Porters Five Forces of the Automotive Industry (2025)

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The automotive industry globally is a multi-billion dollar industry, though it is extremely competitive, with many large players trying to leverage their competitive advantages to gain majority or complete market share. Let us set the stage by discussing the key factors that are imperative for any motor vehicle manufacturer to be successful. These factors will be important in the subsequent analysis of the industry forces.

Industry environmental factors play an increasingly important role and so automobile manufacturers cannot rely on just safety and reliability to stay competitive, especially given the maturity of this industry. Let us now examine Porter’s five force model (Porter, 2008) to discuss threats and determine the attractiveness of the industry.

Porter's 5 Forces

1. Threat of New Entrants

There are absolute high barriers to entry in this industry, making the threat of new entrants low. Very few new players or entrepreneurs are capable of venturing into the automotive industry because it requires a high capital investment to set up manufacturing facilities and a distribution network. In addition, the fact that existing multi-national major competitors benefit from economies of scale and scope, makes it very difficult for a new entrant to offer competitive pricing. Finally, because the issues of safety, reliability and durability are so salient, and because buyers base their impressions of a model on the manufacturer’s previous performance on these issues, a new entrant will have extreme difficulty competing. It takes many years for a new entrant to build a strong enough reputation to be competitive. All of these factors make the threat of new entrants in this market very low.

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Therefore, there is no significant threat to Ford from the entry of new automobile manufacturers on a global or domestic scale. Entry into the automobile manufacturing market requires significant capital, technical and managerial expertise and the time needed to gain market acceptance that will generate sales and sufficient revenue for operations without the need of cash infusions from investors and finance activities. Even the entry of the Chinese manufacturers will require time. (Grant, 2008) This gives Ford the opportunity to gain market share before these new entrants gain popularity.

2. Competition from substitutes

The threat of substitutes on the other hand does exist. Increasing fuel prices have been pushing some urban drivers to use public transportation. Most vehicle owners still agree that the convenience of using a personal vehicle offsets increases in fuel prices, however if this trend continues and automobile manufacturers are not able to provide a more cost-efficient solution, this threat will increase.

Ford Motor Company did put effort into easing the pressure of substitutes like public transport. Customers will get the benefits of Ford’s largest-ever investment in fuel-efficient power trains. In 2010, Ford launched nine new engines and six new six-speed transmissions. The company is on track to deliver fuel-saving six-speed transmissions across most of its lineup of Ford brand vehicles by 2013 (Automotive 2011).

There is no realistic substitute to motor vehicles with the exception of large scale transportation that railways provide. The evolution of consumer reliance on motor vehicles began with the mass producing of automobiles by Ford in 1910. (Grant, 2008, p. 41) Starting almost 100 years ago, people worldwide became more and more reliant on motor vehicles. With a steady supply of motor vehicles becoming available after World War II, transportation by automobile has surpassed other forms of personal travel and the movement of manufactured goods. As a result, we will qualify the threat of substitutes as moderate.

3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

The power of suppliers is mitigated by the number of existing potential suppliers in this industry, but switching costs are high because establishing part designs and specification requires a fair initial investment. On the other hand, there is little threat that these suppliers will integrate forward. Auto manufacturers require inputs-labor, parts, raw materials and services. The cost of these inputs can have a significant effect on profitability. Ford was depended on different suppliers for various parts but soon it had the problem with the quality of equipments and compatibility of parts made by different manufacturers became too expensive as it was costing more comparing to buying from suppliers.

Ford, as well as most other manufacturers, followed the Japanese lead by divesting themselves of their organic parts makers through the use of outsourcing their parts requirements and/or spinning off their parts divisions to separate entities that would then supply them in return. With overall sales of $254 billion among the top automobile component suppliers have the ability to leverage their buyers to accept engineering changes that affects their production, dictate supply availability and dates, and set prices in line with their own profitability requirements. If a manufacturer is reliant on one supplier almost exclusively, this creates a monopolistic situation that requires that the manufacturer keep the supplier satisfied, especially if they are exploring other manufacturing opportunities with rivals. In sum, the power of suppliers average – not particularly high, but not low either.

