How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Building And Flying The Gyrocopter (2024)

If you're trying to figure out how to fly in 7 Days To Die, we've got you covered. 7 Days To Die is an early-access survival game that features a typical blend of first-person gameplay, crafting, and RPG mechanics. Your primary enemy here are the hordes of zombies wandering the open world, and your one goal is surviving as long as possible. As you progress through the game, at some point you'll want to try and build a gyrocopter to navigate the map at optimal speed and safety. So, if you're looking how to fly in 7 Days To Die, including how to build the gyrocopter, we've got you covered.

How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Building A Gyrocopter

Before you can fly in 7 Days To Die, you need to create the means of doing so - which in this game is the gyrocopter. Unlocking the schematic for the gyrocopter involves finding the schematics for two of its parts - the gyrocopter chassis and gyrocopter accessories - or getting the Grease Monkey perk in the craftsmanship skill.

You can create the gyrocopter at the workbench by using three wheels, a gyrocopter chassis, gyrocopter accessories, engine, and lead car battery. Most of these parts are self-explanatory and can be found around the map, but the chassis and accessories need to be built too.

The gyrocopter chassis requires 125 forged steel, 40 mechanical parts, 25 duct tape, 40 leather, and 20 electrical parts, while the accessories need 33 electrical parts, 8 headlights, 50 short iron pipes, 10 mechanical parts, and 4 springs.

Once it has been built, it will take up 45 storage slots, so make sure to have plenty of free space. You can also refuel a gyrocopter with a standard gas can, while fixing any damage will take a repair kit.

How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Piloting The Gyrocopter

How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Building And Flying The Gyrocopter (3)

How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Building And Flying The Gyrocopter (4)Click to enlarge

Once your gyrocopter is up and running, it's ready to fly and take you around the world map. It's worth noting however, that the controls can be quite difficult to master, and you will likely need to do a few trial runs first before taking it on any series expeditions. The keyboard controls for the gyrocopter are as follows:

  • W - Throttle forward
  • S - Brake/reverse
  • A - Strafe left
  • D - Strafe right
  • Space - Pitch upwards
  • C - Pitch downwards
  • E - Mount/dismount
  • X - Honk horn
  • Shift - Turbo mode

How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Cheat Mode

The only other method of flying in 7 Days To Die takes a little cheating to work. In the game' main menu, before selecting 'Continue Game' or 'Start New Game,' navigate to the settings menu and click on the 'Advanced' tab. You will then be allowed to enable the Cheat Mode. If you then load into the game, pressing the H key on the keyboard will enable the flying mode. From there, the flying controls are similar to the gyrocopter, which are:

  • Space - Pitch upwards
  • C - Pitch downwards
  • Shift - Turbo

That's our rundown of how to fly in 7 Days To Die, and now you should be able to create the gyrocopter and pilot it with no trouble

How To Fly In 7 Days To Die: Building And Flying The Gyrocopter (2024)
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