200 Good Roasts and Comebacks For Common Insults - Quotesjin (2025)

200 Good Roasts and Comebacks For Common Insults - Quotesjin (1)

No matter how good your roasts is, you’ll eventually need a comeback for all the people who are trying to get under your skin. There are plenty of comebacks for different situations. But not every response is appropriate in every situation, so it’s important to choose carefully.

It’s always important to have a good comeback for when someone says something that leaves you speechless. You need to be able to quickly gather your thoughts and say something witty in return.

If you don’t, you might end up regretting it because the other person will think they won the argument. Here are some of our favorite good roasts, and comebacks for common insults.

Table of Contents

Good Roasts

You are as unsatisfying as cold french fries.

You must have been born on a highway because that’s where most accidents happen.

Maybe you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside too.

If someone calls you gay says yes I am straight then the pole your Mom dance on.

Revenge? Nah, I am too lazy. I am not gonna sit here and get Karma up.

Some people are like clouds when they disappear. It’s a beautiful day.

Let’s play Truth or Dare! Oh wait we can only play dare, you don’t know how to tell the truth.

When someone asks what you are thinking about
I hope no one ever finds the body.

No need for insults, your face is one all by itself.

Mirrors can’t talk. Lucky for you, they can’t laugh either.

Only thing that is pleasing about our relationship is that you are no longer in it.

When someone you don’t like falls: OMG is the floor okay!

If someone calls you a b****
yes I am a b**** just not yours.

Zombies eat brains. You are safe.

I’d slap you. But that’d be animal abuse.

Hey, you have something on your chin… no, the 3rd one down.

If somebody accuses you of being nasty
I’m an Angel! Honest! The horns are just there to keep the halo up straight.

When someone calls you crazy
I may be Crazy. But crazy is better than stupid.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the 3rd ones for you.

See also:Orphans Quotes

I’m not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.

I don’t know what’s worse… Your IQ or your hairline.

Honey, only thing bothering me is placed between your ears.

If you say you are Cooler Than Me… does that make me hotter than you?

You’re fat and I’m not gonna sugarcoat it because you’ll eat that too.

It’s better to let someone think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.

I love what you’ve done with your hair. How do you get it to come out of the nostrils like that?

If I throw a stick, will you leave me too?

Whatever doesn’t kill you, disappoints me.

Have a nice day… somewhere else.

I told my therapist about you; she didn’t believe me.

See also: Attitude Quotes

When I look at you, I think to myself where have you been my whole life? Can you go back there?

You are not the dumbest person on the planet but you sure better hope he doesn’t die.

There is someone out there for everyone. For you, it’s a therapist.

I know you don’t like me, that says a lot. You need to acquire a better taste.

I don’t hate you, but if you were drowning, I would give you a high five.

Good Comebacks

I am not ignoring you; I am just giving you a time to understand what you just said.

When an immature person says you have changed
I didn’t change, I grew up. You should try it sometime.

Did you know your incubator had tinted windows? That explains a lot.

The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready.

I treasure the time. I don’t spend time with you.

When I listen to you, I think you really going to go far. I hope you stay there.

Of course I talk like an idiot. How else could you understand me?

You are the sun in my life… now get 93 million miles away from me.

It’s all about balance… you start talking, I stop listening.

The last time I saw something like you, it was behind metal grids.

You didn’t change since last time I saw you. You should.

If I wanted to kill myself, I would simply jump from your ego to your IQ.

I didn’t mean to offend you… but it was a huge plus.

You are the reason why there are instructions on shampoo bottles.

I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it works.

It is hilarious how you are trying to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence.

I like the way you comb your hair, so horns don’t show up.

See also: Funny Quotes

You’re the reason God created the middle finger.

It’s impossible to underestimate you.

Keep rolling your eyes, you might eventually find a brain.

Oops, my bad. I could’ve sworn I was dealing with an adult.

Did I invite you to the barbecue? Then why are you all up in my grill?

Our kid must have gotten his brain from you! I still have mine.

Oh, you don’t like being treated the way you treat me? That must suck.

Hold still. I’m trying to imagine you with personality.

Her teeth were so bad she could eat an apple through a fence.

If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.

I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.

I’ve been called worse things by better men.

You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel.

Few Thoughts about Good Comebacks

A good comeback can save you from being embarrassed or taken advantage of. If you are confident in what you have to say, there is nothing better than being able to take the lead in a conversation.

A good comeback can help keep your self-esteem high and give you the confidence needed to take care of yourself.

The Best Funny Insults

Somewhere tree is producing oxygen for you. I’m sorry for it.

I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.

Why are you rolling your eyes? Are you looking for your brain?

It is better to shut your mouth and make people think you are stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

Where is your off button?