4. Bargaining Power of Buyers

Buyer power refers to the ability of individual customers to negotiate prices that extract profit from the seller. Private individuals, commercial companies and governments are the primary buyers of motor vehicles. With few exceptions, buyers have the power to walk away from a purchase that they don’t like and take their purchase elsewhere to a dealer of the same manufacturer or to a completely different manufacturer or platform. Individual consumers have some influence over price within a given dealership, but little power over manufacturers. Customers can easily, and with little cost, switch to other auto dealers.

Dealers are another part of the buyer equation. Dealers-buyers typically purchase their car inventory from the manufacturers through special financing. In the case of Ford, dealers purchase their inventory through Ford Motor Credit. If dealers do not buy inventory from the manufacturing plants, Ford must contend with excess supply.

Therefore, the power of buyers is high. New vehicle buyers like to shop around, collecting a wealth of information on the internet and using it to haggle with many dealers. In addition, because switching costs are low and new designs are well differentiated, it is possible that market trends lure large shares of the buyer market from one auto-maker to another. The net effect is high buyer power.

5. Rivalry among Competitors

With the rise of foreign competitors in the 1970’s and 80’s, rivalry in the automotive industry has become much more intense as Firms compete on both prices and non-price dimensions. Serious competition began to emerge in the 1990’s with a flood of new vehicles, designs and concepts (Adam, Brock 2005.)

Different companies are providing different incentives to attract customers to purchasing their own vehicles. Ford in the past was very successful due to their advantages relating to volume and scale and it was anticipated that they would become the biggest player in the industry taking the place of General Motors. However, due to the actions taken by their arch rival, General Motors, Ford continues to remain in second place (Taylor III, 2003) Ford experienced adverse publicity due to the tire scandal and also the poor marketing.

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The fact that the automotive industry is a mature one means that competition is fierce and rivalry will only increase over time. Industry growth is flat, and numerous competitors with similar market shares are fighting for leadership, and all the players have huge capital leverage. Japanese competitors have cost leadership advantages, something that North American manufacturers such as GM and Chrysler are recently trying to imitate. This type of cost advantage is paramount to manufacturers staying competitive at the current stage of the automotive industry’s life cycle. Exit barriers are high because these companies have already made the investment in machinery and facilities and so it makes more sense for them to remain in the industry and continuously decrease prices than to exit altogether. All these factors create an extremely intense rivalry.

The above discussion highlights that the motor vehicle manufacturing industry is unattractive new entrants because of its numerous important threats, but opportunities does exist for. In the case of Ford Motor Company, the automotive industry does seem attractive because Ford has been an existing company for a long time. The Figure below shows that, rivalry, barrier to entry and buyer power is rather high and both supplier power and threat of substitutes are moderate.

The market seems to be demanding innovative designs that are in line with emerging socio-cultural trends, and the winning competitors will be those who use newly available technologies to capitalize on this trend, designing vehicles that are fuel-efficient and eco-friendly, but also stylish. In addition, although the North American market does not leave much room for growth, other parts of the world (parts with much larger populations) are developing and individuals have increasing amounts of disposable incomes. More individuals are purchasing new vehicles in Asia, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe. Opportunistic companies will have to develop strategies that fit with those cultures in order to seize foreign growth.

Strategic Group of Automotive Industry

Strategic group is a concept used in strategic management that groups companies within an industry that have similar business models or similar combinations of strategies. The number of groups within an industry and their composition depends on what dimensions you use to define the groups (DeSarbo, Grewal, Wang 2009). Strategists often use a two dimensional grid to display the position of each company along to the two most important dimensions. Strategy is the Direction and scope of an organization over the long term which achieves advantages for the organization. Strategic Group Analysis (SGA) aims to identify organizations with similar strategic characteristics, following similar strategies or competing on similar bases.


Grant, R.M (2008). Cases to Accompany: Contemporary Strategic Analysis (6th Ed.). Malden: Blackwell, pp. 47-48.

Automotive; Ford Delivers 12 Fuel Economy Leaders Across Its Lineup; Unrivaled Four Models in the Forties.2011.Transportation Business Journal,March20,54. http://www.proquest.com.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/(accessed April 9, 2011).

Adams, Walter & Brock, J, 2005, The Structure of American Industry, 11th end, Pearson Prentice Hall.

