Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind (2024)

By: Carmen Willings
​Updated March 11, 2018

It can be beneficial, and in some cases necessary, to formally instruct those new to the vision field, team members, or peers with the opportunity to experience some of what it is like to be blind or have a visual impairment. Providing in-service training using vision simulators is an excellent teaching tool to help educators learn about the impact of vision impairment on their students. Low vision simulators can make for a fun and educational in-service!

It must be stressed that simulating a visual impairment is not the same as having a visual impairment.The sighted person has the visual memory and experiences to draw from and assist them in identifying information and navigating their way through the environment.

Keep in mind that it is critical to ensure that everyone stays safe during any type of simulation especially during any movement activities. Each person under simulation should have a sighted monitor to ensure safety.

  • Walk in a hallway to locate specific room numbers or areas. You may choose to provide the person with a verbal prompt or provide them with a card with the room number in print/braille and request they find the room.
  • Locate a doorway leading to the outside.
  • Go outdoors and locate a specific car in the parking lot or locate the correct bus.
  • Walk in well lit and dimly lit areas. Similarly, walk from a brightly lit to a dimly lit environment and vice versa.
  • Provide the person with a coin purse and encourage them to use a vending machine.
  • Request the person to locate and use a water fountain.
  • Find a requested item in a familiar and unfamiliar classroom.
  • Provide the student with a set of keys and request that they open a locked door.
  • Play catch with a playground ball, a tennis ball or a beach ball.
  • Get a wet paper towel and clean the table top and sweep up crumbs from the floor.
  • Arrange for participants to go through the lunch line and get their lunch.
  • Alternatively, provide a "potluck" meal. Prepare labels in different fonts and sizes and have participants fix themselves a plate.
  • Provide items to create a simple snack and encourage participants to assemble their snack including spreading cream cheese, peanut butter, etc.
  • Present an educational video and quiz participants on information that was dependent on vision.
  • Write information on the board and require participants to take notes.
  • Provide participants with textbooks and call on different participants to take turns reading passages and locating different pages in the text as well as reading diagrams. Also, have the students look up information in the glossary.
  • Encourage participants to locate specific websites and find specific information.
  • Find a particular item in a flyer or on a menu.
  • Provide participants with a word search and require that they complete it in a designated amount of time.
  • Provide participants with an "I Spy" book and require that they locate items in the picture in a designated amount of time.

Vision Simulation Kits & Resources...

Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind (1)

The Zimmerman Low Vision Simulation Kit contains goggles and interchangeable visual acuity and visual pathology simulations, as well as peripheral field restriction simulations that allow family, friends, colleagues, and those who work with individuals who have low vision, to better understand the effect that low vision has on mobility, learning, employment, and activities of daily living.

Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind (2)

Vision Rehabilitation Services offers simulators that provide a reasonably accurate picture of some of the functional limitations and abilities that may be experienced with different types of visual impairments.

App Resources...

Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind (3)

Free. Braille Institute's VisionSim (v3.0) app for iPhone and iPad was developed to allow people with healthy vision to see the world through the eyes of a person experiencing one of nine degenerative eye diseases. The eye diseases that are simulated are age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, chronic open-angle glaucoma, corneal edema, diabetic retinopathy, hom*onymous hemianopia, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa.

Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind (4)

$0.99. ColorDeBlind is an app that allows users to experience what it is like to be colorblind. It also modifies the live video to help people who are color blind see the real world in ways they haven't before.

self determination

Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind (2024)


Simulation Activities to Understand What it's Like to be Blind? ›

For years, well-intentioned teachers have used simulation activities to teach sighted people about blindness. You put on a blindfold, stagger around a building for a few minutes, and typically rip the blindfold off at the end with a newfound gratitude that you aren't one of those poor, tragic blind people.

What are some activities for the blind? ›

With a little adaptation and flexibility, many activities can be reworked to suit a person who is blind or has low vision.
  • Books and magazines. ...
  • Cards, chess and other games. ...
  • Cooking. ...
  • Craft. ...
  • Exercising at home. ...
  • Gardening. ...
  • Music. ...
  • Radio, television and the Internet.

What is blind simulation? ›

Vision simulation is one way to understand how the world is experienced by someone with a visual impairment. SHARE. Vision simulation is one way to understand how the world is experienced by someone with a visual impairment. Explore photographs, activities, and instructions for creating your own vision simulators.

