21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips, Ever - Updater (2025)

Whether you’re moving to a new country or just a few hundred miles, you’re going to need some fantastic long distance moving tips to make it happen. From the moment you find out you’re moving, to the day your belongings are finally delivered to your new home, you won’t have to worry about missing a beat.

Tips to Help You Prepare for a Long Distance Move

For some moves, you just need to throw everything you own in the back of a van and hit the road. A long-distance move, on the other hand, requires a lot more planning. The long distance moving tips below will help you remember everything you need to do ahead of time in order to have a successful move.

1. Make a plan as soon as you know you’re moving

You’re about to move everything you own hundreds or thousands of miles away. That kind of enormous task requires a plan! Whether you like to go with the flow or you want every moving-related to-do recorded in a spreadsheet, you should write down every moving-related task you need to accomplish. We know that’s a lot to juggle, so to help you out, we’ve already created the ultimate moving checklist to help you through every phase of your move. Check it out below!

2. Stay on schedule

Now that you’ve got a plan, you need to stay on schedule. Tasks like utility installation and school enrollment are time sensitive, so you don’t want to be scrambling to complete everything at the last minute. To keep yourself from forgetting what you need to do and when, try scheduling chunks of time on your calendar for moving-related tasks or setting up reminders on your phone. Follow this long distance moving tip, and you’ll be on schedule and ready for a stress-free move in no time!

3. Get multiple in-home moving estimates

Since you’re moving such a long distance, you need to do everything you can to find the right moving company. Part of this process is getting in-home estimates from at least three different moving companies. We recommend scheduling your estimates four weeks before your move, but the earlier the better. Don’t forget to make sure the price estimate is as accurate as possible by preparing your home properly for the in-home estimate.

21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips, Ever - Updater (2)

4. Hire a reputable moving company

After you go through a few in-home estimates and compare prices, make sure to hire the most reputable and trustworthy moving company possible. Though affordability is an important aspect of this decision, remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best. You don’t want to get caught in a moving scam while you’re trying to move thousands of miles away.

Wondering how to decide on a moving company? Watch this video to find out what 15 questions you need to ask a moving company before hiring them.

5. Update important documents like your license

Changing your address requires updating your information in a lot of different places. However, it gets even more complicated when you’re moving a long distance. You may need to update your driver’s license and registration and other important documents. Make sure to plan ahead and research what all needs to be updated in plenty of time before your move! This is one long distance moving tip that can not be ignored. Trust us.

6. Purchase moving insurance

Whether you have dozens of valuable items or not, make sure you are aware of what your insurance does and does not cover. Sit down with your agent before you move and see what your home and auto insurance covers as far as moving goes. Also, remember that though moving companies usually offer a limited insurance policy, you might want to purchase a more comprehensive plan if you have many expensive or valuable items.

Tips to Help You Pack for a Long Distance Move

You might think you’re already a packing expert, but packing for a long-distance move is a unique experience and a challenge. These long distance moving tips will help you save money, downsize, and ensure that everything you own arrives safely and intact at your new home.

7. Make an inventory list

When you move long distance, your belongings may become spread across states or even continents. That’s why it’s so important to take inventory of all your belongings before the big move. Whether you use an app or a notebook and pen, make sure that you have a comprehensive list of everything you own in one place. That way, you won’t have to worry about figuring out if everything arrived at your new home. You’ll be able to simply check your inventory list.

8. Figure out where everything will go in your new home

Before moving your five bookshelves and king-sized bed across the country, you need to figure out if they’ll fit in your new home. Instead of going off of square footage, try to measure how much open floor space there is in the apartment or house. That way, you won’t be frustrated when you move your bookshelf all the way to your new home, only to find out that the square footage isn’t quite as open as you thought.

9. Take some time to majorly downsize

You should get rid of unwanted items before any move, but one of our best long distance moving tips is to majorly downsize. Get rid of clothes you haven’t worn in the last year, kitchen appliances you’ve never touched, and books you’re not going to read again. Seriously, if you don’t use it, love it, or need it to survive, we recommend tossing it,donating it, or holding a garage sale. Purging your belongings could lower the price of your moving estimate and make packing and unpacking far easier.

