40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (2024)

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme delicately hung against the wall. Fresh basil ready-to-pick right beside your kitchen counter. Got a desire for fresh herbs but just don’t have the space for a garden? Don’t worry! The solution to your problem is easy, stylish, budget-friendly and impressively cool!

Vertical herb gardens have a ton of benefits. To start off, they are an awesome way to save space while still growing your greens. If you plan your vertical garden in a specific way you can create a gravity-fed watering system that uses every drop of water that you give your plants. Plus, to top it all off, vertical herb gardens are super stylish and makes wonderful natural décor!

Below is a list of 40 fresh and fun vertical herb gardens to save you space and inspire your next weekend project!

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (1)

1. Mounted Mason Jars

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (2)

Glass mason jars mounted on an old piece of barn or pallet wood can make a lovely vertical herb garden for your kitchen!

2. Wall Box

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (3)

Keep your herbs close by so that you can pick them freshly the moment you need them and add them to your cooking or baking.

3. Pocket Shoe Garden

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (4)

Awesome! What a clever way to create an easy vertical herb garden! Let’s just hope that your shoes can still stay organized now…

4. Herb Wall

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (5)

Need a dividing wall? Well, don’t just build a wall, give it a function! This one consists of hanging terracotta pots filled with plants… Fill yours with herbs!

5. Curtain Rods

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (6)

I love how this vertical herb garden is snuggled into the kitchen window for optimal growing and optimal cooking!

6. Rustic

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (7)

There’s something so charming about rustic furniture and decor pieces like a pallet wood three-tiered herb garden.

7. Ikea Hack

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (8)

Turn an Ikea bar cart into a mobile vertical herb garden so you can take your fresh mint with you and always have mojito ingredients!

8. Recycled Bottles

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (9)

This impressive vertical herb garden recycles plastic bottles into herb homes. The system is also self-watering allowing the excess water from the higher plants to drip down to the lower plants.

9. Framed

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (10)

I love this modern design for a vertical herb garden. It looks like the herbs are framed as if they are lovely paintings.

10. Vertical Pallet Garden

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (11)

Update an unused pallet into something both useful and beautiful! By using chalk paint you can easily move things around and be able to remind yourself what’s what.

11. Painted Pots

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (12)

Blend your indoor herb garden into the styling of your kitchen. White to match the cupboards and silver to go with the appliances.

12. Hanging from Driftwood

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (13)

Hanging from a beautiful piece of driftwood, these painted tins are filled with delicious basils and thymes!

13. Galvanized Gutters

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (14)

Industrial and cool, these imposing galvanized gutters hanging from rope make quite the statement on the side of the house!

14. Tool Boxes

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (15)

Head on down to the local thrift shop and pick up some tool boxes! Paint them up, add lovely print and fill with herbs!

15. Fence Boards

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (16)

Got an old garden fence that you’re wanting to take down? Here’s one way to reuse that beautiful wood!

16. Modern and Space Saving

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (17)

Got a tiny porch or an even tinier balcony? No worries! You can still grow all your own fresh herbs! Check out how this vertical modern herb garden barely takes up any room.

17. Hex Wire Wall

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (18)

Hexagon wire netting can be a useful material on your creative road to a vertical herb garden!

18. Buckets on the Wall

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (19)

This super cute design uses metal buckets hanging on the wall as a vertical herb garden. The best part is that it’s right beside the kitchen dining table so you can freshen up your pasta!

19. Shower Caddy

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (20)

Most people use these metal caddy’s in their shower… We have another idea for them!

20. Wall Mounted Herb Garden

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (21)

You may have some extra materials from your last DIY project. Use your imagination and come up with something clever like a vertical herb garden!

21. Sticky Window Planters

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (22)

How adorable are these sticky window planters that allow for you to grow herbs all year round?! Love it!

22. Planter Stand

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (23)

While the image shows beautiful white flowers decorating the planter stand we are already planning the herbs that we will plant in ours!

23. 3 Tiered

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (24)

This 3 tiered planter box moves vertically up to take up less space while still having space for all your summer herbs!

24. Another Ladder Planter

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (25)

Here’s another charming, functional and stylish design for upcycling a ladder into a vertical herb and flower garden.

25. Salvaged Screens

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (26)

Upcycle two salvaged screens, some barn wood and a bit of wire into a gorgeous outdoor vertical herb garden.

26. Minimalist Design

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (27)

Using a modern and minimalistic design this indoor herb garden hangs gracefully on the wall beside your kitchen counter and has all the herbs you could need!

27. Individuality

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (28)

One thing you might find useful for your indoor herb garden is being able to individually remove each herb so you can trim, replant or water with ease.

28. Colored Shelves

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (29)

Small colored shelves are stylish, practical and fun! Paint the shelves your favorite colors or match them with the color scheme of your house!

29. Small Cups

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (30)

Build a wooden shelving unit above your kitchen counter and use small cups to be the new home for your cute little plants!

30. DIY Hanging Garden

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (31)

I really love how small and subtle this little herb garden is. Light-toned wood, rope, and terracotta pots make the green of the plants really pop!

31. Ammo Cans

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (32)

Check out how to make a happy and green vertical herb garden using recycled ammo cans and metal chain. What a transformation!

32. Nautical

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (33)

Got a cute lake cottage with a lack of herbs? This nautical design uses dock cleats as a spot to hang your cans of herbs!

33. Big to Small

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (34)

Are there certain herbs that you use more often than others? Then consider that in your design planning!

34. Self Watering Jars

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (35)

These colored mason jars don’t just look stunning in the light of the sun, they are also self-watering making your life easier!

35. Herb Garden Ladder

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (36)

Check out this gorgeous yellow ladder that’s been wonderfully transformed into a charming vertical herb garden!

36. Pop Bottles

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (37)

Start saving those plastic pop bottles because we’ve got the perfect recycling project for them!

37. Crates and More Crates

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (38)

Build an easy shelving unit out of old wooden crates and place your herbs however you want amongst the crates! Get creative and have fun!

38. Painted Plastic

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (39)

Another wonderful way to reuse plastic bottles into a vertical self-watering herb garden. This clever design painted the pop bottles to match the color of the wall so that they really blend in.

39. Coca-Cola

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (40)

There are so many cool ways to reuse and recycle old things into new projects. This coca-cola vertical herb garden is just one idea!

40. Glass Bottles

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A modern homemade vertical herb garden utilizing recycled glass bottles. This one is really sure to impress your guests!

Fresh and fun, these unique vertical herb gardens are going to make a big impression on your guests, roommates, family members and especially on yourself! You will love having fresh herbs close to the kitchen and you will love the extra space you save by building vertically.

There are awesome ways to recycle old materials into a new planter for your delicious herbs that are stylish and functional. You can also get creative by building something new from scratch to house your herbs. Whether it’s modern and sleek or vintage and charming you can really have fun designing your new vertical herb garden!

40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (42)

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40 DIY Vertical Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.