Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (2024)

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (1)

Monolyths (1-3)
Vault (V)

Monolyth 1

The Remnant Decryption Terminal is underground. But before you go there, two Glyphs can be found at ground level. A pillar from the underground structure is sticking out of the snow. Glyph 1 & 2 can be found there.

Location: Between the monolith and the close by the small remnant structure.

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (2)

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (3)

Glyphs 1 & 2

Then go underground and get the 3rd Glyph at the foot of one of the pillars. Scan and follow the yellow cables.

Now use the terminal to solve the puzzle

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (6)

Monolyth 2

The 3 Glyphs are on top of the pillars. Close to each other.

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (7)

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (8)

Glyph 1

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (9)

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (10)

Glyphs 2 & 3

Now use the terminal to solve the puzzle

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (11)

Monolyth 3

The Remnant Decryption Terminal and the Glyphs are all underground. Follow the frozen river inside.

Glyph 1 is at ground level. For Glyphs 2 &3 you need to jump on the remnant pillars and then onto the long structure. Walk to the tip of it and scan the Glyphs at the end.

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (12)

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (13)

Glyph 1

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (14)

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (15)

Glyphs 2 & 3

Now use the terminal to solve the puzzle

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (16)


Head to the Vault. Be quick and activate the interface inside to get the Protection Bubbles up. Otherwise you freeze to death. Move from bubble to bubble to get along safely in the vault. Next, open the big vault door with another interface, that sends a laser light towards the door.

There is another Interface. Activate it and jump on the pillars to get to the left.

Use the Lasers and the interfaces to get the light:

1) Up to the left to another bubble (video)

2) to raise a pillar on the opposite side (video)

Go back to the center interface, the one you activated after you came through the big door.

Use this interface to raise the pillars to the right, jump across and follow the path to the lockdown console.

Use it, lift the vault lockdown and go the same way back to escape.

Mass Effect: Andromeda | Voeld | Monolyths, Glyphs and Vault Walkthrough (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.