21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips, Ever - Updater (3)

10. Prioritize the items you need to keep with you

As you begin to pack, make sure to prioritize what you need to keep with you. For this long distance moving tip, we recommend packing an open-first box that includes items you’ll need during your first weeks, such as towels, bedding, and a few pots and pans and dishes. Don’t forget to also pack a suitcase with toiletries, your favorite clothing items, and personal necessities. Keep these things with you, and you’ll be far more comfortable while you wait for your moving truck to arrive at your new home.

11. Pack boxes with distance in mind

This is often forgotten when it comes to long distance moving tips. Though our best packing hacks definitely still apply, a long distance move requires some additional packing effort. For example, you should take extra care with fragile items by wrapping them in bubble wrap, paper, and old t-shirts. Pack fragile items together to keep them organized and ensure that your movers know to take extra care with these boxes.

12. Organize belongings as you pack

Unpacking will be a lot easier if you don’t throw everything you own into boxes at random. Instead, you should pack your belongings by room. You may even consider packing by area, for example, if you have a desk, you could put everything that goes on it in one box. You can also give each box a number that corresponds with your inventory list, which will be very useful when the boxes are delivered to your home later on.

13. Label boxes with your name

When you move long distance, your boxes will most likely be placed on a moving truck that includes boxes that belong to other families. This is actually fairly common. To keep your belongings from getting mixed up or dropped off at the wrong location, clearly label every box with your name. For boxes you’re very concerned about losing, you might even consider including your phone number, just in case the box is dropped at the wrong house.

21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips, Ever - Updater (4)

14. Let the professionals handle it

While moving hacks can save you loads of time, packing up your entire house could still easily take months. If you’re moving in a hurry, work long hours, or would rather spend time with friends than pack up your home, you should consider hiring professional packers. Especially when it comes to long distance moving, having a professional bubble wrap and tape up your belongings can be invaluable. To save time in other areas, you can also hire professionals to clean your home or help you organize before the move. Just keep in mind that this long distance moving tip can be expensive, so be sure it fits into your budget before calling in reinforcements.

15. Save money where you can

If you’re in between jobs, you might be trying to save as much money as possible during your long-distance move. If that’s the case, the best long distance moving tip for you is to try to do-it-yourself as much as you can. Whether it’s packing, cleaning, and organizing with only the help of your friends, or getting rid of as much as possible in order to save money on your moving company, you can get creative in this process. The downside is that this method takes more time. However, if you ask your friends for help, you might actually enjoy DIY-ing parts of your move.

Tips for Making the Actual Long Distance Move

You’ve prepared as much as you can and packed up all your belongs. Now, it’s time to get to work and make the move. Whether you’re road tripping or hopping on the next flight, you’re going to need these long distance moving tips to get everything you own to your new home safe and sound.

16. Move during off-season

Most people choose to move during the summer, and as a result, this is probably the most expensive time of year to hire a moving company. If you can, choose to move during the off-season. This could save you hundreds of dollars and make your entire move a whole lot easier. If that’s not an option, moving on a weekday or in the middle of the month can also help save a few dollars.

17. Move yourself (and your car) the right way

If you’re moving within the country, you might consider saving money by driving your car and yourself to your new home. However, if you’re moving across the ocean or over an insurmountable distance, you need to ship your car to your new home. Make sure to do your research and plan ahead so that you don’t get stuck in your new town with no way to get around!

21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips, Ever - Updater (5)

18. Plan around your delivery window

Depending on the moving company you choose, the delivery window for your belongings could be over two weeks after you arrive at your new home. As a result, it’s crucial to plan to live for the first month without whatever you put on the moving truck. To decrease the stress of waiting for your belongings to arrive, make sure to keep your open-first box and your personal necessities with you.

