Painting Over Oil-Based Paint? Step-By-Step DIY (2024)

A question we get asked often is, “Can you paint latex over oil?"

The answer is, “yes”.

But you can’t treat it like latex or water-based surfaces.

If you put latex paint over oil, you’ll just end up with that fruit roll-up look all over your house because they just can’t adhere. Since they’re not compatible, they won’t form a good bond.

15-30 days after painting, you’ll even be able to peel that paint right off after getting the surface wet.


Why We Don’t Use Oil Based Paint

A lot of the older homes we paint in East Grand Rapids have oil-based paint on the plaster walls, trim, and cabinets. Oil-based paint was popular back in the ’70s and ’80s, especially on trim, cabinets, and doors. The most popular paint was a product called Satin Impervo.

There are a couple of reasons we don’t use oil-based paint anymore:

  1. It emits a host of harmful VOCs (volatile organic content) that’s harmful to the environment.

  2. Cleanup is messy since you have to use paint thinner

  3. Latex paints are more flexible than oil-based paints and modern formulas are just as durable.

How To Tell If It’s Oil Or Not

To see if a surface has oil-based paint, we like to use a test affectionately named, “The Oil Paint Test” (We’re painters, not professional namers)

To do this test, simply use denatured alcohol from a brand like Klean Strip and rub it on the surface with a rag or cotton ball.

If the paint does NOT come off, the surface is oil-based paint.

If it doesn’t, then it’s water or latex-based paint.

How To Paint Over Oil Base Paint

Ok, so you’ve done the test and it comes back positive for oil-based paint, what do you do now?

Here’s what to do step-by-step:

  1. First, lightly sand the surface and clean it with a sponge dipped in TSP (trisodium phosphate) mixed with water.

  2. Allow the surface to dry

  3. Coat it with an oil or latex bonding primer. If the original paint was really shiny, you’ll want to use a primer like Kilz. If it’s not too shiny, you can use a latex primer, then put a couple of latex coats over it.

  4. Allow the primer to dry

  5. Coat with two coats of high-quality latex paint.

Painting Over Oil-Based Paint? Step-By-Step DIY (2024)


What is the best way to paint over oil-based paint? ›

The best way to proceed is to apply a high end primer over the oil based paint before covering with latex. The sanding is only needed of the oil based paint has a gloss or shine to it. You only have to rough up the surface to give it some tooth to hold onto the next layer. But definitely follow sanding with priming.

What type of paint will stick to oil-based paint? ›

In addition, water-based paint is preferred when covering an oil-based product because it has a faster drying time and resists fading in the sunlight for exterior applications.

What happens if you put water-based paint over oil-based paint? ›

They literally won't “bond” in the scientific sense. So, if you try to layer a water-based paint on top of an oil-based color, you'll end up with a decorator's emergency when the paints naturally repel as they dry.

Do you have to sand oil-based paint before repainting? ›

Next, you will want to properly prepare the surface before applying new paint. So, if you have identified oil-based paint, we recommend that you lightly sand the paint until you have dulled down the glossy sheen. Make sure to clean the surface after sanding, removing any dust particles or dirt.

Can I just paint over oil-based paint? ›

How To Paint Over Oil-Based Paint. Dip a cotton ball into a small amount of denatured alcohol. Rub it over a small area on the surface. If the paint does NOT come off, it is oil-based paint and you will need to prime the surface with a bonding primer before applying latex paint.

What to do when painting over oil-based paint? ›

De-Gloss the Surface

With sandpaper, manually scuff down the surface of the oil-based paint layer for improved stickability. Aim for eliminating surface sheen or gloss; the goal isn't to remove the paint, just scuff up the surface so new primer and paint can adhere well.

Is oil-based paint hard to paint over? ›

When covering oil-based paint with latex or water-based paint, you cannot paint directly over it. You must sand off the glossy finish, wash the surface with TSP, and prime it before painting it. This will provide a longer-lasting paint job and prevent the paint from peeling.

Will kilz cover oil-based paint? ›

Use on interior and exterior surfaces including woodwork, drywall, plaster, paneling, masonry, brick, painted metal and properly prepared glossy surfaces†. Use under or over water-based or oil-based paints. Not recommended on flooring.

What is the best bonding primer to use over oil-based paint? ›

Latex Primer

This stuff is great and sticks to just about any surface including glass and PVC. Another added benefit is that it has an extremely low odor. I've used this countless times over oil trim and it only ever scratched off once (that's why you test first).

What primer to use on oil-based paint? ›

To prevent peeling and chipping in the drying and curing phase, use bonding primer—formulated to stick to glossy and other hard-to-paint surfaces—over the old oil-based coat for optimal paint adherence. Apply one to two coats of an oil-or water-based bonding primer and dry according to product directions.

What is the best primer for oil-based paint? ›

Alkyd Primer

This is an oil-based primer used as an undercoat on steel, wood and aluminium surfaces, most suitable for oil paintings. We sell two types of Alkyd primers: Robersons Thixotropic Alkyd Primer - this is a multi purpose primer for all types of oil painting.

What happens if you don't sand a surface before painting? ›

Sanding is often a crucial step for ensuring that your surface is ready to be painted. If you don't have a properly sanded surface, paint may not adhere to certain items properly. You can oversand, undersand and often people underestimate its importance. But, you don't have to be a pro to sand a surface.

What happens if you don't sand primer? ›

The paint will be rough. If you want a smooth professional looking surface, you need to sand the primer and apply the paint smoothly. Water based primer will raise the grain of the wood, and be especially rough.

Can I use latex paint over oil-based paint? ›

But you can paint latex over oil-based paint, if you prepare the surface properly. First of all, take a little bit of sandpaper and just lightly sand it. Then you want to use some trisodium phosphate, or TSP, you can find it in any paint store or home center. Then, after that dries, use a good bonding primer.

How do you paint oil-based paint without brush strokes? ›

Additives like water or linseed oil can help smooth out your paint and prevent brush marks. If you don't have additives on hand, try using a roller instead! It's faster, easier, and less messy than using a brush. Rollers are great for getting large sections of paint on walls without having to worry about brush marks!

How do you paint over oil-based paint Sherwin Williams? ›

First would be to wash the surface, sand and then clean the sanding dust off. You may then apply your latex paint over the oil base paint. That process works for both interior and exterior applications. Your other option is to wash the surface and then apply a coat of a bonding primer and then topcoat.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.