Taylor III, A, 2003, Getting Ford in gear, Fortune, pp.42-5

DeSarbo,W.,R.Grewal,andR.Wang.2009.Dynamic strategic groups: deriving spatial evolutionary paths.Strategic Management Journal30,no.13,(December1):1420. http://www.proquest.com.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/(accessed April 10, 2011).

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Porters Five Forces of the  Automotive Industry (2025)


What is Porter's 5 forces analysis with example? ›

The Five Forces are the Threat of new market players, the threat of substitute products, power of customers, power of suppliers, industry rivalry which determines the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market.

What are the threat of substitutes for automobile industry? ›

The threat of substitutes is low because substitutes have performance limitations, customers incur costs in switching and there are no real substitutes for the products in the automobile industry.

What are the barriers to entry in the automotive industry? ›

The existence of economies of scale is perhaps the most significant entry barrier in the auto industry. Also customers have existing brand preferences. For such a high-value purchase, the brand often becomes the decisive factor. There are heavy sunk costs associated with exits.

What is Porter's 5 forces analysis example PDF? ›

Porter's Five Forces (Dudovskiy, 2017) 1) Threat of New Entrants 2) Bargaining power of buyers 3) Bargaining power of suppliers 4) Rivalry among existing firms 5) Threat of substitute (Giaquinto, 2018).

How do you use Porter's five forces model in analyzing any manufacturing industry? ›

When to use Porter's Five Forces
  1. Learn what industry they need to target.
  2. Determine which industries give the best or least chances of success.
  3. Understand the demand for their product .
  4. Recognize their risks.
  5. Recognize their opportunities.
  6. Learn how profits get distributed within an industry.
  7. Analyze industry trends.
Nov 23, 2020

Why is the automotive industry so competitive? ›

To manufacture great cars, you need great quality raw materials where every part must pass the test since quality and safety related laws have become more stringent across the globe. It is why there is a lot of competition among the brands related to supply chain management as well.

How can a company reduce the threat of substitute products? ›

A company can keep a check on possible substitutes by doing the following:
  • Identify Problems. ...
  • Identify other Solutions. ...
  • Identify Substitute Appeal. ...
  • Create Counter Measures and Strategies. ...
  • Determining Threat Severity. ...
  • Identify Consumers With the Potential To Switch Over. ...
  • Communicate and Build a Relationship with Them.
Sep 18, 2019

Do the buyers have much power in the automotive industry? ›

manufacturers in a huge amount (Bloomberg), their purchasing can give significant impact to the automakers' inventory and revenue if they reduce the buying quantity. The net effect for buyers' power is moderate.

How concentrated is the automotive industry? ›

The auto industry is a highly concentrated: Toyota Motors, Nissan, Honda Motor, Ford and Daimler. The auto industry is a highly concentrated one. About 10 global automakers account for over 77% of the production worldwide.

What is the concentration ratio for the automotive industry? ›

Table 11.1 Concentration Ratios and Herfindahl–Hirschman Indexes
IndustryLargest 4 firmsLargest 8 firms
Women's and girls' blouses and shirts4258
Sporting and athletic goods2738
Dental laboratories1824
5 more rows

Is the automobile industry a monopoly? ›

The US automobile industry is a good example of an oligopoly. It consists mainly of three major firms, General Motors (GM), Ford, and Chrysler. The influence of this oligopoly can be seen in the prices and the development and introduction of new car models into the American car market.

Is Porter's 5 forces still relevant? ›

Porter's Five Forces cannot be considered as outdated. The basic idea that each company is operating in a network of Buyers, Suppliers, Substitutes, New Entrants and Competitors is still valid. The three new forces just influence each of the Five Forces.

What is the main objective of the 5 forces model? ›

The objective of Porter's Five Forces model is to assess the overall competitive landscape of a particular business sector. Each of these five forces corresponds to a key component of market intensity.

Why is Porter's 5 forces important? ›

Michael Porter's Five Forces model is an important tool for understanding the main competitive forces at work in an industry. This can help you to assess the attractiveness of an industry, and pinpoint areas where you can adjust your strategy to improve profitability.

