14 changes to make in your 30s that will set you up for lifelong success (2024)

14 changes to make in your 30s that will set you up for lifelong success (1)

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Sam Walton founded Walmart at age 44; Julia Child published her first cookbook at 60. Your best years may be way ahead of you.

It'll depend a lot on how you spend the next decade or so -- i.e. will you start saving or rack up credit-card debt? Wallow in self-pity or learn to be happy with what you have?

Over on Quora, hundreds of people have shared the best ways to spend your 30s in order to lay the foundation for success and fulfillment later on. We sifted through those threads and rounded up 14 compelling responses.


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Read on for the small lifestyle tweaks that will pave the way for big life achievements.

1. Stop smoking

If you've started smoking, stop immediately, suggests Quora user Cyndi Perlman Fink.

While you can't undo the damage you may have already incurred from smoking, research suggests that those who quit before age 40 have a 90% lower mortality risk than those who continue.

2. Start going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day

It might be tempting to use the weekends to recoup your sleep debt, but Nan Waldman recommends you hit the hay and wake up around the same time every single day.

If you oversleep for even a few days, experts say you risk resetting your body clock to a different cycle, so you'll start getting tired later in the day. Avoid a lifetime of sleep issues by sticking to bedtime and wake-up routines whenever you can.

3. Start exercising regularly

"Try to move yourself as much as possible," says Alistair Longman. "It doesn't matter if it's walking, cycling, running, weightlifting, hiking, swimming -- as long as it involves some movement."

In your 30s, you start losing muscle mass, so it's especially important to exercise at this time. But remember to choose physical activities you really love, since you're less likely to continue exercising if you dislike your workouts.

4. Start keeping a journal

"Journal your life! ... Your written records will entertain and endear in your future," writes Mark Crawley.

Even if you'd prefer to keep your musings to yourself, putting your thoughts and feelings on paper can help you deal with stressful events.

5. Start saving money

"Building the habit of saving early means you'll continue it further down the line," says Cliff Gilley.

It might seem like your golden years are a lifetime away, but the earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to accrue interest.

6. Start pursuing a life dream

"Don't delay pursuing your life goals," writes Bill Karwin. "Want to buy a house? Have kids? Write a book? ... Pick one of those life goals and get started. What can you do between now and the end of the year to embark on one of them?"

7. Start learning to be happy with what you have

"If you are content with what you have, you will have a happier life," says Robert Walker.

That's especially true in the relationships domain. "The Gratitude Diaries" author Janice Kaplan found that simply saying "thank you" to her husband breathed new life into their marriage. And psychologists have found that couples who express gratitude toward each other are more likely to stay together.

8. Stop thinking you need to satisfy everyone

"After I reached 30, I stopped feeling the need to please everyone. You can choose your friends and contacts more carefully," says Kevin Teo. In particular, Teo realized he wasn't obligated to be nice to people who were unfriendly toward him.

Whether you decide to whittle down your Facebook friends to a mere 500 or simply hang out more with the people who make you happy, it's important to invest your time and energy wisely.

9. Stop comparing yourself to others

"If you are unable to do some things in life compared to your siblings and friends, then please be at peace with yourself," advises Mahesh Kaytian. "Don't be harsh on yourself."

Science suggests that comparing yourself to other people -- which isn't so hard to do when your Facebook feed is filled with photos of vacations and engagements -- can be unproductive. That's largely because people can seem a lot happier and less troubled than they really are.

10. Start forgiving yourself for your mistakes

"Forgive yourself your mistakes. We all make plenty of them. Don't dwell on the errors of the past -- learn from them, let them go, and move ahead," writes Liz Palmer in a since-deleted answer.

In "The Happiness Track," Emma Seppala, science director of Stanford's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, argues that self-compassion is a key component of success. If you're kind to yourself when you fail, you have a chance at learning from your mistakes and doing better next time.

She recommends a simple strategy for exercising self-compassion: Treat yourself as you would treat a colleague or friend who has failed.

11. Start defining your values

Don't let other people define happiness and success for you. Anna Lundberg writes:

"The number one priority at this stage is getting clarity on what your priorities actually are!

"A great way to do this is to define your personal values, getting to a list of your top three is ideal. Then ask yourself if these values are really reflected in your career and your lifestyle today. If not, you can go about setting goals that are aligned with those values, and then creating an action plan to achieve those goals."

You can also take a tip from Stephen Covey, author of the bestseller "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," and craft a personal mission statement. It's similar to a company mission statement, except it's just for you.

Covey wrote: "It focuses on what you want to be (character) and to do (contributions and achievements) and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based."

12. Start reading for an hour a day

Portia Douglass recommends reading for an hour every day. At the end of the year, you'll have spent a total of 15 days with your nose in a book.

If you're looking for some business-related suggestions, we just happen to have 20.

13. Start decluttering

"Living a minimalist life makes everything better," writes Cindy Ah Kioon. "There is more space in your house and this makes it look more visually pleasing ... Cleaning is faster and easier."

If you're looking to start de-cluttering, there's a whole movement to support you, inspired by Marie Kondo's "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up." The process starts with a tidying "marathon," in which you keep only those items that "spark joy" -- and get rid of everything else.

As Business Insider's Erin Brodwin has reported, clutter can be a source of stress for some individuals and families. Then again, people tend to be more creative in messy environments -- so if you aren't feeling motivated to re-organize your entire office space, that's probably okay, too.

