How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (2024)

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How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips in the oven or dehydrator! Have you ever wanted to make your own snap pea chips and save on money? Well, it’s quite an easy recipe. Just season to your liking and pop in the oven or dehydrator. All it’s takes is 3 ingredients! A Vegan, Paleo, and budget friendly snap pea chips recipe.

How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (1)

Wow, that title makes me sound like little Ms. Martha Stewart, without the awkward voice of course. Well, no Martha here today, just a Sherpa Wife and more thriftyresourceful healthy recipes . You can deal with that, right?

**NOTE: ThisHomemade Snap Pea Chips recipewas originally published in March2014. I updated the photos and the refined the recipe so you can make it in more than one way! Now I’m republishing the updated recipe becauseit’s WAY better!

This homemade snap pea chips recipe isthe result of what I like to call “WASTE NOT” mode. As well as SAVE ON MONEY when you have snap pea chip addiction mode. Ya, sorry, that was a pretty long run on explanation. But you get my point. Those little bags of snap pea chips that cost like $$$ and you eat the whole thing in one sitting. Um… guilty. Which is why I decided to “feed” the addiction in a homemade budget friendly way. Plus, Spring is just around the corner, thus (yes I just said THUS) sugar snap peas are becoming more available (and cheap) at the grocery store. SWEEEEET!

Let me walk you throughHow to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips in the oven or dehydrator!

It will take all of 10 seconds.

The Snap pea Chips are pretty easy to make, even if you don’t have a dehydrator. Although I have a slight obsession with my dehydrator (oranges anyone?). Sorry, I digress, as usual. Anyway…..

For this homemade Snap pea chips I used fresh sugar snappeas but frozen also works! If using frozen, you will just need to thaw out beforehand and pat dry with a towel. So simple to make, just needs a little extra waiting time. Waiting time is just part of life anyway(enter sarcasm).

The great things about making snap pea chips is that you don’t have to have a dehydrator. I think the dehydrator works better at keep them extra crispy for longer and it keeps their true green color, but the oven is an easy option as well.

See the old picture below (these greener chips weremade in the dehydrator).

Versusoven dried below (which were made last week).

How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (5)

For the Oven dried option, just set your temp at 170 F -180F and Place tray of snap peas in center rack. Prop the oven door open about 1 inch. You can use a piece of foil that’s bunched up to do that. The cooking time will be shorter, so check around 4 hrs. I did this and then cleaned house on a Sunday. The four hours FLEW By! Haha!


How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (6)

How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Oven or Dehydrator}

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2.5 from 4 reviews

  • Author: Lindsay Cotter
  • Total Time: 6 hours 10 minutes
  • Yield: 4 cups 1x


Easy and healthy. How to make Snap Pea Chips! Oven baked or dehydrated!



  • 34 cups Fresh or Frozen snap peas
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • ½ tsp onion or garlic powder
  • Optional 34 tablespoon nutritional yeast (vegan option for “cheesy” taste)
  • 23 teaspoon oil


Dehydrator Instructions

  1. Lay your snap peas on a paper towel or parchment paper. Blot off any extra water.
  2. Lightly drizzle with oil then Season with sea salt, onion powder, and nutritional yeast. Toss to coat the snap peas then place flat Dehydrate in dehydrator at 135-140F for 8hrs or so. (Oven dried option below)
  3. Let them sit another hour at room temp before packaging. If you are using fresh vs frozen snap peas, the dehydrating time will be faster, so check around 6 hrs.

Oven Dried Instructions

  1. place seasoned snap peas on baking sheet. Set your temp at 170F and Place tray of snap peas in center rack. Prop the oven door open about 1 inch. You can use a piece of foil that’s bunched up to do that. The cooking time will be shorter, so check around 4 hrs.
  2. Season more once dried if desired. The oven dried chips will be crispy for a day but then lose crispiness after a few days if not dried long enough to begin with.
  3. For QUICK BAKING instructions (quicker) See Notes


  • For baked version, just bake 350F 15-20 minutes. Best to flip them over after 10-15 minutes.
  • The oven dried will turn out a darker/yellow green in color versus when dried in a dehydrator. They will keep more green hue if dried in dehydrator. Just note that.
  • my current dehydrator
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 6 hours
  • Category: snack
  • Method: oven, dehydrator
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1 cup
  • Calories: 50
  • Sugar: 3g
  • Sodium: 183,7mg
  • Fat: 1.7g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.1g
  • Carbohydrates: 6.9g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 2.3g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (7)

After you get your snap pea chips seasoned to your liking, you can serve them as an appetizer or snack.

I happened to see this tangy yogurt sauce ideafrom Siggis on instagramway back when and knew I had to try it.

