Get Your Trashbags Ready! Keep It or Toss It? (2024)

As you declutter, you'll face this question over and over (and over) again. Our experts weigh in to help you decide.

Toss it if...

1. You have twice as many as you need. Take inventory of your duplicate items. If you own enough spatulas and coffee mugs to supply a small diner, it's time to shed a few.

2. It's a gift you don't love. "Sometimes when we give away a present, we feel like we're giving away the person," says Elsa Jewett, a feng shui consultant based in Denver. Remind yourself it's just an object.

3. It's not worth repairing. Search for similar items on eBay; if your item's current value is less than the cost of repairing it (hello, broken printer from 2004), then toss and replace. Otherwise, give yourself a deadline. If you don't get around to fixing the thing within six months, you can probably let it go.

4. Your gut says lose it. Don't second-guess your instincts. "A lot of people worry they'll have regrets," says life coach Gail Blanke, author of Throw Out Fifty Things. "They're afraid that one day they'll need that exact thing. But 99 percent of the time you just don't."

5. You don't know what it is. UPOs (unidentified plastic objects) get 30 days. If they're still a mystery one month later, dump 'em.

Keep it if...

1. It's sentimental gold. "The more memorabilia you have, the less emotionally valuable each individual item becomes," says Emily Wilska, an organization consultant in San Francisco. Instead of saving every card your beloved uncle ever sent, pick the one that captures his spirit best.

2. It fits your life today. Your possessions should support who you are right now, not the person you were five years—or five pounds—ago. Your ten-year-old LBD that still looks great? It stays.

3. You think it's gorgeous (even if no one else does). Stuff that makes you smile—like the glittery clothespin reindeer your child made in third grade—doesn't count as "clutter."

4. You'd buy it again. It's tough to be objective about your own belongings. So ask yourself, What would I do if I saw this in a store?

5. You'll find a place for it. "Putting it back in a box is just predisposal," says Erin R. Doland, author of Unclutter Your Life in One Week!! Any item worth keeping is worth creating a space for.

Next: Where to donate all the things you've just gotten rid of (really, don't just throw them away!)

From the March 2010 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine

Get Your Trashbags Ready! Keep It or Toss It? (2024)


What was glad trash bag slogans? ›

The trash bags' slogans were "Why Take Chances, Get Glad!" and "Don't get mad! Get Glad!"

Does the trash bag method work? ›

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that wearing a trash bag while working out will help you lose weight. In fact, wearing a trash bag while exercising could be dangerous as it may cause you to overheat and become dehydrated.

What is the trash bag method? ›

This method is also known as the "Mississippi Trash Bag Method." A whole turkey is placed in a large trash bag and marinated in salt brine, herbs and spices for several hours at room temperature. The unsafe part of the method is the use of a trash bag and no refrigeration during marinating.

What are the best slogans on Say No to plastic bags? ›

Ten slogans to avoid plastic bags:
  • Use paper bags and reduce plastic bags.
  • No plastic is fantastic.
  • Do something drastic, cut the plastic!
  • Go green, Plastic is Obscene!
  • Be safe to earth, and reduce the use of plastic.
  • Don't be drastic, Say 'NO' to plastic.
  • Handle with care, plastic is everywhere.

What is the slogan for wet garbage and dry garbage? ›

Don't Litter, it makes the world bitter! Don't throw away, recycle for another day. Don't throw it away, it can be used in some other way. Don't throw your future away!

What are some facts about glad trash bags? ›

Glad trash bags use patented technology to minimize plastic use. If everyone switched to using Glad trash bags, it would save 100 million lbs of plastic from going into the landfill every year.

Can you sleep in a trash bag? ›

Assuming you intend to sleep on it, not inside it, then you should be ok. Bin liners do tend to be slippery, so you might find yourself sliding off it. A cheap piece of tarp from a hardware shop might be a better bet. Don't sleep inside a plastic bag or survival bag unless you enjoy waking-up soaked in condensation.

What are the cons of trash bags? ›

What Are the Cons of Plastic Bags?
  • Plastic Bags Contaminate Food Sources. Those in favor of banning plastic bags argue that it would be one of the most effective ways to reduce the volume of plastic waste in the ocean. ...
  • Plastic Bags Take Up To 1,000 Years to Decompose. ...
  • Plastic Bags Are Hard to Recycle.
Jan 24, 2024

Why is sweating in a trash bag good? ›

Wearing a trash bag over your clothes while you exercise stops your body's cooling circuit from doing its thing. Your sweat won't evaporate, so your body temperature doesn't reduce, and your body continues to produce more sweat in an attempt to cool down. Thus, wearing a trash bag induces weight loss from water weight.

What is a black garbage bag? ›

Black – is generally for non-biodegradable, non-infectious garbage such as plastic cans, Styrofoams, candy wrappers, etc. 2. Green – is for biodegradable materials like left-over foods, vegetable and fruit peelings, leaves, twigs, etc.

How old are garbage bags? ›

Garbage bags were invented by Canadians Harry Wasylyk, Larry Hansen and Frank Plomp in 1950. In a special on CBC Television, green garbage bags (first bin bags in Canada) ranked 36th among the top 50 Canadian inventions. Black plastic bags were introduced in 1950 as star sealed bags.

What are blue garbage bags? ›

Blue Garbage Bags

Specifically for customers living in municipalities that allow plastic bags, GLAD blue bags can handle all your recyclables and help you avoid the hassle of overflowing blue boxes. The unique ForceFlex Diamond Texture stretches with your trash to prevent rips and tears.

How to do the vacuum trash bag challenge? ›

The bags are sealed around the person's body with the exception of an opening where the hose from a vacuum cleaner has been inserted. Once the switch is flipped, the vacuum cleaner sucks all of the air out of the bag. This creates a vacuum inside the bag and the appearance of a skintight bodysuit outside.

How does the vacuum challenge work? ›

Participants put their entire body in a trash bag (usually with their heads poking out) along with the vacuum hose. Another person turns on the vacuum cleaner and the suction removes the air from the bag. The bag becomes so tight, some participants topple over to the side.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.