Is there an app to simulate bad eyesight? ›

The Thru My Eyes app is being developed by ProQR Therapeutics as an interactive tool to support inherited retinal disease (IRD) awareness. While the app provides an artist's impression using different filters, we have calibrated visual acuity (sharpness of vision) to validated scales to be as realistic as possible.

What are the teaching methods for the blind? ›

Students may use readers, Braille books, tape-recorders and computer equipment that give them access to required course material. In addition, some students may be able to use large print books, electronic visual aids or other magnifying devices for readings, and/or a large print typewriter for writing papers.

What do blind people struggle with daily? ›

In a world dominated by visual stimuli, the challenges faced by blind individuals in their daily lives are often overlooked. Navigating the streets, using public transportation, and even performing routine tasks become monumental hurdles for those without sight.

What are daily living activities for visually impaired? ›

Techniques for Completing Activities of Daily Living for Persons with Low Vision or Blindness
  • Organization and Labeling. ...
  • Medication Management. ...
  • Personal Management. ...
  • Reading Tasks. ...
  • Computer and Technology Use. ...
  • Navigation and Travel.

How to simulate blindness activity? ›

For years, well-intentioned teachers have used simulation activities to teach sighted people about blindness. You put on a blindfold, stagger around a building for a few minutes, and typically rip the blindfold off at the end with a newfound gratitude that you aren't one of those poor, tragic blind people.

Can you simulate being blind? ›

The Blind Experience is a visual impairment simulator that lets you experience what it's like to be visually impaired or blind, engaging with online learning material.

How do you simulate visual impairments? ›

DIY Methods for Simulating Visual Impairment
  1. Wear glasses smeared with soap or Vaseline to simulate cataracts.
  2. Wear glasses made with the wrong prescription or wear sunglasses indoors to simulate macular degeneration or glaucoma.
  3. Use sleep masks for total blindness.

What is a eye simulator? ›

An eye simulator is a computer simulator that is used across healthcare simulation to educate optometrists and ophthalmologists to assess, diagnose and manage vision changes and eye care. Eye simulators combine computers, external or internal images of the eye, and a simulated ophthalmoscope.

What would 360 vision look like? ›

360° vision, also known as panoramic vision, would allow an individual to see in all directions simultaneously without moving their head or eyes. This would give them a complete view of their surroundings, including everything happening behind them, which is not possible with our current field of view.

What does negative 8 vision look like? ›

The difference between mild and severe nearsightedness is just a few inches. Those with mild nearsightedness (-2 prescription) start to have blurry vision for objects more than 20 inches away, and those who are very highly nearsighted (-8 prescription) start to see blur for objects more than 5 inches away.

How do you teach blind students in the classroom? ›

Call the student by name if you want his/her attention. Verbally acknowledge the questions of a student who is blind, they cannot see a head shake or gesture. Be specific and descriptive in directions and avoid the use of vague terms with unusable information, such as "over there," "here," "this," etc.

What is the learning platform for blind students? ›

Accessibyte's remote access is a game changer for blind and visually impaired students. Whether you have 1 student or 100, it only takes a few minutes to get up and running with Accessibyte. You can check out a free trial at and find out just how fun and accessible distance learning can be.

How do blind students read? ›

Braille is a system of raised dots that can be read with the fingers by people who are blind or who have low vision. Teachers, parents, and others who are not visually impaired ordinarily read braille with their eyes. Braille is not a language.

How do you engage a blind person? ›

Be verbally descriptive when giving directions

Avoid using visually oriented references such as “Over there near the green plant.” Also, remember to describe things from the individual's perspective, not yours. Support facial expressions or visual cues with verbal cues.

How do you motivate a blind person? ›

We need to reassure them that it is OK for them to try new things and not expect to learn everything immediately. One of the ways we can assist those losing sight and their family members is to show them how we accomplish tasks and that we don't allow our blindness to keep us from enjoying life.

What do blind people use to help them see? ›

AI smart glasses are a type of wearable assistive technology designed to help people who are blind or have low vision. These glasses typically use a combination of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and natural language processing to help users scan text, find objects, provide scene description and much more.

What are the social needs of a blind person? ›

A person who loses their sight may avoid socialising and eventually become isolated and lonely. Most social events, such as holidays or outings, can be adapted to suit people who are blind or have low vision. Generally, sighted people are needed to offer assistance.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.