10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (2024)



So I turned 45 this week! EEEEEK. I’m half way through Club Forty! All the predictable marvelling and pondering around how that is actually possible has crossed my mind so many times. I find it hard to comprehend that I have arrived at the mid-life crossroad in my life. Whether I live to be 90 or not, I am now undeniably on the descent as opposed to the ascent!!! And that is SCARY.

But rather than focus on the negative aspect of getting another year older… I want to focus on the positives.Club Forty is all about celebrating this pivotal decade.

We’ve lived fulfilling lives to this point; had many experiences – good and bad. We’ve matured, developed wisdom and gained confidence. So there’s lots to congratulate ourselves on. And I think that it’s important to remind ourselves of just how far we’ve come and what we’ve learnt in this big scheme of life.

So here’s a list of 10 reasons that I personally think its fab to be this age:

  1. Understanding yourself better.
    I still don’t totally get ‘me’. I still feel that a good few sessions with a therapist wouldn’t go amiss… but I know myself much better than ever before. It’s an ongoing learning process. Taking time out to consider my actions or my responses in certain situations is something I do more and more, plus talking (or writing) about it helps incredibly. It also brings with it self-acceptance which is an important element to building confidence. I might not necessarily love myself entirely, but I recognise now what I am good at and I give myself a pat on the back for it. The things I don’t like about myself, I can choose to work on or just accept them – I am what I am.
  2. Having the confidence to dress for YOU.
    Long gone are the days when my outfit choices were put together to ‘fit in’. The same with dressing to attract the boys. Of course I may want to wear something that Mr Club Forty will appreciate and find seductive (if he’s lucky!!) But the way I dress now is a lot more about what I feel good in. I’ve honed my personal style and dressing, for me, is about feeling comfortable and confident. These days I take more risks with my outfit choices so there will undoubtably be some ‘faux pas’, but at least I’m having fun!
  3. Developing a great relationships with your kids & partner.
    My children are now entering their teens so there is a shift in how we communicate – not always positive, but thankfully not too many grunts at this stage!! They are becoming their own, independent beings and so our relationship is changing. It’s bloody challenging, but I am enjoying getting to know them as young adults and our interactions evolving. As the kids grow up, Mr Club Forty and I are starting to have more time to ourselves, and so I am looking forward to the next chapter in our relationship too.
  4. Enjoying time on your own.
    I’ve always liked alone time, but now I love it even more! I am quite happy in my own space doing whatever I’m doing in solitary. Don’t get me wrong – I love being sociable when I want to. I’ve come to learn that spending time on my own is important to my well-being, but I can also use it to hide away from the world when I’m not feeling 100% (which I have to be mindful about). I read a quote recently by Dawn French that totally resonates with me: “Quiet time is the most valuable and when my brain works properly”.What’s great is,I suffer much less from FOMO, which leads nicely on to my next couple of points…
  5. Doing more of what makes you happy.
    As I already pointed out, rather dramatically, we are now on our descent through life, rather than the ascent. We’ve probably lived more years than we have ahead of us… sad but true. So now more than ever we should do more of what makes us happy. Whether it’s in our professional or personal life, it’s important to do something personally fulfilling, surrounded by people who make you happy. I am firmly focused on spending the next chunk of my active life doing more of what I enjoy and less of what I don’t. When you make that agreement with yourself, it’s much easier to say ‘no’…
  6. Learning to say NO.
    I am a natural people pleaser, so I’ve always been a ‘yes’ person. But now, in my forties, because I understand myself better and know what makes me happy, I am less likely to agree to do something that I don’t really want to do. I also realise (finally!) that I don’t need to accept every invitation just to keep ‘in’ with everyone. It’s very empowering to be able to say no. Whenever I’ve done it (always in a kind way, so as not to offend), I’ve given a silent ‘whoop whoop’! It means that your time is freer to focus on the things that really rock your boat.
  7. Knowing your tribe.
    Many of these points are interlinked. They all start with understanding yourself better. When you know ‘you’, you’ll naturally gain a better understanding of what and who makes you happy. By knowing you, you’ll recognise who your tribe are. And you may have many tribes… there will be old school friends, newer school-gate-mum friends, work friends, friends you’ve met through activities etc, etc. What you hopefully won’t have in your forties, is those friends who suck the life from you, who don’t have a positive impact in your life or who don’t get ‘you’. If you do, then maybe it’s time for a cull! Knowing your tribe also helps you easily identify and welcome newcomers to your circle.
  8. Caring less about what others think of you.
    Maturity and better self-awareness brings confidence and confidence brings a certain sense of freedom in that we just don’t give such a toss about what others think of us. I must admit, I’m not totally there yet but I am much better at caring less than I used to. Obviously I don’t want to upset anyone – I not talking about a total disregard for other’s feelings. What I am referring to is doing things for me without spending too much time worrying about how it will be received by others. Club Forty would never have got off the ground otherwise!!!
  9. Finding a fitness/healthy eating routine that works.
    Yoga was a game-changer for me. I started practising Vinyasa yoga at 40 and it has helped me both physically and mentally. Along with running and eating healthily (not dieting!) and more recently exercising with the 404040 Plan, I am fortunate to have found a routine that works for me (and that I also enjoy) to keep my body in reasonable shape. I say reasonable, because I no longer feel the need to be super slim and one of the things I love and refuse to deny myself is good food! Everyone is different and I do feel it’s about finding what works for you and sticking with it – plus not being so hard on yourself about attaining the body beautiful!
  10. The opportunity to grow and develop further still.
    The great thing is, that despite all these insightful things we’ve learnt about ourselves and the skills and knowledge we’ve aquired along the way… there’s still more growing and learnng to do!!! The opportunities for women in their forties are improving all the time; whether it’s a lifestyle change or career development; setting up a new buisness or going back to study. We are on a journey. Bring on the next 45 years!

