Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit (2024)

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Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit (2)

Cafe racers have been an interesting trend to observe. They have especially become popular again in the last few years and many motorcycle enthusiasts are finding themselves wanting to customize them to their taste.

There are a lot of things about a cafe racer that makes it as such, but those who aren’t familiar with them may wonder about some of it’s characteristics. The “x” that can sometimes be found on the headlight is frequently questioned by many, even fellow motorcyclists.

Why do cafe racers have an x on the headlight? The original idea of having an x on the headlight of a cafe racer or motorcycle in general is a protection mechanism to prevent broken glass from harming anyone in the case the headlight breaks during a race. Nowadays it’s seen as more of a trend among these types of motorcycles and is a tribute to the racers who influenced the look.

I have owned several cafe racers myself, among other types of bikes, and have put a great deal of research into the history of cafe racers and bobbers and why they look the way they do. This article can explain in further detail what the “x” on the headlight means and how it’s influenced society today.

The Reason For The “X”

Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit (3)

It certainly is a curious thing to see an “x” on the headlight of a motorcycle. These are most commonly found on cafe racers and bobbers, which makes the idea even more interesting. A lot of motorcycle enthusiasts themselves don’t know why these types of bikes especially are found with a style like this.

The birth of the cafe racer happened originally back in Britain during post World War II. Motorcycles were becoming more and more popular and were also becoming more affordable. Because of their affordability, the younger generation was commonly found to own a motorcycle but could usually only afford the basic models. These basic models were then transformed into the style we know now today as cafe racers.

It started to become a trend for groups of young people to gather at cafes with their motorcycles and drink coffee. This generation was found to be following the “Grease” look and often looked for cafes that played American rock and roll music which often meant truck stop cafes.

Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit (4)

Often, while drinking their coffee and listening to rock and roll, another group of motorcycle riders would quickly ride past the cafe as a way to challenge the group that was inside. The young group would then get on their motorcycles and race to the next cafe that was close by. It is said that the truckers found at these cafes would tell these young riders that they’re not actual racers, rather they’re just “cafe racers.” This generation liked that name and idea.

Because of their fast speeds, they often taped an “x” on their headlights to prevent broken glass shards from spewing over them and their fellow riders in case it broke. And it was likely the headlight would break at some point since these groups were racing and riding at high speeds.

The idea of taping the headlights during this era was influenced by car track racing. Many drivers during these official races would tape both their headlights for the very same reason, so the original cafe racer generation adopted the idea.

Many people will say that the idea was influenced by the early days of motorcycle track racing. In actuality, the motorcycles used in track racing usually didn’t have headlights as a way to eliminate as many unnecessary accessories as possible. Most races were held during the day so the motorcycles didn’t need them anyway.

Any young motorcycle rider in the 50’s found riding a motorcycle with an x taped on the headlight meant they were more of an amateur racer. The idea quickly became popular and influenced trends in other countries including the United States.

Cafe racers and bobbers have had their ups and downs with their popularity. But in the last few years they’ve really made a comeback especially with young adults, and you’ll still see that “x” taped on the headlight. This is sometimes for the protection of the rider if they are racing a lot, but a lot of times people do it mostly for the look nowadays as a tribute to those who influenced the look in the first place. Essentially, a lot of people think it looks “cool.”

Is It Legal?

Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit (5)

Many may wonder about the legality of taping an “x” on the headlight of a motorcycle. And it’s no wonder, placing anything on a headlight should be looked into before diminishing the reason you have it in the first place.

The answer to whether or not taping an “x” on a motorcycle headlight is legal all depends on the type of headlight and the amount of tape placed on it as well as what you’re using your motorcycle for. If you are using your cafe racer to race (officially), then taping the headlight shouldn’t be much of a problem at all.

If you plan to tape the headlight on a regular street bike, the rules are a little different. In the United States, there really is no law specifically stating that motorcycles are prohibited from doing this.

However, there are laws concerning how bright your lights must be and how far the light must project. These specific conditions depend on the state that you live in, so make sure you check with your state before putting any tape on the headlight.

If you do plan on doing this and find that you’re still in line with state regulations, it’s best to keep it simple with two strands of tape making an “x.” A lot of people will put the tape on thick or make other shapes such as a star which will greatly reduce the light your motorcycle gives off. A functioning headlight is required in order for a motorcycle to be street legal.

Also take note that doing so may cause some problems with your headlight itself. Putting tape on a motorcycle headlight means the tape is directly exposed to the head emitted from the light. This could melt the adhesive and cause a sticky mess for you later on. A lot of this depends on the type of tape you use and it’s quality. Many people like to use electrical tape because it has a high tolerance for heat.

Taping Functionality And It’s “Cool” Factor

So, does taping the headlight actually work with preventing glass shards from going everywhere if it breaks during a ride? Actually, it does. That’s why it’s a method that’s been used for decades, especially among official track races. And no matter what type of vehicle you use this method on, it works the same.

Having shattered glass on the road is dangerous for the other riders/drivers around you. Amateur riders taped an “x” on their cafe racer headlights because cafe racers are minimalist bikes, meaning they don’t have a windshield to protect them from objects hitting them. It’s a good defense mechanism against that if you plan on riding fast on your motorcycle.

