave Motorola in 1973 by creating the first phone. Motorola has created a chain to further. From

Mobile phones have changed the whole world.

The smartphone area started with the hand of Steve Jobs with the innovation of Apple.

Day after day the smartphone industry is continuously changing the game in the smart area.

Second Industrial Revolution (1860-1930)

During the period of the second industrial revolution new industries emerged, and mass manufacturing revolutionized industrial production.

It paved the way for rapid industrialization. Numerous technological developments in steel, petroleum, chemical, and electrical industries were conducted.

The Invention of Airplanes (1904)

Humans have always dreamed of flying in the sky.

When the Wright brothers flew the first aeroplane in 1905 then later notable technological advancement was seen in the aerospace industry.

Aeroplanes have enabled us to fly to places that couldn’t be done before.

The Invention of The Computer (1930)

What started as a calculative device is now known to be a major discovery in modern human civilization.

Since the introduction of the very first computing device “ENIAC”, the computer industry has gone through revolutionary technological advancements.

Computers can perform multiple tasks at a time.

Supercomputers have the ability to perform complex and critical operations within seconds.

Future Trends of Technological Evolution

The legacy of technological evolution has been seen as no bounds in the 20th century.

Technology is now getting more sophisticated and more advanced than their previous generations.

The evolution of technology from the early prehistoric period until the modern age is driving the possibility to set up a knowledge-based society.

Technology has ensured sustainable development from the economy to education and healthcare. New technological breakthroughs are the forerunner of today’s modern era.

People are adapting up-to-date technologies to improve their daily lifestyle, something they just couldn’t live without. All of this is now possible due to technological evolution.

Here are some of the latest trends in the technology of the future.

Internet – (1974)

Internet communication has had a revolutionary impact since the mid 19th century in 1974.

The Internet means to be connected.

It has turned the world into a global village.

Thanks to internet technology, people now can communicate with others from anywhere in the world. The Internet is leading globalization.

Because of the internet, various new businesses have risen and ideas have been created still now on.

Industry 4.0

The motto of the 4th industrial revolution is “digitalization”. In the 21st century, smart factories have emerged, these factories are highly automated and technologically superior.

Artificial Intelligence (2017)

Artificial intelligence ( AI) will work like humans and animals which will understand emotion.

However, it is still in the childbirth position. In 2017 AlphaGo team announced that it will be the world’s grates Go, player, all the time as it has AI.

5G Networks (2019)

5G will provide superfast internet bandwidth. 5G will enable the users to download large files from the internet within seconds( up to 10 gigabytes/ seconds!).

5G uses fifth-generation cellular networking technology.

Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle

In the near future vehicles will be driving on their own. Autonomous technology and AI will let the vehicle make decisions and assist in driving without breaking any traffic laws and avoid accidents.

Additive Manufacturing

The slogan of additive manufacturing is “democratizing technology”.

People now can manufacture and design products at home only by using a 3D printer.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality seems like a technology that comes straight from science fiction.

Virtual reality creates a simulated environment that may be similar or completely different from the real world. It can be used for training, entertainment, and education purposes.

Technology is what we live in and we can’t deny how long we have gone so far only because of technological advancement.

Technology is now our day-to-day expectancy.

The Evolution of Technology in Education and Classroom

Education and technology have worked hand in hand scene blackboards to the computer area.

Technology makes an impact in the classroom to build and give a better education.

In the colonial era, wood paddles with printed lessons were the main tool for learning verbs.

200 years later from the colonial era, a slide projector projected images printed on glass plates in the 1870th century.

After World war I, almost 8000 of the lantern sliders was set in the Chicago public school system.

By the time the new technology of the Chalkboard and pencil came into the education system, Chalkboard in around 1890 and pencils were in the 1900th century.

This also indicates that students are hungry for new Educational technology and they can adopt that technology very first.