How do you plan to gain competitive advantage over your competitors? ›

  1. Charge More. While many businesses think of slashing their prices to stand out, there's value in going the other direction. ...
  2. Become an Online Influencer. ...
  3. Speak at Events in Your Industry. ...
  4. Create Your Own Data. ...
  5. Niche Down. ...
  6. Leverage New Technology. ...
  7. Delight Your Customers. ...
  8. Invest in Deeper Customer Relationships.

What is strategy Porter summary? ›

Strategy: Performing different activities from rivals' or performing similar activities in different ways. Porter states that a company can outperform rivals only if it can establish a difference it can preserve. It must deliver greater value to customers or create comparable value at a lower cost, or do both.

How can Porter's five forces be used to analysis the external environment? ›

Porter's Five Forces Framework Model analyses the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates, to assess the potential for profitability in an industry. Porter consists of the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitute, buyer power, supplier power, and rivalry among existing competitors.

How does industry structure impact competitive strategy choices? ›

According to industrial economics, the structure of an industry influences both the rules of the competition and the strategies that are potentially available to the company to help it improve a weak competitive position or take advantage of a strong one.

What five forces determine industry structure? ›

WHAT FIVE FORCES DETERMINE INDUSTRY STRUCTURE? Porter's 1980 five forces model states that five competitive forces determine industry profitability: bargaining power of customers, threat of substitutions, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, and rivalry among existing firms.

How does Porter's competitive forces model help companies develop competitive strategies using information systems? ›

Porter's competitive forces model helps companies determine what they should do to be more productive by comparing what their competitors are doing. It also brings the companies costs down and makes them more efficient as a business by using Information Systems.

Why exactly the automobile industry is challenging and competitive? ›

The industry is facing issues regarding fuel economy, gas emissions, safety and affordability. Moreover, the competitive pressures on cost, quality, performance and manufacturability of the vehicles today are bigger than ever. Automotive industry is under constant pressure from environmentalists.

Is the automobile industry perfect competition? ›

Answer and Explanation: The automobile industry is an oligopoly, meaning that there are relatively few producers of a product...

How do automotive companies compete? ›

Car companies compete in markets where they sell differentiated products. In the long run, the entry of competitors (in the form of either new firms or new products) continues until profits are equal to zero.

What is one of the most common ways a company can decrease supplier power? ›

What is one of the most common ways a company can decrease supplier power? Use MIS to find and create alternative products.

What is the best description of the term substitute in Porter's five forces model? ›

A substitute product is a product from another industry that offers similar benefits to the consumer as the product produced by the firms within the industry. According to Porter's 5 forces, threat of substitutes shapes the competitive structure of an industry.

Can a substitute be a competitor? ›

Substitutes can create intense competition during normal economic times, and reduce potential profit increases during positive economic times. Identifying substitutes involves searching for other products or services that can perform the same function as the industry's product or service.

Do suppliers have bargaining power in automobile industry? ›

There are many players in the auto supplier industry. Traditionally, suppliers' bargaining power has been very low. However, the scenario changed slowly over the years. Auto suppliers' contribution increased from 56% in 1985 to about 82% now.

What is the bargaining power of buyers in the automotive industry? ›

The Bargaining power of the Buyers in the Automobile Industry is very high since customer can easily opt for any vehicle among the available wide range of products. The factors that affect the buying decision of the customer are quality, appearance, price and the environmental effect.

What barriers do companies face when beginning to supply engines to the automotive manufacturing industry? ›

Research, development and other forward-looking functions. Utility costs to run machinery and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Commodities costs for buying steel, aluminum, rubber, fabrics and other raw materials. Third-party costs from automotive suppliers, manufacturers and logistics providers.

How profitable is the automotive industry? ›

What is a Good Profit Margin in the Auto Industry? Between 2015–2020, the average profit margin for major automotive companies worldwide was nearly 7.5%. Profitability varies from company to company, but generally, premium car brands, like BMW, will observe higher profit margins than general and budget brands.

What is the value of the automotive industry? ›

How much is the automobile industry worth? The US automobile industry is worth $82.6 billion.