Obviously it’s not all a bed of roses in your 40s. A lot of things are sent to challenge us from hormonal kids, menopausal symptoms, ageing parents, crisis in confidence or identity, family or work struggles. Sometimes it can really suck. But by appreciating what we have, focusing on what we are good at, and ultimately practising some self-care; should put us in a better position to deal with some of the crap.

I’ve enjoyed writing this post… it’s been super helpful to celebrate what’s great about turning 45 and list my top 10 things about being this age. It’s a great exercise to undertake, especially if you are experiencing any element of midlife crisis – it happens to us all!

Thanks for reading and please do tell me what you find great about being in your forties! X

Club FortyconfidenceEmotional Intelligencefortiesgetting olderlife begins at 40midlifemidlife crisismindset


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (2)

Lisa01/03/2018 at 7:08 pm

I really enjoyed reading this! Can relate to so much of it. I turned 40 last year (Julia enlightened me to Club Forty!) I wasn’t happy about it or felt prepared somehow for turning 40. Instead I tried to claw onto my 20/30 year old me! Nearly a year on I think I’ve managed to start looking at it differently, like you say, having more time with hubby, developing different relationships with your children and being more self confident. It’s all positives really if you eradicate the actual number!
Thanks for a fab read, look forward to more, happy belated birthday too!


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (3)

Club Forty02/03/2018 at 9:11 am

Thanks for your lovely comment Lisa! I’m so pleased that you identify with it. So much was going on for me at the start of my 40s that I didn’t really have that dreaded feeling… it has slowly dawned on me these last few years instead!!! But I think it’s always best to focus on the positives and not give ourselves such a hard time. And you are so right – it’ just a number! X


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (4)

Jane01/03/2018 at 8:23 pm

Happy birthday! Lots of this resonates with me and I am in my 50s. My 40s were a whirlwind of divorce/a new husband/family dynamics so it didn’t feel very settled and I definitely didn’t stop and evaluate much. However, feeling in much more grounded circ*mstances, I’m about to make some big career and therefore lifestyle changes. I don think I could have done this so calmly before so I’m championing my 50s and hoping I’ll look back and be glad I took the plunge.