14. Stop judging other people

There's another Quora thread where people share the "really small things that tell a lot about a person's psychology and personality."

Behaviors subject to scrutiny include how you treat waitstaff and where you look when you drink out of a cup. Yikes.

But Becki Young advises us to "stop criticizing and judging people." You probably wouldn't feel so great if you were under someone else's microscope.

She writes: "Each of us has our own flaws. Be kind and humble."

Read more:

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Read the original article on Business Insider UK. © 2018. Follow Business Insider UK on Twitter.

14 changes to make in your 30s that will set you up for lifelong success (2024)


14 changes to make in your 30s that will set you up for lifelong success? ›

Really, any age before death is a great time to turn your life around. This is applicable whether this is your personal life or your professional life, or both. If you have substance use issues, 30 is an awesome time to turn your life around. If you've made some bad choices in romantic partners, 30 is a great time.

How can I improve my life in my 30s? ›

Changes to make in your 30s for a forever happy life
  1. Prioritise your simplest relationships. ...
  2. Live with less, know yourself more. ...
  3. Interrogate your career values. ...
  4. Be kind and be cool. ...
  5. Say yes to scary decisions. ...
  6. Eat generously and with relish. ...
  7. Workout in a way that works for you. ...
  8. Leave work on time, every single day.

How do I restart my life at 30? ›

I'll call it step one.
  1. Step One: Admit you don't want the life you've been living. ...
  2. Step Two: Understand that you are the reason you are where you are. ...
  3. Step Three: Deal with it, so you can move on. ...
  4. Step Four: Learn what it is that you actually want. ...
  5. Step Five: Do something about it.
Dec 26, 2023

How can I be successful after 30? ›

10 Life Lessons to Excel in Your 30s
  1. Start Saving for Retirement Now, Not Later. ...
  2. Start Taking Care of Your Health Now, Not Later. ...
  3. Don't Spend Time with People Who Don't Treat You Well. ...
  4. Be Good to the People You Care About. ...
  5. You Can't Have Everything; Focus On Doing a Few Things Really Well.

Is 30 too late to change your life? ›

Really, any age before death is a great time to turn your life around. This is applicable whether this is your personal life or your professional life, or both. If you have substance use issues, 30 is an awesome time to turn your life around. If you've made some bad choices in romantic partners, 30 is a great time.

Can I rebuild my life at 30? ›

Starting over at 30 is totally doable. I have seen single moms go back to school at 50 to get a degree and start working in a great job. I have also seen older people just give up and let it ride. Those that engage in what they really want seem happier.

How to reinvent yourself at 35? ›

How to Reinvent Yourself in 5 Steps
  1. Make a Bucket List. ...
  2. Try Something You've Always Put Off. ...
  3. Join or Start a New Initiative.
  4. This can be anything from fixing a problem at work to working with a local nonprofit that that inspires you. ...
  5. Explore a Career Change. ...
  6. Recognize Resistance.

How can I drastically change my life? ›

  1. Start with reflection. Before you can make any changes, you have to understand where you're starting from. ...
  2. Examine your value system. ...
  3. Revisit (and rewrite) your goals. ...
  4. Work up the courage to commit to change. ...
  5. Make your next move. ...
  6. Get a coach to stay on track. ...
  7. Build out your support network. ...
  8. Keep checking in on yourself.

What should a 30 year old woman be doing? ›

Women's Health: Health Tips for Women in Their 30s
  • Build up those bones. ...
  • Start moving. ...
  • Focus on preventive care. ...
  • Watch your weight. ...
  • Check in with your hormones. ...
  • Don't slack on skin care. ...
  • Treat yourself.

Is 35 too late to start over? ›

It's Never Too Late to Switch Careers

(Bear in mind that age-related discrimination is illegal at the federal level … for workers 40 and over.

Is 37 too late to start over? ›

It's never too late to make a new start. One of the most difficult things in life is making that decision to start all over again. There are some delays in life that will actually benefit you in a long run. Majority of us think that there's a set life span of when to achieve things -by attaching a timeline to it.

What to expect in your 30s as a man? ›

Many men in their 30s have a lot going on, including career changes, marriage, fatherhood, and buying their first home. It can be a stressful time. Nonetheless, it's important to not lose focus on your well-being. Make sure you find healthy ways to manage your stress so it does not negatively affect your health.

Does life get harder in your 30s? ›

Key points. Most people experience life as more pressured and challenged in their 30s and 40s. If you come from a relational trauma background, these decades can feel even harder. Relational trauma backgrounds can create "cracks" in the "foundations" of our lives.

Does your personality change at 30? ›

WASHINGTON - Do peoples' personalities change after 30? They can, according to researchers who examined 132,515 adults age 21-60 on the personality traits known as the "Big Five": conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion.

Is 33 too old to start over? ›

Hey, no it's not too late to start over, in fact 35 is the perfect time to make a fresh start.

How can I build wealth in my late 30s? ›

7 tips to build wealth in your 30s
  1. Solidify a financial plan.
  2. Get rid of debt.
  3. Get your employer's retirement plan match.
  4. Contribute to an IRA.
  5. Maximize your retirement savings.
  6. Stick with stocks for long-term goals.
  7. Potentially build wealth by purchasing a home.
Sep 12, 2023

Is 32 too old to start over? ›

Your 30s is certainly not too late. It's not late to start a new career, or even to start your own business. If you're interested in switching to entrepreneurship, here's a guide on the 10 best books to read before starting a business.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.