  • In 1920 Radio emerged in the classroom to help the students in their studies.
  • In 1930 the overhead project came with that 1940 ballpen introducing itself as a new process using the tools and in 1950 headphones came and played their part.
  • The photocopier (1959) and handheld calculator (1972) which also imported into the classroom for the first learning methods.
  • After that, in 1985 Toshiba released the first computer and Apple also enrolled in the field in 1984.
  • The worldwide web was the in and undoubtedly a new education starting to hope in 1990 when British Researcher developed the life by using HyperText Markup Language or HTML on the internet.
  • The social network MySpace was created for the students, though it has expanded worldwide.

The future of the education system is changing day after day. The education system is very comfortable accepting all the modern technology.The evolution of tehcnology timeline and sumamry history gives a good chunk of idea to know more about it.


The Evolution of Technology Timeline History & Future (2025)


What are the stages of evolution of technology? ›

... so-called 'technology lifecycle' or TLC models usually distin- guish between four stages of technological evolution, namely the (1) seed, (2) growth, (3) maturity and (4) decline stage of development [40].

What are the 5 ages of technology? ›

they are as follows: Five different information ages in the field of technology Stone age Iron age The middle ages The industrial age Electronic age THESTONE AGE This was the prehistoric period during where stone was widely used to make implements with a sharp edge, a point or a percussion surfaces.

What is the history of technology? ›

History of technology includes history of invention, development and innovation, as well as history of engineering and applied science. Historians of technology have varied backgrounds including engineering, economic history, labor history, history of science, sociology, and social history.

When did the evolution of technology start? ›

3.3 million years ago: The first tools

The history of technology begins even before the beginning of our own species. Sharp flakes of stone used as knives and larger unshaped stones used as hammers and anvils have been uncovered at Lake Turkana in Kenya.

What is the first stage in the evolution of technology? ›

1. Initiation: This is the first stage of evolution of information technology in an enterprise. During this stage, an enterprise acquires a few computer systems and application software packages.

What is the growth of technology? ›

How Fast Is Technology Advancing: Trends and Predictions. It's estimated that there will be 38.6 billion Internet of Things-connected devices around the world in 2025. This is an increase of approximately 16.6 billion since 2018's 22 billion IoT-connected devices. By 2030, the number is expected to reach 50 billion.

What are the 7 technological ages in order? ›

History of Technology
  • 3.3 million years ago to 2500 BC: Stone Age.
  • 2500 to 2300 BC: Chalcolithic Age.
  • 2300 to 700 BC: Bronze Age.
  • 700 to 450 BC: Iron Age.
  • 450 BC to 450 AD: Classical Age.
  • 450 to 1400 AD: Middle Ages.
  • 1400 to 1750 AD: Renaissance.
  • 1750 to 1950 AD: Industrial Age.
31 May 2022

What are the 4 ages of technology? ›

Technology are divided in to 4 main ages. There are premechanical, mechanical,electromechanical and electronic.

What are the three stages of the history of technology? ›

It involves three stages Invention, Innovation, Diffusion.
  • Invention: the creation of a new product or process.
  • Innovation: the application of the invention for the first time.
  • Diffusion: how fast others begin to adopt the innovation.

What is technology and history of technology? ›

The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques and is one of the categories of world history. Technology can refer to methods ranging from as simple as stone tools to the complex genetic engineering and information technology that has emerged since the 1980s.

Why is the history of technology important? ›

It explains us the mutual dependence between technology and science. The knowledge of science and technology is essential for more discoveries. We need to study the history of technology to learn or understand the changes and the causes of changes in agriculture, production, medical, engineering, architecture, etc.

How does technological evolution take place? ›

Thus, the collective body of technological endeavor evolves by creating new elements from within itself. It forms a system that is constantly changing in ways that nobody can quite predict. This evolutionary process provides the impetus in turn for large-scale changes in science, the economy, and much of human culture.

What was the first form of technology? ›

Made nearly two million years ago, stone tools such as this are the first known technological invention. This chopping tool and others like it are the oldest objects in the British Museum. It comes from an early human campsite in the bottom layer of deposits in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.

Why is technology developed? ›

The purpose of technology is to meet a human need or solve a human problem. Technology can help meet many types of human needs, like needs of shelter, food, clothing, and communication. Technology does not originate from the natural world and includes methods or activities that people use to alter their environments.