How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (8)

A little Icelandic yogurt with olive oil, herbs, and tobasco sure does make a great snap pea chip dip. Just sayin…

Here… now you try!

Let me know if you try this homemade snap pea chips version! Or just PIN IT for Later.

p.s. here’s my current dehydrator I use. But I think I might get a new one soon. This one is super affordable and great though. Just old.

Favorite veggie chip you’re wantingto make at home?

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How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (10)

How to Make Homemade Snap Pea Chips {Easy Recipe} (2024)


What are the ingredients in snap peas chips? ›


How are snap pea Crisps made? ›

Snapea Crisps are a tasty option made of green peas blended with rice and formed into crispy, pea pod shapes. These are not your fried or dehydrated green pea pods. The formula is something like Funyuns where blended ingredients are pressed into a shape that resembles their flavor.

How do you dehydrate pea pods? ›

Line your dehydrator trays with waxed paper, then lay out your peas on the tray. Drizzle them with olive oil, then season liberally with sea salt and black pepper. Set the heat on your dehydrator at 135-140 degrees. Peas will take 6-8 hours, depending on your dehydrator.

Are snap pea chips healthy? ›

Snapea Crisps are higher in carbs than chips, but are also significantly higher in protein and fibre. They are actually higher in fibre and protein than fresh snap peas, which is going to benefit most people's diets.

What do snap peas do for your body? ›

Snap peas are a good source of vitamin C which helps with immune function and helps heal cuts and wounds. Snap peas also contain iron which helps produce red blood cells. Vitamin K is also in snap peas, which helps with blood clotting and bone health.

Can you eat all of a snap pea? ›

But, unlike garden peas, you can eat snap peas whole (pod and all!). They're super sweet and best eaten raw on a crudités platter or quickly cooked in pasta salads. While some snap peas need to have the strings removed, these days you can often find stringless snap peas in the grocery store, too.

Can you eat pea snaps raw? ›

Snap peas are also known as sugar snap peas and are a cross between snow peas and garden peas. The whole pod is eaten and has a crunchy texture and very sweet flavor. Snap peas may be eaten raw or cooked.

What is the difference between a sugar pea and a snap pea? ›

Sugar peas are flat podded English peas developed to be stir fried or cooked while the seed is undeveloped. Sugar snap peas are English peas which retain a fleshy pod wall after the seed has developed. Sugar snap peas are used like green beans.

How do you dry peas at home? ›

4. Dry
  1. Arrange blanched peas in single layers on drying trays.
  2. Dry at 140 degrees F (60°C) in an oven or dehydrator.
  3. If necessary, turn pieces over every 3 to 4 hours during the drying period. ...
  4. Total Drying Time: 8-10 hours in a dehydrator (may take up to twice as long in a conventional oven)

How do you keep pea pods crisp? ›

The key to keeping peas fresh for as long as possible is to put them in a perforated plastic bag or food storage container and store them in the crisper drawer of your fridge for up to a week. A perforated storage container is essential, since peas need cool temperatures and moisture to preserve freshness.

Are dried pea pods healthy? ›

“In general, Americans don't get enough fiber, and dried peas—like other legumes—are a good source,” says Collins. Research has shown that getting more fiber in your diet may be linked to reduced inflammation, a healthier gut microbiome, and a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

What is the healthiest junk food chip? ›

Sun Chips are sometimes given a health halo because they're made with whole grains as opposed to potatoes. Starches digest faster than grains, so Sun Chips, which are made with corn, wheat, rice flour and oat flour, may not give you as much of a blood sugar spike.

What is the most unhealthiest chip? ›

Avoid: Herr's Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips

In fact, they pack a whopping 490 mg of sodium per serving, which accounts for 21% of the amount of sodium you should consume per day (according to the Food and Drug Administration.

What's inside sugar snap peas? ›

Sugar snap peas are rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. They even contain a little protein. They make for a great snack or addition to stir-fry. Christopher Columbus planted peas in the Americas in 1492.

Are chip shop mushy peas healthy? ›

If you're getting a takeaway, stick to a small portion and ask them to hold the salt. Mushy peas on the side will add healthy fibre to your meal and reduce the fat content overall. Some fish and chip shops will do grilled fish, if you ask nicely.

What is the white powder on snap peas? ›

Powdery mildew is a late-season fungal disease that can impact peas if weather conditions are conducive. Peas that are planted late are usually more susceptible to powdery mildew than those planted early.

Are snap peas carbs or protein? ›

Total lipid (fat)0g
Carbohydrate, by difference7.06g
Fiber, total dietary2.4g
7 more rows

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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