Thank you for the read and making me think on what’s good about my current age 😊


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (5)

Club Forty02/03/2018 at 9:14 am

Jane – what a brilliant example you are of making life changes at any age… it just proves we are never too old to change things up, follow dreams and explore new adventures. Wishing you all the luck with your new career (although you won’t need it!) X


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (6)

Kirsty01/03/2018 at 9:53 pm

I am almost looking forward to being 45 now. I am 41 now, but time goes so fast these days I will be there before I know it. Thanks for the positive post. #brilliantblogposts


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (7)

Club Forty02/03/2018 at 9:19 am

Thanks for your comment Kirsty! I read a lovely quote somewhere about getting wiser and happier with each year of age – and I’m going to try to remeber that! X


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (8)

Doris02/03/2018 at 2:06 pm

What a great post! Identifying with all points and find the ‘knowing your tribe’ part particularly to the point! Happy belated Claire!


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (9)

Club Forty04/03/2018 at 11:50 am

Thank you Doris… Yes, the tribe bit is quite a revelation isn’t it.. life is just too short!


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (10)

Sarah02/03/2018 at 6:36 pm

Thank you Claire for this post! You wouldn’t believe how timely this blog is, I completely resonate with all of the above, especially number 1. I relished becoming 40, I’d lost weight and was feeling super confident in the way I looked and how I was dressing. Fast forward 3 years and I’m feeling slightly lost, having lost my mum unexpectedly at 41 (which is more difficult to fathom as we didn’t have a particularly close relationship!) to growing children (teenager angst to 5yo tantrums); drifting sibling relationships and a real loss of self worth after no longer being part of the employed workforce after 20+ years. The tears seem to flow more often these days but I’m trying hard to find a happiness from within and not rely so heavily on others or material things to do it. At 43 I’ve discovered I’m probably learning now more than ever. 😘


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (11)

Club Forty04/03/2018 at 11:57 am

Hi Sarah, I am so touched by your comment. I think a lot of women have some form of crisis in their 40s. It’s such a pivotal decade with lots to cope with emotionally. I totally relate to your feelings in regards to losing your Mum… no matter what your relationship was like with a parent, their passing has a massive impact. Seems like you have lots going on and it’s testing you right now. I hope that you find strength to cope… do remember to ask for help! I don’t doubt you’ll emerge the other side feeling so much stronger. XXXX


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (12)

Tasha19/03/2018 at 4:35 pm

Love this post. Thank you for putting everything I feel and want to feel into words.
I feel more confident now at 42 than I ever did in my 20’s and 30’s but there’s always that niggle in the back of my mind trying to swerve me into self doubt.
However I feel more empowered these days. I also love to run and am keen to enjoy and make more of the time I have to myself now that my kids are growing up.
Bring it on!! Thank you xx
Oh by the way just realised – I think our boys know each other 😁


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (13)

Club Forty21/03/2018 at 9:21 pm

Hi Tasha! Good to hear that you are feeling more empowered! I struggle to understand where all the negative connotations about turning 40 came from… I guess many moons ago, opportunities and experiences for women were much reduced and life really was beginning to come to a close – how awful!!! Thank you for reading X


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (14)

Joanne27/06/2018 at 8:26 pm

Just found your blog via Instagram and I love your style. I’ve just turned 44 and have more time to dedicate to myself but I’m struggling so much to work out my style! Wish you lived closer and I’d definitely use your personal shopper service!!


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (15)

Club Forty28/06/2018 at 6:53 am

Hi Joanne – great to hear from you! Don’t worry, you are not the only one – I meet and hear from so many ladies who say the same about losing their sense of style at this age. I do hope that I can offer some form of advice and support via this blog. BTW, I travel to London to conduct personal shopping… is that a convenient location for you??? And I can offer consultation over Skype. Just contact me directly if you are interested in this service. X


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (16)

elizabeth tondo22/02/2021 at 10:39 am

I’m very happy to read these 10 fab things about being 45, I’m really agree with what written here. Let us enjoy our 45 age – its powerful steps indeed. Thanks for sharing!


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (17)

Kayce Rae Hanson23/06/2021 at 5:29 am

Beautifully mixed together, all these parts of who we are, what we do, and who we do them with. It’s amazing to me that although our stories derived from different backgrounds, that our lives took different paths, that our lives are uniquely different everyday, we can all still connect in understanding that we still have a journey of self discovery, we are still learning how to strengthen our relationships, that we are working to be a better person, setting goals, or not, that we all are not so different. In the end, we all want the ultimate same. It’s a beautiful place where people take the time to express themselves with others and share what matters in their hearts. It’s a gift that keeps on giving…….