Let me tell you. If I don’t answer you the first time, what makes you think the next 25 will work?

Your face makes onions cry.

Every time I think you can’t get any dumber, you are proving me wrong.

Light travels faster than sound, which is why you seemed bright until you spoke.

Your kid is so annoying he makes his Happy Meal cry.

We were happily married for one month, but unfortunately, we’ve been married for 10 years.

Your secrets are always safe with me. I never even listen when you tell me them.

Your face is just fine, but we’ll have to put a bag over that personality.

You hear that? It’s the sound of me not caring.

I’d tell you to blow your brains out, but I’m pretty certain there’s nothing there.

When God made you, you must have been on the bottom of his “to-do” list.

I know I make stupid choices, but you’re the worst of all my choices.

God wanted to spice the earth with jokes, and he made your kind.

Remember, if anyone says you’re beautiful, it’s all lies.

The good books say to make good friends, but I think I made a mistake.

I think you just need a high five… in the face… with a chair.

Oh, sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours?

I look at you and think what a waste of two billion years of the evolution.

You can’t imagine how much happiness you can bring… by leaving the room.

Best Roasts For Enemies

Don’t worry – the first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

I didn’t mean to push your buttons, I was just looking for mute.

When I see you coming, I get pre annoyed. I’m just giving myself a head start.

I can’t wait to spend my whole life without you.

Don’t worry about me. Worry about your eyebrows.

If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.

If I had a dollar every time you shut up, I would give it back as a thank you.

Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parents’ job.

I may love to shop, but I will never buy your bull.

I’ll never forget the first time we met. But I’ll keep trying.

I’d rather treat my baby’s diaper rash than have lunch with you.

You are like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.

You’re a gray sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake.

I was today years old when I realized I didn’t like you.

N’Sync said it best, “BYE, BYE, BYE!”

You bring everyone so much joy! You know, when you leave the room. But, still.

Whoever told you to be yourself, gave you a bad advice.

Remember that time you were saying that thing I didn’t care about? Yeah, that is now.


I would call you an idiot, but it would be an insult for stupid people.

Someday you’ll go far. And I really hope you stay there.

Hurting you is the least thing I want to do… but it’s still in the list.

You are like a software update. every time I see you, I immediately think “not now”.

How many licks until I get to the interesting part of this conversation?

Wow, your maker really didn’t waste time giving you a personality, huh?

I’m not a nerd; I’m just smarter than you.

You are the human version of period cramps.

I wish I had a flip phone, so I could slam it shut on this conversation.

I’m busy right now, can I ignore you another time?

Why Roasts Are The Best Way To Handle A Comeback

There’s nothing quite like a good roast to put someone in their place. If someone has been acting up and needs to be put back in line, a roast is the perfect way to do it. Roasts are funny, sharp, and brutal, and they always get the point across.

Plus, roasts make for great comebacks. If someone has insulted you, roasted you, or just been generally unpleasant, roasting them back is the perfect way to get revenge. It’s satisfying, it’s empowering, and it always makes people laugh.

So if you need to handle a comeback, don’t hesitate to roast your opponent. It’s the best way to show them who’s boss.

200 Good Roasts and Comebacks For Common Insults - Quotesjin (2025)


How do you give a comeback? ›

  1. Witty comebacks can't be planned. ...
  2. If you know your colleague has a tendency to make snide remarks, train your brain to listen to his or her words carefully.
  3. Try to raise the status of the other person by swallowing your pride.
  4. It's not really about the text, so much as it is the tone.
28 Mar 2016

What to say if someone tells you to shut up? ›

Here are some funny and playful comebacks to “Shut up” that will get them back good.
  • 01“Awww, are you having a bad day?” ...
  • 02“I will not be silenced!” ...
  • 03“Make me.” ...
  • 04“Your wish is my command.” ...
  • 05“Roses are red, violets are blue. ...
  • 06“If you don't wanna hear me, cover your ears.”
21 Oct 2019

How do you respond when someone says whatever? ›

The best replies are “do you have nothing better to say,” “is that all you can say,” and “clearly, I won. Replies like these show that you have won the argument. Once someone has to resort to using “whatever,” they have run out of useful things to say.

How can I make my comeback stronger? ›

How To Make a Strong Comeback From a Small Business Setback
  1. Prepare for it in advance. No entrepreneur sets out with the goal of failing. ...
  2. Don't take it personally. Ugh! ...
  3. Learn from it. ...
  4. Keep moving. ...
  5. Act your way into new beliefs. ...
  6. Ask for help.

How did you make a comeback in life? ›

Talking it out with someone who cares about you can help you feel like you really can make your comeback, and can give you some great advice along the way. Talking to others about your plan can also make it more likely that you will achieve it.

