Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (2024)

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Oregano makes a great companion plant for so many plants in your garden.

For oregano, a versatile herb in the garden, several plants make good companions due to their compatible needs and mutual benefits.

Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (1)

What Is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is the strategic placement of different plants in close proximity to each other in the garden, where they can mutually benefit from pest control, pollination, nutrient uptake, and overall growth enhancement.

A lot of gardeners, myself included, use companion planting to repel insects instead of harsh chemical treatments.

Why Oregano Is A Good Companion Plant

Oregano serves as an excellent companion plant primarily because it secretes substances from its roots and leaves that repel various garden pests, such as aphids and cabbage moths, thereby offering a natural form of pest control.

Furthermore, its strong scent can mask the odors of neighboring plants, making it harder for pests to locate their targets.

Additionally, oregano attracts beneficial insects, including pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are vital for the pollination of many crops.

This herb also requires similar growing conditions to many popular garden vegetables and herbs, making it easy to integrate into a diverse garden without competing for resources.

Therefore, incorporating oregano into your garden not only enhances the health and yield of your plants but also promotes a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (2)

Oregano Companion Plants

Here are some excellent companion plants for oregano:

Vegetables to Plant With Oregano

  • Tomatoes: Oregano can help repel pests that bother tomatoes and is believed to improve their flavor.
  • Peppers: Similar to tomatoes, oregano may help repel pests and potentially enhance pepper growth.
  • Cucumbers: Oregano helps repel some of the pests that affect cucumbers.
  • Cabbage: The strong scent of oregano can deter pests that typically affect cabbage and related crops.


  • Basil: Planting oregano with basil can enhance the growth and flavor of both herbs. They share similar light and water requirements, making them compatible companions.
  • Thyme: Another Mediterranean herb that thrives in similar conditions to oregano, thyme can benefit from the pest-repellent properties of oregano.

Flowers To Plant With Oregano

  • Marigolds: Known for their ability to repel a variety of pests, marigolds can be beneficial when planted near oregano. They can help protect oregano from pest invasions.
  • Nasturtiums: These flowers are a trap crop for aphids and can draw them away from oregano and other vegetables.

Other Companion Plants for Oregano

Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (3)
  • Strawberries: Oregano can repel some of the pests that commonly bother strawberries, making it a good companion for these fruits.
  • Broccoli: Oregano can help deter pests that commonly affect broccoli, such as aphids and the cabbage butterfly, with its strong scent acting as a natural repellent. Its presence can improve the overall health and yield of broccoli plants.
  • Squash: Planting oregano near squash can benefit the squash plants by repelling pests like squash bugs and beetles. Oregano’s aromatic foliage can help mask the scent of squash plants, making it harder for pests to find them.

When planting oregano alongside these companions, ensure that all plants have enough space to grow and receive adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients.

How to Grow Oregano

Oregano prefers well-drained soil and can tolerate some drought, making it compatible with other Mediterranean herbs and plants that have similar needs.

Oregano, a versatile and aromatic herb, is a delightful addition to any kitchen garden.

Known for its robust flavor and numerous culinary uses, growing oregano at home can be a rewarding experience.

Growing oregano is easy following these steps; from from selecting the right variety to troubleshooting common issues.

Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (4)

Choosing the Right Variety of Oregano

Before jumping into planting, it’s super important to pick the right type of oregano.

Think about what kind of flavor you’re after and how each variety grows to make sure it fits with what you want and your garden’s vibe.

Types of Oregano

  • Common oregano Origanum vulgare is the most common type of oregano and is mainly found on the Mediterranean coast.
  • Greek oregano Oreganum heracl*tes is the most common type of oregano in Greece and is also known as Oreganum vulgare.It has oval and pointed leaves, and produces purple or white flowers from July to September.
  • Mexican oregano This variety has an earthier flavor and scent than other oregano.
  • Cuban oregano This plant has large, succulent-like leaves with a velvety texture and a menthol-ish smell.
  • Wild Greek oregano This robust herb has been used in sauces and marinades since ancient times

Planting Location and Soil

Oregano is a genus of subshrubs and herbaceous perennials in the mint family.It prefers dry, rocky, shallow, and poor soils.

  • Oregano thrives in well-drained soil and requires at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily.
  • Choose a location with good air circulation to prevent diseases.
  • Plant oregano in soil that is rich in organic matter and has a slightly alkaline pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Propagation of Oregano

Oregano can be propagated from seeds, cuttings, or by dividing established plants.

For beginners, starting with nursery-grown plants or cuttings provides a quicker and more reliable method.

Plant seeds or cuttings in the spring after the last frost, ensuring they are spaced about 12 to 18 inches apart.

Watering and Fertilizing Oregano

Oregano prefers slightly moist soil, but it is susceptible to root rot if overwatered.

  • Water the plants deeply when the soil feels dry, and always water at the base to prevent fungal issues.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer during the growing season, but avoid excessive nitrogen, which can compromise flavor.

Troubleshooting Common Issues With Growing Oregano

Yellowing Leaves

  • Cause: Overwatering or poor drainage.
  • Solution: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and improve drainage.

Drooping or Wilting Plants

  • Cause: Lack of water or intense sunlight.
  • Solution: Water consistently and provide shade during the hottest parts of the day.

Powdery Mildew

  • Cause: humid conditions and poor air circulation.
  • Solution: Prune overcrowded branches, improve air circulation, and apply a fungicidal spray.

Leggy Growth

  • Cause: Insufficient sunlight.
  • Solution: Move the plants to a sunnier location or prune to encourage bushier growth.

Growing Oregano and Companion Planting

It’s no secret; I love growing all herbs, and oregano is no exception. With oregano, you have the trifecta of gardening.

  1. Oregano is asthetically pleasings.
  2. Culinary: oregano is a key ingredient in your favorite dishes, such as homemade spaghetti.
  3. Oregano is a powerful antibacterial and is often used as a medicinal herb.
  4. As you can see from above, oregano makes a great companion plant for your garden.

By following these guidelines and addressing common issues, you can cultivate robust oregano plants that will enhance your culinary creations.

Enjoy the process and the aromatic rewards of having fresh oregano at your fingertips!

Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (5)
Best Companion Plants for Oregano in Your Garden (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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