19. Be aware of your move-in situation

When the moving truck arrives, you need to be prepared. Research your new neighborhood’s parking regulations. Then, make sure there’s room for the moving truck to park. If there’s no room, your moving company may charge an extra fee to bring your boxes on a smaller shuttle. So that you’re not surprised by such a situation, make sure to ask your moving company about all potential additional fees pre-move. If you’re moving into an apartment building, also check on any move-in day requirements, like if you need to reserve a freight elevator.

20. Triple-check your belongings before the movers leave

Hopefully, while you were packing, you created an inventory list of all your belongings. With this list in hand, you can make sure that your movers bring everything that’s yours into your new home. You should double-check and triple-check this list before your movers even leave. This way, they can quickly figure out what happened to any missing items.

21. Tip your long distance movers

Tipping your movers is a practical way to thank them for their hard work, particularly if they did an exceptional job. Tip a certain dollar amount per hour of the move, or offer the crew snacks and a cooler full of drinks upon arrival. To be sure you follow this long distance moving tip properly, you could even call your moving company and ask how much their customers usually tip. Just make sure that a tip was not already figured into your moving estimate.

With these long distance moving tips on your mind, you can rest easy knowing you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything during your move. Did we miss an awesome long distance moving tip? Let us know in the comments below!

21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips, Ever - Updater (2025)


What should you not pack when moving long distance? ›

Heavy items are more likely to cause damage. Avoid packing your boxes in a way that makes them heavy. Break up heavy items across several boxes. A big box of books can be a big threat if it comes crashing down — not to mention, hard to carry.

How do I make long distance move easier? ›

Take some time to majorly downsize

You should get rid of unwanted items before any move, but one of our best long distance moving tips is to majorly downsize. Get rid of clothes you haven't worn in the last year, kitchen appliances you've never touched, and books you're not going to read again.

What's the cheapest way to move long distance? ›

10 Cheap Ways To Move Across The Country
  • Do-It-Yourself Move. A do-it-yourself move is the cheapest way to move long distances. ...
  • Hybrid Move. ...
  • Rent a Moving Container. ...
  • Use a Freight Trailer. ...
  • Ship it. ...
  • Moving During the “Off-Season” ...
  • Save Money on Packing Supplies. ...
  • Declutter and Garage Sale.
Apr 20, 2022

How do you plan a long distance move? ›

16 Steps To Help You Plan For A Long Distance Move During 2022
  1. Don't Delay Your Planning. ...
  2. Create A Schedule. ...
  3. Choose A Trusted Moving Company. ...
  4. Calculate Moving Costs. ...
  5. Sort Out Important Documentation and Utilities. ...
  6. Start Packing Early. ...
  7. Declutter. ...
  8. Create A “Do Not Pack” List.
Feb 18, 2021

What should you declutter before moving? ›

Decluttering before you move means you won't spend time packing up things you no longer want or need.
Decluttering for a Move: Room-by-Room Checklist
  1. Expired food.
  2. Sauce packets.
  3. Small appliances.
  4. Kitchen tools and utensils.
  5. Cookware.
  6. Plastic containers and lids.
  7. Water bottles and coffee tumblers.
  8. Old cookbooks.
Jul 10, 2019

What should I throw away before I move? ›

18 things you should always throw away before you move
  • Unused kitchen gadgets or small appliances. How often do you actually spiralize your veggies? ...
  • Books you won't re-read. Keep your favorites. ...
  • Mismatched dishes. Just buy a new, matching set. ...
  • Food items. ...
  • Shoes you don't wear. ...
  • Clothes you don't wear. ...
  • Towels. ...
  • Loose papers.
Aug 26, 2018

Is there a checklist for moving? ›

Pack all non-essentials first. These include items you won't need in the weeks leading up to the move, including books, home decor items and electronics. Pack essentials last. These include kitchen items, dinnerware, clothing, toiletries and any other items you'll need in the days leading up to the move.