Is it rude to say shut up? ›

It is generally considered rude to tell someone to shut up. Even if you phrase it more politely, they may still take offense as people believe they have the right to speak when they feel like it. Yet there are certain situations where it is fully justified and could save both your lives.

How do professionals say shut up? ›

shut up
  1. be quiet.
  2. hush.
  3. fall silent.
  4. button it (slang)
  5. pipe down (slang) Just pipe down and I'll tell you what I want.
  6. hold your tongue.
  7. put a sock in it (British, slang)
  8. keep your trap shut (slang)

Is what a rude response? ›

Actually, replying, "What?" isn't rude in itself, but it does fail to meet the following requirement: In writing or Speaking, give to every Person his due Title According to his Degree & the Custom of the Place.

Is whatever a rude word? ›

The term is used either to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference or in affirmation of a previous statement as "whatever will be will be". An interjection of "whatever" can be considered offensive and impolite or it can be considered affirming.

Is whatever in a sentence rude? ›

Yes, it's rude. "Whatever" expresses indifference; often, expressing indifference is dismissive, and in this case, it's dismissive of what the other person has to say. Semantically, it's equivalent to responding with "I don't care".

Are U overweight? ›

BMI is a screening measure and is not intended to diagnose disease or illness. For more information, visit About Adult BMI. Maintaining a weight in the healthy BMI range is one way to support overall health as you age.
Adult BMI Calculator.
BMIWeight Status
18.5—24.9Healthy Weight
30.0 and AboveObesity
1 more row

What to say when someone calls you skinny? ›

You can also respond to a comment with a question. This can call attention to the inappropriate nature of such comments. For example, if someone says "You are so skinny!" say something like, "Why does that matter to you?" or "Why do you need to comment on that?" Vague, open-ended questions can also be helpful.

What to say if your child asks if they are fat? ›

If they express concern, you can say, "There's nothing wrong with being fat [or chubby]—all bodies are good bodies!" If they're taking it more in stride, just reinforce that with something like, "Your body is the perfect size for you!" You might read a book together that reiterates your words, such as Bodies Are Cool, ...

What is a comeback quote? ›

Nothing is cooler and more attractive than a big comeback, and that'll be me. To have a comeback, you have to have a setback. There is nothing as sweet as a comeback, when you are down and out, about to lose, and out of time.

How do you turn a setback into a comeback? ›

7 Ways to Turn Any Setback Into Your Comeback
  1. Give yourself permission. ...
  2. Accept that it could not have happened any other way. ...
  3. Get it out. ...
  4. Focus your attention. ...
  5. Look for lessons and growth opportunities. ...
  6. Be the first to forgive. ...
  7. Be grateful. ...
  8. 21 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Right Now.
11 Oct 2018

Who in the Bible had a comeback? ›

The list goes on: Joseph, Moses and Peter all experienced comebacks. Jesus himself performed the greatest comeback of all by rising from the dead.

How can I come back in life Quora? ›

Stop over thinking. Break up or patch up don't over give yourself to other person. Find happiness in small things. It's okay if you are a failure.

What is the meaning of BTS comeback? ›

It’s the equivalent of saying a group is releasing a new album, but instead K-pop fans say that a group is having a comeback.

What is a comeback album? ›

Comeback (K-pop), a Korean pop music marketing term for promotions of an artist's single or album that is not their debut.

What does 875 mean BTS? ›

so basically, many write BTS as 875, we also write ARMY as ami and the number 431 resembles the three letters A,M,I 875+431=1306, which is bts's debut day. And 875 - 431 = 444. The no. 444 represents a sign that you are following the right path WE'RE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER!!!

What does OT7 mean? ›

Sometimes, you might hear someone say their bias is "OT7." That stands for One True 7, meaning they just love all seven members equally and can't choose a favorite.

Who is the first BTS ARMY? ›

Rap Monster was the first to join BTS and the only one from the original line up. He said the famous quote, "Jimin, you got no jams." "My name is Rap Monster, not Dance Monster."

Is Ive making a comeback? ›

The girl group recorded their first music show with the lead single from the album just seven days after their debut. Soon after, IVE made their first ever comeback in April 2022, with 'LOVE DIVE'. Stay tuned for more updates about their upcoming release, 'After Like'.

What is a comeback in K-pop? ›

In short, a “comeback” is when an artist releases new music after a hiatus without content. A debut does not count as a comeback. A debut is the first music an artists has ever released. K-pop comebacks don't work like western ones.

What are comeback stages? ›

The first performance of a group's new songs is called their “comeback stage,” after which they'll promote their comeback by appearing on variety and music shows such as Weekly Idol and M Countdown.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.