The Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (2024)

Learn all about Indoor Greenhouse, which plants to grow, indoor greenhouse DIY, and much more. We have answered all the queries!

Wouldn’t it be great if you can grow anything you want without worrying about the scarcity of space and weather conditions outdoors? The Indoor greenhouses will do precisely that! Firstly, you won’t have to worry about the weather as plants will be safe from all the weather ailments in the indoor space. Also, if there isn’t much space, as is the case with urban dwellings, you can go for mini or small indoor greenhouses. But can you have an indoor greenhouse? The short answer is YES, you can, and it isn’t even difficult.

Indoor greenhouse proves effective in safeguarding the plants and seedlings against cold and other weather ailments. Sunlight isn’t necessary as plants can grow under Grow Lights indoors. Mini greenhouses are an ideal option where there isn’t enough space.

What is Indoor Greenhouse?

Indoor greenhouses are the structures build in the indoor space for encasing an area in which conditions ideal for growing plants are created. It’s challenging to grow plants outdoors in cold conditions as they are directly exposed to the chilly weather. In low temperatures, seeds have difficulty germinating, which won’t happen in the indoor greenhouse as it’s temperature regulated.

Location for Indoor Greenhouse

You must be thinking that an indoor greenhouse will be placed in the indoor space, so what’s the fuss. Well, even in the indoor spaces, you’ll need to decide if you can locate the greenhouse at a spot where it receives sunlight or not. For natural sunlight, you can place the greenhouse near south-facing or east-facing windows. In case there isn’t a source of natural sunlight in the indoor space, you’ll need to install artificial grow lamps in the greenhouse. We recommend a combination of both daylight and artificial light in the indoor area for optimum growth. Plants that need moderate to high sunlight to grow won’t do well under only artificial lights. Go for plants that have low-lightning requirements such as snake plants if direct sunlight isn’t an option.

Setting-up Indoor Greenhouse

There are various ways to set-up an indoor greenhouse. When you buy indoor greenhouses from vendors such as Amazon or any garden store, it comes with the step by step instructions to set-up the whole structure. You can choose a greenhouse that’s in your budget and suits your needs. Make sure to check out the dimensions of the greenhouse, or you’ll regret later if its too large or too small space you have.

There is another alternative if you don’t want to buy an indoor greenhouse. You can make one yourself! There are many indoor greenhouse projects you undertake and even add your expertise to make them even more noteworthy. We provide below the list of the most innovative indoor greenhouse DIY we found.

DIY Indoor Greenhouse

Checkout this list of the most innovative, tech-savvy and easy indoor greenhouse DIY below.

1. DIY Mini Indoor Greenhouse

The Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (1)

Give your seedlings a head start with this inexpensive and easy to make greenhouse! The step by step tutorial is available at wikiHow!

2. DIYIndoor Seed Starting GreenhouseThe Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (2)

Start seed indoors using grow lights with the help of this Indoor Greenhouse DIY! Even without sunlight, your baby plants will do fine. Here‘s the detailed post.

3. Small Indoor Greenhouse DIY

The Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (3)

If you are a tech-savvy person, this DIY is made for you! You’ll even learn some programming along the way. We got the inspiration from Instructables!

4. DIY Indoor Mini Greenhouse

The Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (4)

Perfect for small spaces and in urban apartments, this indoor greenhouse DIY is built by a dollar store picture frame.

5. Easy Indoor Greenhouse

The Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (5)

Here‘s a greenhouse project in which your kids can take part. This indoor greenhouse system doesn’t require much of your time to construct!

Best Plants to Grow in Indoor Greenhouses

Growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs in indoor greenhouses are not challenging with the right information. Take factors such as availability of space and lighting requirements into consideration before choosing the plant. For small spaces, mini-greenhouses are ideal as they won’t take up much space. Grow small houseplants, herbs, succulents, microgreens, and leafy greens in mini-greenhouses.

NOTE:Succulents and cacti also do well in the indoor greenhouse and require little to no care.

Below is the list of vegetables, fruits, and herbs that grow well in indoor greenhouses!


