USDOT Number/MC Number Lookup | J.J. Keller Trucking Authority (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions: MC Number

Interstate for-hire motor carriers are issued a motor carrier number, also referred to as the "MC number". The MC number is issued with interstate operating authority, and is necessary before conducting interstate for-hire motor carriage. Federal operating authority requires no renewal; it remains valid as long as the carrier maintainer proper insurance and conducts business in compliance with Federal and State requirements.

A motor carrier number is needed when:

  • A carrier transports passengers in interstate commerce (for a fee or other compensation either direct or indirect)
  • A carrier transports federally-regulated commodities that are either owned by others or arranging for their transport in interstate commerce (for a fee or other compensation)

The FMCSA operating authority can be identified as an "MC", "FF" or "MX" number based on what authority is granted. It's possible that your business may need multiple operating authorities.

Our experts can also help you withAuthority Monitoring,UCR FilingsandIFTA/IRP Set Up.

Federal operating authority is required for all interstate motor carriers, regardless of size/weight of vehicle, providing for-hire motor vehicle transportation of passengers and regulated commodities. There is no minimum weight allowing operation without FMCSA authority; vehicles of any weight providing interstate for-hire motor carriage must comply.

There are several types of federal authority – for-hire carrier authority, for-hire passenger, broker, household goods carrier – the list goes on. The type of authority needed will depend largely on the type of motor carrier you are.

Private carriers, however, transporting their own goods in their own vehicles, in furtherance of a primary business other than trucking, and interstate for-hire carriers transporting commodities designated as “exempt” are not subject to federal operating authority.

An "Authority to Operate", also called an MC Number (MC,FF or MX)can be confusing to obtain. Many questions need to be addressed such as - who needs an MC number, what are the costs, what type of authority is needed or what are the applicationsteps.

If you are a first-time applicant, you will need to register with theFMCSA.

If you are an exisiting carrier, you can add another MC authority type by applying online atFMCSA.

You can also contact one of J.J. Keller DOT experts to secure a MCnumber at 888-473-4638 or fill out the form below.

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USDOT Number/MC Number Lookup | J.J. Keller Trucking Authority (2024)
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