What is happening in the automotive industry? ›

Higher prices for new cars

All told, automakers worldwide produced about 8 million fewer vehicles than planned last year because of product shortages. Even if production rebounds, dealers won't be able to build back inventories until well into 2022, J.D. Power analyst Tyson Jominy said.

Which industry has the highest concentration ratio? ›

Top 10 Highly Concentrated Industries
  • Food Service Contractors - Top four market share: 93.2% ...
  • Lighting & Bulb Manufacturing - Top four market share: 91.9% ...
  • Tire Manufacturing - Top four market share: 91.3% ...
  • Major Household Appliance Manufacturing - Top four market share: 90.0%
Feb 10, 2012

How do you get into the automotive industry? ›

How to Get a Job in the Auto Industry! - YouTube

How do you find the concentration ratio of an industry? ›

The concentration ratio is calculated as the sum of the market share percentage held by the largest specified number of firms in an industry. The concentration ratio ranges from 0% to 100%, and an industry's concentration ratio indicates the degree of competition in the industry.

What market structure is the automotive industry? ›

The auto industry is highly competitive in terms of return on investments and it is considered as an oligopoly market.

How is automotive industry oligopoly? ›

the automobile industry is an oligopoly because there are only three major players in the industry. in addition, these companies have been continuously merging with each other to get even bigger over time, which produces more of a monopoly-type situation.

What are the barriers to entry into the automobile industry? ›

The existence of economies of scale is perhaps the most significant entry barrier in the auto industry. Also customers have existing brand preferences. For such a high-value purchase, the brand often becomes the decisive factor. There are heavy sunk costs associated with exits.

What are the criticisms of the five forces model? ›

Criticisms of the Five Forces Model

It assumes perfect competition in the market place, and does not take into account that some markets are highly regulated, creating imbalances and reduced competitive forces are at play.

Are there any disadvantages in using Porter's five forces model? ›

The biggest disadvantage of porter five forces model is that it takes into account only above factors and it ignores other factors which may have bearing on the environment in which the company is operating.

How does Porter's five forces model help analyze an industry? ›

What Are Porter's Five Forces? Porter's Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape every industry and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. Five Forces analysis is frequently used to identify an industry's structure to determine corporate strategy.

What is the most important force in Porter's five forces? ›

Regarded as the most expressive in Porter's 5 forces model, the rivalry between competitors is the major determining factor for market competitiveness.

Which of Porter's five forces is the strongest? ›

According to Porter, Rivalry among competing firms is usually the most powerful of the five competitive forces.

What is Porter's 5 forces with example? ›

The Five Forces are:

Bargaining power of buyers. Bargaining power of suppliers. Threat of new entrants. Threat of substitutes.

Is Porter's five forces still relevant today? ›

Porter's Five Forces cannot be considered as outdated. The basic idea that each company is operating in a network of Buyers, Suppliers, Substitutes, New Entrants and Competitors is still valid. The three new forces just influence each of the Five Forces.

What is the main objective of the 5 forces model? ›

The objective of Porter's Five Forces model is to assess the overall competitive landscape of a particular business sector. Each of these five forces corresponds to a key component of market intensity.

What is the aim of Porters five forces? ›

The purpose of Porter's Five Forces Model is to determine the profit potential of a market i.e. business sector. According to Michael Porter each business sector is potentially influenced by five factors that he refers to as forces.

What is the main objective of the 5 forces model? ›

The objective of Porter's Five Forces model is to assess the overall competitive landscape of a particular business sector. Each of these five forces corresponds to a key component of market intensity.

How do Porter's five forces affect profitability of an industry? ›

Porter's five forces is an amazing tool enabling organizations to evaluate the profitability of a market or industry. It is based on five forces that affect attractiveness: competitive rivalry, supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitution and threat of new entry.

Is Porter's five forces still relevant today? ›

Porter's Five Forces cannot be considered as outdated. The basic idea that each company is operating in a network of Buyers, Suppliers, Substitutes, New Entrants and Competitors is still valid. The three new forces just influence each of the Five Forces.

What five forces determine industry structure? ›

WHAT FIVE FORCES DETERMINE INDUSTRY STRUCTURE? Porter's 1980 five forces model states that five competitive forces determine industry profitability: bargaining power of customers, threat of substitutions, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, and rivalry among existing firms.

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