Why is technology evolving so fast? ›

Because each generation of technology improves over the last, the rate of progress from version to version speeds up. To see this, imagine making a chair with hand tools, power tools, and finally assembly lines. Production gets faster after each step.

What is importance of technology? ›

We use technology at work, we use it to , extract materials. We use technology in the communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data, scaling businesses. Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials and systems.

How many types of technology are there? ›

There are six main types of technology. They are: mechanical technology, medical technology, communications technology, electronic technology, and industrial and manufacturing technologies.

What are the 4 stages of digital revolution? ›

Defining The Four Phases Of Digital Experience
  • Phase One: App And Web Experiences. First came the Web. ...
  • Phase Two: Platform-Based Experiences. ...
  • Phase Three: Blended Experiences For Personalization. ...
  • Phase Four: Blended Ecosystem Experiences.
25 Jul 2017

What will be the future of technology? ›

Artificial intelligence, or AI, and machine learning refer to the ability of machines to learn and act intelligently, meaning they can make decisions, carry out tasks, and even predict future outcomes based on what they learn from data.

How technology is changing the world? ›

Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun.

How can technology help us in the future? ›

Technology has seeped into every part of our lives. It has created entire industries and improved the efficiency of pre-existing professions. Manufacturing jobs are increasingly automated. Medical devices and technology are saving more lives.

What are the different types of ages in history? ›

History is divided into five different ages: Prehistory, Ancient History, the Middle Ages, the Modern Age and the Contemporary Age.

What are the nine ages? ›

Terms in this set (9)
  • The Paleolithic Age. The old stone or in Greek (Palaios- "Old") and (Lithos- "Stone") ...
  • The Mesolithic Age. The Middle stone age or in Greek (Mesos- "middle") ...
  • The Neolithic Age. ...
  • The Bronze Age. ...
  • The Iron Age. ...
  • The Middle Ages. ...
  • The Renaissance/ Enlightenment. ...
  • The Industrial Age.

Why is the 21st century called the age of information technologies? ›

The 21st Century spans 100 years. Currently, it encompasses the Information Age - an era marked by rapid adoption of new technologies. This Information Age is being fueled by a Knowledge Economy that values problem solving and critical thinking over the rote skills of the Industrial era.

What are the 4 basic periods of the history of information and systems? ›

In this classification four different periods are given: Abacus, Mechanic, Electrical and Electronic. As the next step a further brake down of the classification by L. E. Maystrov is made by distinguishing additional subperiods in the Abacus and Mechanic periods.

Which of the four main periods of the history of information technology greatly affects us today? ›

Periods of ICT Development

There are four main periods in history that divide the era of ICT, namely, the premechanical, mechanical, electromechanical, and electronic periods. The periods that greatly affect our lives today involve the electromechanical period and the electronic period.

What are the 3 major scientific and technological developments in the world? ›

3 of the greatest technological inventions of the time and the labs that they were discovered in
  • DNA fingerprinting. DNA fingerprinting is now taken for granted. ...
  • The internet. ...
  • Wireless electricity.
2 Feb 2017

What is the best definition of technology? ›

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.

What are some major events in the history of science and technology? ›

Thomas Edison patents the modern incandescent electric lamp. Pierre and Paul-Jacques Curie discover the piezoelectric effect. Thomas Edison opens the world's first power plants. Charles Chamberland invents the autoclave (steam sterilizing machine).

How has technology changed our lives? ›

Technology affects almost every aspect of 21st century life, from transport efficiency and safety to access to food and healthcare, socialization and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled global communities to form, and ideas and resources to be shared more easily.

Who founded technology? ›

Thomas Edison, American inventor who, singly or jointly, held a world-record 1,093 patents. In addition, he created the world's first industrial research laboratory. Edison was the quintessential American...

What is it important to study the history and evolution of computers? ›

History places us in time. The computer has altered the human experience, and changed the way we work, what we do at play, and even how we think. A hundred years from now, generations whose lives have been unalterably changed by the impact of automating computing will wonder how it all happened—and who made it happen.