10 fab things about being 45 - Club Forty (18)

June12/07/2022 at 8:13 am

Good stuff, I enjoyed reading and I have learnt something!


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Around the age of 45, you can also expect to start more regular screenings for things like cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure, and eye exams.

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Around the age of 45, you can also expect to start more regular screenings for things like cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure, and eye exams.

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At 45 you still don't ever understand it all, but there is an acceptance of how this whole life thing works. You are quicker to say I'm sorry, slower to linger in spaces that feed you, and generally liberated from 80 percent of the shoulda-woulda-couldas that dominated your 30s.

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As we go through life, we face different challenges at different stages. While we all know that life is not always smooth sailing, there are certain stages that require extra preparation and attention. One such stage is around the age of 45, where we begin to play the second innings of our life.

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45 Things for 45 Years
  • Rushing anything — but particularly bread-baking, children, or doing your makeup — never ends well.
  • Open your home to people; don't worry about what it looks like.
  • Go to parties. ...
  • Wash your face every night.
  • Sleep however much you need to sleep. ...
  • Eat less sugar.
  • Exercise is life.
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This time span is generally referred to as "middle age" and can be defined as the time of ages about 40–45 to about 60–65. Many changes may occur between young adulthood and this stage.

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The stages of adulthood examined here include: Early Adulthood (ages 22--34). Early Middle Age (ages 35--44), Late Middle Age (ages 45--64), and Late Adulthood (ages 65 and older).

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A 45th birthday is a perfect time to get off the beaten track and explore new places. 45 year olds are more open-minded, less risk-averse than ever before; they want experiences that will inspire them and make their heart beat faster!

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AnniversaryLatin-derived termOther terms
40 yearsQuadragennialRuby
45 yearsQuinquadragennialSapphire
50 yearsSemicentennialGolden
97 more rows

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Positive change: Angel number 45 is often a sign that positive change is on the way. The angels are encouraging you to embrace the changes that are coming, and to trust in the journey even if it feels uncertain or uncomfortable. Hard work: This number may also be a reminder that hard work and determ.

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Common Health Issues after 40s
  • Chronicle Pain. By the age of 40, chronic joint pain may indicate the onset of diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. ...
  • Diabetes. Obesity, stress and unhealthy eating habits are all common among today's population. ...
  • Hypertension (HBP) ...
  • Osteoporosis. ...
  • Depression or anxiety.
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Societal pressures to have it all together after your 40s can also add to that stress, but they shouldn't deter you from taking the reins on your career. In fact, “the concept of being 'too old' for a career reset is increasingly outdated,” Patrice Lindo, CEO of Career Nomad, a consulting firm, tells CNBC Make It.

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How to Reinvent Your Career After 40
  1. Understand your “why” The first step is to consider why you want to reinvent your career. ...
  2. Take a skills inventory. Think about the skills that you have and the areas you want to develop. ...
  3. Look inward. ...
  4. Invest outward. ...
  5. Rebrand yourself. ...
  6. Remove your biggest obstacle.

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Keep the mantra to work hard and play harder! Keep some young people in your life, they will bring you new ideas and thoughts to keep you young. Keep some elderly people as they will give you insight and reflect. Always have a child or two to love and play with and never lose your faith in God.

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8 things all 40-plus women should do to stay healthy
  1. Eat breakfast. ...
  2. Exercise! ...
  3. Take calcium and vitamin D. ...
  4. Manage your stress. ...
  5. Eat protein to fuel your mood and brain. ...
  6. Make a move – in the bedroom and on the dancefloor. ...
  7. Catch up with friends. ...
  8. Schedule vital health checks.
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Great Jobs for Women in their 40s and 50s
  • Health Administrative Worker. As a Health Administrative Worker, you'll be in a fast-paced environment that'll keep you on your toes. ...
  • Practice Manager. ...
  • Teacher's Aide. ...
  • Human Resources Manager. ...
  • Executive Assistant. ...
  • Office Manager.
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Yes! You can change your life at any age, but it rarely happens overnight. With some planning and self-awareness, you absolutely can make significant changes. There's no limit to how much you can grow, learn, and become a better person.

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Researchers with Duke University's School of Medicine suggest that physical decline begins in the decade of the 50s and worsens as we age, especially for those who don't exercise.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.