How do you move successfully? ›

  1. Prepare yourself and your home. Just like in previous years, preparation is always vital to a successful moving process. ...
  2. Have a garage sale. ...
  3. Take inventory of what's coming with you. ...
  4. Hire the moving team. ...
  5. Choose your moving date wisely. ...
  6. Pack your belongings. ...
  7. Take inventory of what's going. ...
  8. Notify all parties.
Feb 6, 2019

How do you pack furniture to move across country? ›

Use bubble wrap to protect delicate wood pieces. Plastic wrap or specially designed plastic sofa covers should be used to protect your upholstered items. In a pinch, old blankets or packing blankets will work. It is also a good idea to use corrugated cardboard sheets in between wooden pieces.

What month is the cheapest to move? ›

So, when is the cheapest time to move? Scheduling your move from late September to April will save you the most money. This window of time avoids peak moving season in the summer as well as the high demand for movers in the fall, up to early September.

Are pods cheaper than moving companies? ›

Historically, PODS cost less than hiring a professional moving company because you aren't paying for the quality labor required to pack and load the contents of a home. However, we recommend getting a free in-home or virtual estimate from a professional moving company for comparison.

How can I move across the country with no money? ›

Saving money on your move
  1. Source free moving supplies wherever you can. ...
  2. Use alternative packing supplies. ...
  3. DIY as much as you can. ...
  4. Consider renting a portable moving container. ...
  5. Avoid peak moving dates. ...
  6. Ship your stuff. ...
  7. Have your company pay for the move. ...
  8. Look for moving discounts.
May 20, 2022

What items are not worth moving? ›

What Not To Pack When Moving
  • Clothing – It is easy to overdo it when it comes to packing clothes. ...
  • Bulky Items – DVDs and books take up a lot of space when packing, as do large electronic items like unused laptops/desktop computers, or DVD players.

How soon should I start packing to move? ›

Q: When should you start packing to move? A: If possible, start planning your packing strategy six weeks before your move. At first, you'll need to do the prep work, like decluttering, cleaning, and purchasing moving and packing supplies. Then, the last two to three weeks can be used for packing.

How long distance moves work? ›

The average time range for most long-distance moves can be anywhere from 10 days to more than two weeks. However, due to various unpredictable factors, this time is apt to fluctuate throughout the process.

How do I get rid of everything I own? ›

If you're struggling with how to get rid of stuff, you can:
  1. Challenge yourself to remove the unneeded things in your home.
  2. Rid yourself of the extra weight in a permanent manner.
  3. Carry a trash bag from room-to-room.
  4. See how big of a donation pile you can make.
  5. Eliminate debt by selling what you no longer need.

When your house is so messy you don't know where to start? ›

Where to Begin When You're Overwhelmed by Clutter and Mess:
  1. Take care of time sensitive issues. Check for any appointments or activities you may have forgotten. ...
  2. Focus on food and clothes first. ...
  3. Make a simple morning routine. ...
  4. Make a simple afternoon and evening routine. ...
  5. Choose one special task to do each day.

How do I get rid of everything full of my house? ›

Clearing out the rest:
  1. Clean out and toss broken items. Go through the house room by room and clean out the clutter. ...
  2. Host an estate sale. One of the most profitable ways to clear out your parent's house is to hold an estate sale. ...
  3. Donate items that are left.
Aug 12, 2019

At what age should seniors downsize? ›

Older Americans planning to downsize should brace for sticker shock. Homeowners age 65 to 74 who downsize sell a $270,000 home and purchase one for $250,000, on average. Home values have gone up 8.7 percent over the past year and are expected to rise another 6.5 percent within the next 12 months.

What is the first thing to do when moving? ›

So, let the countdown begin!
  • Find the Perfect New Home for You. ...
  • Pare Down Your Possessions. ...
  • Make a Moving Inventory. ...
  • Get Rid of Unneeded Items. ...
  • Create a Moving Calendar. ...
  • Set Up a Moving Budget. ...
  • Decide on a Moving Date. ...
  • Solve the Ultimate Moving Dilemma “Move Yourself or Hire Professional Movers”
Aug 23, 2017

Can you leave clothes in drawers when moving? ›

In general, soft things such as clothing, towels, sheets or pillows can remain in the drawers. Just be sure that the drawers aren't overstuffed. Remove heavy objects and pack them in separate boxes. Small, fragile or valuable items should also be packed separately.

