Learn How to Cook Spinach in Minutes for Quick Sides and Recipe Mix-Ins (2024)

Spinach is a healthy, leafy green full of nutrients and vitamins. It's delicious raw in your favorite smoothies and salads. And while cooked spinach might make you think of shriveled mush, it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, when done correctly, it's a delicious side to any meal. Generally, the best way to cook spinach is on the stovetop. Sautéing spinach is an especially quick and easy way to cook spinach, which also evaporates excess moisture in the leaves. However, you can also boil or steam spinach in just a few minutes. Whatever you do, learning how to cook spinach in a fast, flavorful way will make things easier, especially for picky eaters.

Learn How to Cook Spinach in Minutes for Quick Sides and Recipe Mix-Ins (1)

How to Cook Fresh Spinach

Before you start cooking spinach, you'll want to work with about 1 pound of spinach at a time (it should equal about 12 cups torn). It may seem like a lot, but it cooks down to a much smaller volume. Thoroughly wash and drain spinach properly. Remove stems and tear leaves into pieces, as desired. If you're using baby spinach, the stems generally do not need to be removed, as they're more tender. You also likely won't need to tear the leaves into pieces, because they're already smaller. If you're using prewashed baby spinach, sold in bags in the produce aisle, you can skip washing. Each of the following three methods for cooking spinach makes 4 side-dish servings.

25 Best Spinach Recipes to Use Up That Bag of Leafy Greens

How to Sauté Spinach

Learn How to Cook Spinach in Minutes for Quick Sides and Recipe Mix-Ins (2)

Here's how to cook spinach on the stovetop, starting with our easy sautéed spinach recipe.

  • Heat about 1 Tbsp. olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 8 to 12 cups of packed spinach, large stems removed.
  • Cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until just wilted.
  • Stir in salt, pepper, and (if desired) balsamic vinegar or other seasonings to taste. If you want to dress up the side dish, garnish with crisp, cooked bacon pieces.

How to Boil Spinach

To cook fresh spinach in boiling water, place 1 pound of washed spinach, covered, in a small amount of boiling salted water. If you're wondering how long to boil spinach, it should only take a few minutes. Once the steam starts to foam, begin your timer. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until tender.

How to Steam Spinach

Learn How to Cook Spinach in Minutes for Quick Sides and Recipe Mix-Ins (3)

To steam fresh spinach on the stovetop, add water to a pot fitted with a steamer basket ($23, Target). Place 1 pound of spinach on the steamer. When water boils, cook spinach for 3 to 5 minutes or until tender.

6 Fast and Fresh Spinach Side Dish Recipes for a Healthy Meal

How to Cook Canned Spinach

Store-bought canned spinach is fully cooked. To cook, simply place the spinach, along with the liquid from the can, into a saucepan and cook until heated through. Drain and serve. You can optionally add a little butter and season with salt and pepper (though taste the spinach first, as many canned products already contain plenty of sodium).

How to Cream Spinach

For a delicious side dish or party dip, you can easily add richness to baby spinach by adding some butter and cream. Simply start by boiling or steaming the spinach (to your liking, as some people like to have a crunchy texture). Sauté butter, onions, and garlic to kick up the flavor. Add a cup of cream cheese per an 8oz bag of baby spinach, and just stir until it’s all mixed together. Add the spinach and mix. You can also substitute the cream cheese for béchamel (preferably using heavy cream so it’s thick and creamy) or Fettucini Alfredo sauce and grated cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Creamy Orecchiette with Spinach, Artichokes, and Bacon

Adding Fresh Spinach to Your Recipes

Learn How to Cook Spinach in Minutes for Quick Sides and Recipe Mix-Ins (4)

For an extra boost of nutrients, try adding spinach to your favorite recipes. Throw in a few handfuls to a classic pasta dish during the last few minutes of cooking time until it just starts to wilt. Scramble up some egg whites with spinach for a healthy breakfast. You can also enjoy a wilted spinach salad for lunch or use it as a base for a pan-fried chicken dinner.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is spinach truly healthy?

    Yes! It is one of the lowest-calorie, nutrient-rich leafy vegetables, with about five calories per cup and just one gram of carbs, making it the perfect addition to any low-carb diet as well. It is not only filling, but it has countless benefits including lowering blood glucose and improving the overall eye, skin, and bone health.

  • What’s the difference between baby spinach and regular spinach?

    Just like new potatoes, baby spinach is simply harvested between two or four weeks after being planted, hence why it’s smaller in size but with a sweeter flavor and tender bite as opposed to mature spinach. Health-benefit and calorie-wise, there’s no difference between both.