I often hear the argument about whether or not it’s even “cool” to put tape on a cafe racer or bobber headlight. Those with taped headlights are usually the younger generation who may not actually be racing at all. Some of the older generation occasionally make fun of those who tape the “x” on their cafe racers because they know most of those who do it aren’t actually racing and that they’re “just doing it for the looks.”

But with cafe racers becoming more and more popular, the look is becoming more accepted whether or not the rider is actually racing their motorcycle. And the truth is, no matter how you style your motorcycle, there will always be someone out there who doesn’t like it. Motorcyclists should style their bike however they feel is fit to them and their personality.

Related Question

How much does it cost to build a cafe racer? If you plan on doing the restoration or build yourself, the cost to build a cafe racer will be around $700-$1,000 in addition to the purchase of the motorcycle. See my article here for more information.

This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.

Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit (2024)


Why Do Cafe Racers Have An X On The Headlight? | Motorcycle Habit? ›

According to one of the posters there, the "X" is a tape or adhesive that's placed there in order to make cleanup of the shards in the event the glass breaks easier. Tracks used (still? No idea) to require racers to tape up their headlights and rear lights before racing for this purpose.

What does the X on the headlight mean? ›

According to one of the posters there, the "X" is a tape or adhesive that's placed there in order to make cleanup of the shards in the event the glass breaks easier. Tracks used (still? No idea) to require racers to tape up their headlights and rear lights before racing for this purpose.

Why do people put X over their headlights? ›

Modern race cars often have stickers or decals that mimic headlights, rather than actual headlight units, to reduce weight and optimize aerodynamics. The X's can be seen as a nod to this tradition, symbolizing where the headlights would traditionally be, without the need for the weight and drag of real headlights.

Why do rally cars have an X on the lights? ›

Those cars had glass headlight covers, which could shatter if hit by another car or a piece of launched gravel. Tape helps prevent that. Modern cars use clear plastic headlight covers that won't shatter into small pieces.

What is the reason for black X on headlights? ›

FWIW typically tape on headlights is used when riding on a track that has rules specifying glass has to be taped (to stop glass ending up on the track if the bike is dropped). Many people use duct tape for that.

What is a café racer style motorcycle? ›

A café racer started as a garage-customized motorcycle based on an existing model or one that has been specifically built from scratch to mirror the style and feel. They are known for being lightweight because they are stripped down to its bare essentials to provide better handling and a sportier vintage appearance.

Is it illegal to tape your headlights? ›

Speaking from a US standpoint, technically, you've modified lights, which is illegal. Yes, the tape is not permanent, but why inhibit light output to begin with, especially with something as ridiculous as tape.

Why do people put blue headlights on their car? ›

Blue headlights offer several advantages: Improved Visibility: The higher color temperature of blue headlights closely resembles daylight, providing better visibility during nighttime driving. Enhanced Safety: Blue headlights can make your vehicle more visible to other drivers, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Why do riders use dipped headlights? ›

Explanation: A motorcycle can be lost from sight behind another vehicle. The use of the headlight helps to make it more conspicuous and therefore more easily seen.

What are the symbols for headlights? ›

The standard headlamp indicator symbol looks like a sun or upside-down light bulb. On many headlight control dials, there will also be an enclosed circle next to this indicator symbol.

Why do Le Mans cars have yellow headlights? ›

The cars with yellow headlights in endurance racing are the production car classes. It helps to different between the prototypes and the production cars when they are approaching you from the rear. Yellow also helps to cut through rain, fog and other road conditions and come claim that it helps with depth perception.

Why do rally cars pop? ›

When the spark plug fires, the exhaust valve is starting to open due to the ignition delay mentioned above. Additionally, the exhaust temperature being extremely high, the unburned fuel explodes at the contact of the exhaust tubes.

Why are rally cars so fast? ›

Engines are tested and tuned for best performance in rallies. The regulations allow for many improvements to be made to the engine and they differ between organisations. The engine control unit manages fuel supply and air pressure in the engine. This is modified to boost the performance of the car.

Why do some cars have purple headlights? ›

If you see headlights that are purple like in color, that means the owner replaced the headlight bulbs with a different brightness lamp. Lights in the lower brightness range i.e. 4000k range, will be more blue or purple in appearance while the opposite is true if going in the brighter 6000k range.

Why do some headlights have nipples? ›

they're used for aiming the headlights. ...

90, Section 2.2. 4). Headlights lacking aiming pads may be aimed by using aiming devices which are built into the car ...

What does an HID headlight look like? ›

HID headlights are also known as Xenon headlights. The width they work is by heating a filament using gas and atypical metals. This will admit a whitish-blue hue that is exceptionally bright.

How do you know if you are overriding your headlight? ›

To test this safely, try picking an object in the distance and count how many seconds it takes for you to pass the object. If you pass the object in less than 6 seconds, you're most likely over-driving your headlights.

What is the symbol for the automatic headlight? ›

If the car has automatic headlights, the setting is often indicated by the word “auto” or just the letter A. Bright lights are usually engaged by moving the stalk forward. This will also illuminate a blue dashboard light with the headlight symbol. Moving the stalk forward again turns the brights off.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.