Why Is Child Development Important? (2024)

In this article, we discuss the importance of early childhood development and the WHO's Nurturing Care Framework.

The period of early childhood development is arguably the most important period of life. In order to reach their full potential, children need appropriate support from families, education and healthcare professionals during this period.

The importance of child development

The first three years after birth are one of rapid growth and development, as a child’s brain creates complex neural pathways at an unprecedented speed.1 By age six, the brain has developed to 90% of its adult size,2 as children continue to absorb a staggering amount of information from their experiences and environment. These early experiences, both good and bad, lay the foundation for a child’s future survival, growth, health and wellbeing.3,4 Research has consistently shown that good early childhood development will have a direct positive impact on a child’s long-term health outcomes and will improve future opportunities, school attainment and even earning potential.5 Particularly important is the impact of this period on a child’s emotional and social development, which is vital for their future confidence, communication, relationships, community inclusion and mental health.

Why Is Child Development Important? (1) © CBM

Early childhood development is a period of great opportunity, but also one of great vulnerability. Many children cannot realise their full potential because of adverse conditions in their environment. For example, evidence from Pakistan showed that children who receive little sensory stimulation in their rural homes are vulnerable to stunting, low-weight and decreased psychom*otor development.6 Factors like inadequate nutrition, environmental toxins, unstable caregiving, limited stimulation and stress can all negatively impact on a child’s development. Children living in poverty and fragile living conditions, such as war or displacement, are particularly vulnerable to inadequate development.3,7 These adverse childhood experiences may also cluster and be compounded over time. For instance, a child living in poverty is more likely to experience stress, malnutrition and unstable caregiving, all of which negatively impact on child development.

Adverse effects to child development in the first years of life can have life-long consequences and can negatively impact on school readiness and learning potential, mental and physical health as an adult, resilience to stress and resolving conflict, as well as depleted family resources and inter-generational poverty.8 However, recovery is possible with appropriate intervention and support. Investment in child development policies and programmes will result in long-term returns, as children with adequate support in their early years are healthier, better educated and more likely to contribute to society and the global economy.5

Why Is Child Development Important? (2)
© World Health Organisation9

Survive, Thrive, Transform

The global child health sector recognises the importance of early child development, and has shifted its focus to highlight that it is no longer enough for a child to simply survive, children have the right to thrive. When children are supported to thrive, we can see long-term, transformational change across our global society, as they are better educated, less poor and so on.10

“Commitment to early childhood development can be the catalyst to enable children to thrive, and thereby transform health and human potential” – World Health Organisation: Survive, Thrive, Transform10

Additionally, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and most national laws, emphasise that all children have the right to live in a secure, loving environment, free from harm, abuse and discrimination. Children have the right to the healthcare, nutrition and education required to reach their full potential. Parents, family members, communities, governments and healthcare providers need to work together to fulfil these rights.

How do we support healthy child development?

A critical factor in child development is that children receive nurturing care. Nurturing care ensures a child’s environment is focussed on their needs, health, nutrition, safety, emotional support and social interaction.4 Simply put, “Nurturing care is what the infant’s brain expects and depends upon for healthy development”.11

Children grow and develop best when parents give a child affection, attention and stimulation. The World Health Organisation’s Nurturing Care Framework11 asks that parents monitor and promote child development by focusing on five key areas:

Why Is Child Development Important? (3) WHO: Components of Nurturing Care. © World Health Organisation

1. Good Health: Parents should encourage good health by protecting the child from household and environmental danger, adopting good hygiene practices, and using promotive, preventive and curative healthcare services. Parents should also protect the child’s emotional state by responding affectionately and appropriately to their child’s needs.

2. Adequate Nutrition: Essential micronutrients are needed for a child’s brain and body to develop, both during a mother’s pregnancy and in the early period after birth. Essential nutrients may include proteins and fats to help the body grow and vitamin A to build the child’s immune system.

3. Responsive Caregiving: Observation and response to a child’s physical, psychological and emotional needs is important for a child’s health, learning and social relationships.

4. Security and Safety: Young children are incredibly vulnerable to numerous threats within their environment. Children who are not made to feel safe and secure by a parent can withdraw socially and act fearful of adults and other children.

5. Opportunities for Early Learning: Learning begins from birth, not just when a child starts to attend nursery, pre-school or school. This early learning will help a child develop motor coordination, social competence, resilience, creativity and learning potential. Opportunities for early learning are promoted through play, communication and stimulation from other children and adults.

Although often considered a frivolous activity, play is an integral component of a child’s development. Simply put, play is learning. Play can involve all of a child’s senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste), and through play, children develop a number of skills, including problem-solving, creativity, expression of emotions and socialisation. Importantly, play helps a child develop self-confidence and self-worth, by strengthening attachment with parents and caregivers.

Healthcare professionals, education and other social care providers should help parents in the process of nurturing care and guide them in play across a diverse selection activities, including role play, dancing, singing and drawing. A variety of stimuli is important to engage a child and provide them the opportunity to learn different skills.

© The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Why Is Child Development Important? (2024)


Why Is Child Development Important? ›

The early years of a child's life are very important for their health and development. Healthy development means that children of all abilities, including those with special health care needs, are able to grow up where their social, emotional and educational needs are met.

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As a child development student, you'll learn both typical and atypical development so as to meet the needs of all types of children and family situations. Therefore, you'll be able to encourage children who are developing comfortably, aid those who are struggling, and help find the best environment for each child.

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Child development is a child's physical, social, and emotional development, which contributes to the child's overall well-being. It consists of a sequence of thoughts, physical activity, and emotional balance between birth to adulthood.

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Recent brain research indicates that birth to age three are the most important years in a child's development. Here are some tips to consider during your child's early years: Be warm, loving, and responsive. Talk, read, and sing to your child.

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By studying children, we can learn more about why they develop the way they do and also the most effective ways to help them to develop as responsible citizens with positive contributions to make.

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  1. Genes. Children inherit genes from their parents, and these microscopic DNA strands can have a considerable impact on physical growth. ...
  2. Parenting. Parents or guardians also play a crucial role in children's growth and development.
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The Five Main Areas of Child Development
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10 Facts about Early Childhood Development you need to know!
  • 1- From birth, babies can see and hear. ...
  • 2- Young babies need consistent responsive care. ...
  • 3- Children are curious. ...
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From birth to age five a child's brain develops more than at any other time, with the first three years most critical in shaping their brain 'architecture'. At birth, the average baby's brain is about a quarter of the size of the average adult brain.

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Research demonstrates a strong link between what parents know about parenting and child development and how they behave with their children. Parents with more knowledge are more likely to engage in positive parenting practices, whereas those with limited knowledge are at greater risk of negative parenting behaviors.

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Current parents: Gain understanding of child behavior, development, and effective parenting techniques. Future parents: Prepare for parenthood, learn about child growth stages, and parenting strategies. Lawmakers: Use research findings to inform policies on child welfare and education.

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