What should I do 2 weeks before moving? ›

2 weeks before you move checklist:
  • Create a moving file to organize your move-related printed receipts and bills. ...
  • Recycle or dispose of corrosives, flammables, and poisonous items. ...
  • Prep two-weeks worth of meals and use everything in the freezer. ...
  • Return borrowed items from neighbors, family, and friends.
Aug 12, 2015

How do you pack a messy house? ›

Top 6 Ways to Pack Messy House by Professional Movers Gilbert
  1. Arrange Your House Before Packing. Before packing, organize your house first. ...
  2. Pack up by Room. Before you think of the whole house, focus first in one particular room at a time. ...
  3. Create an “Essential Bag” ...
  4. Label Your Boxes. ...
  5. Make Use of Trash Poly Bags. ...
  6. Stay Calm.
Aug 14, 2020

Why is moving so hard? ›

Moving is Stressful

The stress of moving can make it seem a lot tougher than it really is. One of the best ways to combat this stress is to plan everything out and make sure that you're prepared each step of the way. For instance, pack gradually so that you don't have a big rush on the day before (or day of) your move.

How do you move smart? ›

  1. Declutter so you can pack less. ...
  2. Invest in quality moving boxes. ...
  3. Set a timer and pack for an hour a day. ...
  4. Pack a moving essentials tote. ...
  5. Give each room a different color packing label. ...
  6. Don't overpack a moving box. ...
  7. Use the right size boxes. ...
  8. Don't leave empty spaces in boxes.
May 13, 2019

How should I pack for a 3 day move? ›

Tips to pack household in 3 days for do-it-yourself moving
  1. Start immediately. ...
  2. Choose what to move carefully. ...
  3. Arrange packing materials. ...
  4. Sort out the items to pack. ...
  5. Donate or sell off unused items. ...
  6. Ask for help. ...
  7. Keep the essentials aside. ...
  8. Click photos of the items.
May 7, 2018

What to do before moving across the country? ›

10 Tips for Moving Cross-Country From Someone Who Did It
  • Weigh the Cost of Shipping Your Car. ...
  • Do Your Career Homework. ...
  • Get Your Finances in Check. ...
  • Part Ways with Things You Don't Need. ...
  • Pack Your Clothes Strategically. ...
  • Tap Into Your Network. ...
  • Save Your Moving Receipts. ...
  • Don't Forget the Little Things.
Feb 10, 2019

Should I take apart furniture when moving? ›

Not all furniture items should be disassembled when moving. However, for those that can be disassembled, we highly recommend doing so before the move. Furniture pieces that usually need to be taken apart include bed frames, tables and modular sofas.

How do you pack dishes for a move? ›

How to Pack Dishes for Moving - YouTube

What time of day is best to move? ›

The early morning is the best time to move with an arrival between 8-10am, and you'll love the better temperatures before the hot sun later in the day. Consider scheduling your move in the middle of the month too, because mid-month moves tend to allow for the best availability since they are the lowest in demand.

What's the best day to move? ›

Best Day of the Week to Move: Weekdays (Monday through Thursday) When picking a move date, it's best to choose a weekday. Many moving companies like Allied Van Lines suggest moving during the Monday to Thursday window when there is less demand.

What is the luckiest day to move house? ›

Move into your new home on a Thursday, considered by some to be the luckiest day. That is, unless everyone else is moving on a Thursday, which will make getting a van pretty difficult.

Is a pod a good way to move? ›

3) PODS can handle both local and long-distance moves. 4) PODS gives its customers a more flexible time frame than other moving container companies. Those who need more than a few days to load and unload their belongings can pack at their own pace when using a PODS moving container.

What are the sizes of PODS? ›

PODS® offers three different container sizes — 7-, 12-, and 16-foot — to move anything from a small apartment to a large home. While getting one container delivered may seem convenient, the lack of flexibility could lead to paying for the wrong one.