What is the importance of the historical development of science and technology in the society? ›

Knowledge Creation and Utilization

The essence of how science and technology contributes to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then utilization of that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various issues facing society.

What is evolution of technology summary? ›

Technological evolution is a theory of radical transformation of society through technological development. This theory originated with Czech philosopher Radovan Richta. Mankind In Transition; A View of the Distant Past, the Present and the Far Future, Masefield Books, 1993.

Is technology still evolving? ›

Technology is a frontier on its own, continuing to evolve, grow and reshape our world. As we continue to explore and expand technology, the more life will change, creating new habits and forming new ways of working together.

What is the role of technology in the evolution of mankind? ›

These technologies have already significantly changed the patterns of life thus making the standard evolution considerably fast. People of all physical strengths and capabilities can live healthy and fruitful lives; making it possible for their mental genes to mutate and create a better result.

What are the 6 stages of information? ›

The Information Search Process (ISP) presents a holistic view of information seeking from the user's perspective in six stages: task initiation, selection, exploration, focus formulation, collection and presentation.

What is evolution of technology in education? ›

The evolution of technology in the education sector dates back 2,500 years ago. Technology has transformed learning in classrooms, with teachers keen to emulate new learning techniques with the help of technology. Oral communication (mouth-to-mouth) In ancient times, word of mouth was the only form of communication.

What are the two phases of technology? ›

From a historical perspective, philosophers of technology agree that two phases of technology can be seen: the craft phase and the modern scientized phase.

How technology has evolved over the past 50 years? ›

The changes in technology over the last 50 years have been amazing, for example: TV went color, phones went mobile, computers shrank from needing an air-conditioned room to the laptops we have today ,guitars went electric, pianos became electronic keyboards, post became email, cars have changed so much ( better braking ...

What is life cycle of a system? ›

systematic process, known as a system life cycle, which consists of six stages: feasibility study, system analysis, system design, programming and testing, installation, and operation and maintenance. The first five stages are system development proper, and the last stage is the long-term exploitation.

What is system life cycle process? ›

The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application.

What is the latest stage of information evolution? ›

Answer. Answer: Information evolution could be classified into four different stages, namely: the invention of printing, the invention of the radio and television, the invention of computers, and linking up of computers with information and communication technology (ICT).

How technology changed our lives? ›

Technology has made it easier to farm, more feasible to build cities, and more convenient to travel, among many other things, effectively linking together all countries on earth, helping to create globalization, and making it easier for economies to grow and for companies to do business.

What was the first technology created? ›

Made nearly two million years ago, stone tools such as this are the first known technological invention. This chopping tool and others like it are the oldest objects in the British Museum.

Why is it technology important? ›

Information technology is important in our lives because it helps to deal with everyday dynamic things. Technology offers various tools to boost development and exchange information. Both these things are the objective of IT to make tasks easier and to solve many problems.

What are the three stages of the history of technology? ›

It involves three stages Invention, Innovation, Diffusion.
  • Invention: the creation of a new product or process.
  • Innovation: the application of the invention for the first time.
  • Diffusion: how fast others begin to adopt the innovation.

How many types of technology are there? ›

There are six main types of technology. They are: mechanical technology, medical technology, communications technology, electronic technology, and industrial and manufacturing technologies.

What is technologies of the future? ›

AI and machine learning are the foundation on which many other technologies are built. For instance, without AI, we wouldn't have achieved the amazing advances in the Internet of Things, virtual reality, chatbots, facial recognition, robotics, automation, or self-driving cars, just to name a few.

How technology has evolved in the last decade? ›

The 2010s were a decade of phenomenal innovation, led largely by the transition to mobile and the rise of data, which accelerated the growth of AI, e-commerce, social media, and biotechnology. In the 2020s, additional foundational changes will take place as data latency shortens and AI algorithms improve.

How could future technology improve our lives? ›

Technology affects almost every aspect of 21st century life, from transport efficiency and safety to access to food and healthcare, socialization and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled global communities to form, and ideas and resources to be shared more easily.

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