  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Radishes
  • Spring Onions
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Microgreens


  • Strawberries
  • Avocados
  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Raspberries
  • Grapes


  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • Sage
  • Coriander
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Oregano

Benefits of Indoor Greenhouse

  • Indoor Greenhouses are well protected from the weather ailments, whether it’s cold or hot.
  • You can grow plants all year round as there won’t be any interference from the outside elements.
  • Easy to relocate indoor greenhouses if and when the situation arises.
  • Mini indoor greenhouses offer an ideal choice for folks living in urban dwellings where they don’t have balconies or patio to grow plants.
  • Plants are well protected from rain, wind, snow, storm, and their adverse effects.
  • Won’t have to depend on sunlight as you can install grow lights in the indoor greenhouses.
  • Easily monitor temperature, humidity, and other conditions that affect plant growth.
  • Monitor the growth of the plant and check for problems regularly as the greenhouse is located nearby.
The Complete Beginners Guide to Indoor Greenhouse (2024)


How do you use an indoor greenhouse? ›

You can get the most use out of your greenhouse by making sure that it gets enough sunlight. Place it as close to a window as possible. If you don't have enough natural light, consider buying a grow light to place inside your greenhouse.

What not to put in a greenhouse? ›

What not to grow in a greenhouse
  • Giant Trees and Shrubs: ...
  • Invasive Species: ...
  • Aggressive Vines: ...
  • Water-Hungry Crops in Excess: ...
  • Plants with Extreme Temperature Requirements: ...
  • Highly Sensitive Varieties: ...
  • Crops with Pests and Diseases: ...
  • Plants with Excessive Maintenance Needs:
Nov 14, 2023

How do you make a homemade indoor greenhouse? ›

How to: Search local antique stores to find an old curio cabinet. Take out the shelves and line the inside of the cabinet with plastic to keep the environment humid. Put the shelves back in and add pots and plants on the various levels. Water your plants and close the door to create a humid environment.

What temperature should a greenhouse be at night? ›

From our experience, the ideal temperature for a greenhouse at night varies depending on the plants you're growing. However, for most plants, maintaining a temperature between 60°F to 76°F is a good rule of thumb. The temperature should never drop below 45°F.

What is the ideal temperature inside a greenhouse? ›

What's the Ideal Greenhouse Temperature for Plants? Obviously, the answer to that question depends on the plants you're growing, but the general wisdom is that the perfect temperature for healthy plants is about 80.6 °F during the day and around 70 °F at night.

How do you heat an indoor greenhouse? ›

Ways to Heat a Winter Greenhouse
  1. Add Thermal Mass. ...
  2. Use a Germination Mat. ...
  3. Try a Horticultural Fleece. ...
  4. Consider a Trench. ...
  5. Use Hotbeds. ...
  6. Try Black 55-Gallon Barrels. ...
  7. Use Electric Room Heaters. ...
  8. Hot Water Heating Systems.
Apr 14, 2023

How often should you water an indoor greenhouse? ›

Crops and Seasonality

In late spring, summer, and early fall you will likely be watering your greenhouse garden every day or at least every other day. In late fall, winter, and early spring when temperatures are more mild you will likely be watering much less frequently about once a week.

Where is the best place for an indoor greenhouse? ›

Aim for Maximum Sunlight

Greenhouses need as much light as possible – shade is not a friend to greenhouse plants. Try to place your greenhouse away from potential sources of shade, including tall buildings.

What should be on the floor of a greenhouse? ›

Landscape rock is a good choice for greenhouse flooring because it is durable and easy to clean. It also provides good insulation. However, landscape rock can be expensive to install and it requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best.

What temperature is too cold for a greenhouse? ›

Nearly all crops can tolerate an average temperature of 50° F, and cold-tolerant crops can handle temperatures of 35 to 40° F. The most cold-sensitive crops, such as basil, should not be held below 55° F.

Does an indoor greenhouse need ventilation? ›

Good ventilation is critical in maintaining an optimal growing environment and improves the overall efficiency of a greenhouse. It is essential for both good temperature and humidity management.

Is an indoor greenhouse worth it? ›

Indoor greenhouses are perfect for nurturing seedlings to a size that can be shifted to bigger pots or ground. You can grow all out-of-season plants in an indoor greenhouse just like an outdoor one.

What is the easiest thing to grow in a greenhouse? ›

You can easily grow most vegetables and herbs using a greenhouse, but some of the more commonly grown vegetables are:
  • Potatoes.
  • Peppers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Chillies.
  • Sweetcorn.
  • Peas.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Lettuce.

Should a greenhouse be in full sun? ›

The best spot to place a greenhouse is the sunniest spot. It's important that the structure (and therefore the plants within it) receive at least six hours of winter sun exposure. Situate the structure with the front or the end facing east.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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