Do PODS move locally? ›

The company takes care of physically moving your PODS rental for you once you pack it, and offers both local and long-distance moving services. You pack it, they move it, whether you're a business or an individual.

What state pays you to live there? ›

Alaska will pay you approximately $1,600 to live there! Simply put, Alaska needs people. So much so that they offer numerous grants and tax incentives to make you an Alaskan. The Permanent Fund Dividend is a perfect example.

What is the best country to start a new life? ›

What makes Poland one of the best countries to start a new life?
  • It is a safe country, one of the safest in Europe.
  • Stable economy.
  • Productive work environment.
  • It is very cheap to raise kids, and public education is among the best in the world (in Europe, only Finland and Estonia have netter systems).

How do I start a new life with no money? ›

Contents show
  1. Examine How You Got Here.
  2. Consider Low-Cost Living Options.
  3. Start with a Strict Budget.
  4. Reach Out for Assistance.
  5. Apply for Jobs.
  6. Begin Budgeting for the Future. 6.1 Slowly Build a Savings. 6.2 Consider Long-term Goals.
  7. Final Thoughts.
  8. Save Money and Get Free Stuff!
Nov 2, 2021

How do you know what to keep and throw away? ›

Our experts weigh in to help you decide.
  1. Toss it if...
  2. You have twice as many as you need. Take inventory of your duplicate items. ...
  3. It's a gift you don't love. ...
  4. It's not worth repairing. ...
  5. Your gut says lose it. ...
  6. You don't know what it is. ...
  7. Keep it if...
  8. It's sentimental gold.

Do you leave TV wall mounts when you move? ›

Wall mounts: If you have TV wall mounts or picture mounts that might damage the wall if you remove them, it is a good idea to leave them in place when you move. Custom-fit items: If you have custom-made curtains, plantation shutters, or blinds, leave them on the windows and doors.

What are the heaviest things to move? ›

Items like dining room furniture, pianos, couches, and dressers are usually the heaviest (and therefore most expensive) items to move.

What brings good luck to a new home? ›

7 Lucky Superstitions for Your New Home
  • Pick a Good Day to Move! If your move in date is flexible, choose carefully. ...
  • Leave your old broom (and its dust) behind! ...
  • Light a Candle or Burn Sage. ...
  • Bread + Salt. ...
  • Boil Milk and Rice. ...
  • Ring a Bell. ...
  • Paint Your Porch Blue.

How do you pack to move in a hurry? ›

Last-Minute Move: How To Pack Up Your Apartment in a Hurry
  1. Enlist Help. ...
  2. Keep a Checklist. ...
  3. Find Your Nearest Donation Center. ...
  4. Throw Away Things You Don't Need. ...
  5. Get More Boxes Than You Think You Need. ...
  6. Get Extra Packing Supplies. ...
  7. Use Your Suitcases and Bags. ...
  8. Pack One Room at a Time.
Sep 26, 2021

Why are movers always late? ›

There are tons of reasons why your movers could be late. They could be stuck in bad traffic, they might have accidentally gone to the wrong address, the truck might have gotten a flat tire. Even the most reputable moving companies can encounter a few bumps in the road, so to speak.

What's the cheapest way to move long distance? ›

10 Cheap Ways To Move Across The Country
  • Do-It-Yourself Move. A do-it-yourself move is the cheapest way to move long distances. ...
  • Hybrid Move. ...
  • Rent a Moving Container. ...
  • Use a Freight Trailer. ...
  • Ship it. ...
  • Moving During the “Off-Season” ...
  • Save Money on Packing Supplies. ...
  • Declutter and Garage Sale.
Apr 20, 2022

What is the best way to make a long distance move? ›

Tips for Making the Actual Long Distance Move
  1. Move during off-season. ...
  2. Move yourself (and your car) the right way. ...
  3. Plan around your delivery window. ...
  4. Be aware of your move-in situation. ...
  5. Triple-check your belongings before the movers leave. ...
  6. Tip your long distance movers.
Jul 5, 2018

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.