  • Can I swap fresh spinach for frozen?

    Yes, depending on what you’re planning to make. Keep in mind that frozen spinach may have a higher content of water, making it a bit mushier if you’re sautéing, for example. However, frozen spinach is excellent flavor and texture-wise for healthy green smoothies, Italian spinach soup, and as an add-in for recipes such as Florentine lasagna or low-calorie casseroles.

Learn How to Cook Spinach in Minutes for Quick Sides and Recipe Mix-Ins (2024)


How many minutes should spinach be cooked? ›

To cook fresh spinach in boiling water, place 1 pound of washed spinach, covered, in a small amount of boiling salted water. If you're wondering how long to boil spinach, it should only take a few minutes. Once the steam starts to foam, begin your timer. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until tender.

What's the healthiest way to cook spinach? ›

Cooking spinach can cause it to lose some of its nutrients, including vitamin C, but there are ways to minimize nutrient loss: Steam it: Steaming spinach is a gentle cooking method that helps retain most of its nutrients, including vitamin C.

How do you cook spinach without it being watery? ›

Cook it quickly over very high heat, stirring very frequently so the liquid that cooks off evaporates more or less immediately, the pan stays dry, and the spinach leaves are cooking in dry heat, not wet heat.

Should spinach be steamed or boiled? ›

A study found that cooking spinach quickly in boiling water, then plunging it into cold water, reduced oxalate content by 40 percent, on average, which was more effective than pan or pressure cooking.

How do you know when spinach is done? ›

Spinach leaves are ready to harvest as soon as they are big enough to eat. Harvest by removing only the outer leaves and allowing the center leaves to grow larger; this will allow the plant to keep producing. Picking the outer leaves also gives the advantage of briefly delaying bolting.

Is sauteed spinach healthier than raw? ›

Yes, it is. Studies have found that eating cooked spinach and carrots - versus raw - results in much higher blood levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant thought to guard against heart disease and lung cancer. ...

Is sauteed spinach good for you? ›

Yes, sautéed spinach is a healthy and nutritious side dish. Spinach is low in calories but high in vitamins A and C, as well as iron, calcium, and fiber.

How do you cook spinach so it's not gross? ›

How to make sauteed spinach taste good (really!)
  1. Cook it with whole garlic cloves. This infuses a subtle garlic flavor throughout, without being too overwhelming. ...
  2. Don't overcook it! Cook just until its wilted. ...
  3. Add a squeeze of lemon at the end. ...
  4. Salt it perfectly.
Dec 21, 2019

What is the best way to eat spinach daily? ›

Delicious and Easy Ways to Eat Spinach
  1. Add spinach to smoothies. ...
  2. Wilt spinach on the stovetop with garlic and olive oil. ...
  3. Add spinach and chopped sausage to pasta dishes. ...
  4. Mix raw spinach into salads. ...
  5. Steam spinach over boiling water. ...
  6. Fried spinach: a delicious treat. ...
  7. Use it in curry. ...
  8. Add spinach to your eggs or omelet.
Feb 19, 2022

Can you overcook spinach? ›

Overcooked spinach can take on a bitter burnt flavor and have an unpleasant mushy texture – not a good way to get people to eat their greens. Direct heat methods like sautéing are most likely to end up with overcooked spinach and call for extra diligence.

Should I remove spinach stems? ›

There are two types of spinach sold at the market. Baby leaves, which are more delicate and perfect raw in salads, and thicker more mature leaves, which are still great for salads but also great for cooking. For more mature, curly leaves, remove any thick, tough stems. Baby spinach stems do not need to be removed.

Should you eat the stem of spinach? ›

The stalks and stems on leafy greens are completely edible and can add a nice crunch when eaten raw. If salad is not your thing, try experimenting with different preparations for leafy greens. Use greens to top a pizza or toss spinach into a frittata.

Why should you boil spinach? ›

Heating vegetables releases antioxidants by breaking down cell walls. Studies have found that eating cooked spinach and carrots – versus raw – results in much higher blood levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant thought to guard against heart disease and lung cancer.”

How long to cook spinach to keep nutrients? ›

To preserve the nutrients, cook spinach for a short period. Overcooking can lead to nutrient degradation. Aim for a quick cook time of 3-5 minutes until the leaves are wilted but still vibrant green.

Does fresh spinach need to be cooked? ›

The milder, young leaves can be eaten raw in a salad, while the older ones are usually cooked (spinach has one of the shortest cooking times of all vegetables). It reduces very dramatically during cooking; a 450g bag will be just enough for two people. Read our guide on the health benefits of spinach.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.