How Axle Spring Seats Work (2024)

By: Christopher Lampton

How Axle Spring Seats Work (1)

You can be forgiven if you've never noticed the axle spring seats in your trailer. They're small, inconspicuous and are usually hidden beneath the axle. The job they do in maintaining your trailer's alignment is not particularly glamorous, but if they suddenly ceased to exist, you'd definitely notice. Your trailer would not only have a much bumpier ride, but it would probably fall apart. That makes axle spring seats pretty important.

An axle spring seat is a small brace that literally sits under the trailer's axle, attaching it to the springs and keeping the axle from falling out. In that role, it serves both to maintain the trailer's alignment and to help absorb shocks. It's a tough piece of metal and very dependable, not needing a lot of maintenance.


The axle spring seat is a small portion of a larger assembly, which also consists of the axle, two or more leaf springs, hangers and, in some cases, an equalizer.

So let's look at how this assembly works. The hangers attach the springs to the trailer. The leaf springs extend from the axle and serve as a shock absorber between the axle and the trailer. If the wheel hits a bump, the spring absorbs it and lessens the effect of the bump on the trailer. For a trailer with two axles, two more leaf springs extend between them, united in the center by an equalizer and attached to the spring seats. This evens out the effects of shocks between the two axles. The axle spring seats serve as anchors for the springs, so they play a central role in this process.

But what if something goes wrong with the axle spring seats? Is this something you should worry about? And if it happens, is there something you can do about in on your own? We'll look into that in the next section.

Installing Axle Spring Seats

How Axle Spring Seats Work (2)

Axle spring seats are attached to the axle using a U-bolt. The bolt loops over the top of the axle and is attached to a plate underneath by a pair of nuts. The axle spring seat, which sits under the axle, is held in place by the plate and has holes that allow hooks on the leaf springs to be attached to them. Can you install the seats yourself? Yes, but in most cases it's unnecessary. Axles for trailers are typically sold with the seats already welded in place.

But hat if something goes wrong with the axle spring seats? The results, obviously, would be disastrous. Without the seats serving as an attachment for the springs, the trailer would begin to vibrate wildly every time it hits even a small bump. The trailer would begin to shake apart and the axles would be in danger of falling out.


Should you worry about this? Probably not. Trailer service technicians say that they rarely, if ever, see problems with axle spring seats. When problems occur, usually in older trailers, they tend to involve the U-bolt. The ends of the bolt can wear down, causing the alignment of the axle to slip. There is some risk in this situation that the spring seat will become unattached. It is possible to buy a new U-bolt (and a new axle spring seat, if necessary) and attach it yourself. However, a better -- if more expensive -- option is to buy a completely new axle, complete with preinstalled spring seats. Unless you have absolute confidence in your ability install the new seat and to weld it in place, going with the new axle is safer.

For more information on axle spring seats and all things auto, please see the links on the next page.


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How Axle Spring Seats Work (2024)


How do spring seats work? ›

The spring seat is an integral yet rarely spoken about part in your cars suspension setup. The spring seat provides a cradle for the top of the spring and strut assembly. It works in part to cushion the energy from bumps but also works as a cushion for spring recoil.

What are the advantages of spring under the axle? ›

Running the leaf springs under the axle helps lower the center of gravity, improves axle control under hard acceleration, allows the axletube to come up farther since there are no leaves between it and the frame, and with proper springs can still allow great wheel travel.

Do spring seats need to be welded to axle? ›

Re: Axle seats should be welded? Without the spring perches being welded means the axle can twist inside the "U-bolts". Those perches are what holds everything in lateral alignment and prevents the axle from twisting. If the trailer had brakes, the entire axle would spin regardless how tight the bolts were.

What is spring seating? ›

Sprung seating is made by taking the seating frame and, at the seat base area, adding Zig-Zag springs that run from the front to the back of the seat base. These are placed all along the length of the seating frame.

What is an axle seat? ›

Your trailer would not only have a much bumpier ride, but it would probably fall apart. That makes axle spring seats pretty important. An axle spring seat is a small brace that literally sits under the trailer's axle, attaching it to the springs and keeping the axle from falling out.

How do spring axles work? ›

Spring Trailer Axles

Much like the name suggests, spring axles are constructed of stacked flat spring stock in proportion to the load. But rather than having the spring over the axle (like on a pickup truck), trailers normally have the axle slung over the springs.

What are the two functions of springs? ›

They compress to absorb impacts from uneven surfaces, then release the energy slowly, ensuring a smoother ride and enhancing vehicle safety and longevity. Springs also function as energy storage devices due to their ability to generate force when released from a compressed state.

Can you put axle under springs? ›

Some refer to this process as "flipping the axles," but since axle has a slight bow to it you can't just flip them and reinstall them under the springs using the same spring seats. You have to install new spring seats on the opposite side of the axle so that it can be moved below the spring.

How does a rigid axle suspension system work? ›

The rigid axle suspension, also known as beam axle suspension, features an axle that is perpendicular to the vehicle and connected to the wheels via a wheel spindle and can be combined with leaf springs or coiled springs. A rigid axle is very durable and can bear a lot of load.

Which is better spring or torsion axle? ›

One of the primary benefits of torsion axles is their superior ride quality. They provide a smoother ride than spring axles, with less bouncing and jostling. They also tend to be quieter and require less maintenance over time, as there are no leaf springs to wear out or replace.

What are the three types of axle arrangements? ›

An axle is a rod or shaft that rotates the wheels and supports the weight of your vehicle. Axles are essential components of any vehicle and come in three main types: front, rear, and stub. An axle is a rod or shaft that rotates the wheels and supports the weight of your vehicle.

Can you weld a suspension spring? ›

One troubling and all-too-common question we receive is “Can I weld on my springs?” Our answer is always no. You shouldn't even weld near your springs, let alone on them.

Do springs in a bike seat help? ›

It does give some suspension, but not as much. It's a little firmer, gives more support you could say. So you may even want to, I don't know, ride a couple bikes that have these differences to find out if you're worried about buying it on the internet. But the spring will give you a little more suspension.

Do you need valve spring seats? ›

Valve seats are only necessary if the heads need them and a competent machine shop can examine them and determine if it's necessary. Many times they do not need to be replaced and the existing seats only get a light grinding to ensure a good seal.

What are coil spring seats? ›

A rear-axle assembly that is attached to the frame through a link-type suspension system. Coil springs are mounted between the lower suspension arms and the frame, while the shock absorbers are mounted between the back of the suspension arms and the frame.

How do you measure a spring seat? ›

Measure from one of the spring seats and go to the bolt hole in the middle of the bolt hole. Measure from the seat to the other side on the same place, and you'll get the spring seat measurement.

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