How to Fix BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2 - GhostArrow (2025)

How to Fix BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2 - GhostArrow (1)

Destiny 2 players might encounter the dreaded "Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (1275)" message while launching the game. A conflict between the game's anti-cheat software, BattlEye, and a Windows security feature called "Hardware-enforced Stack Protection" causes this error. Fortunately, there are ways to resolve this issue and get back to enjoying the game.

Destiny 2 Troubleshooting: Overcoming BattlEye Service Driver Load Errors

In this article, we'll guide you through a step-by-step process to fix the BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2. Let's dive in!

1) Disable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection for Specific Applications

Firstly, you'll need to disable Hardware-enforced Stack Protection for the following applications:

  • BEService.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye)
  • destiny2.exe and destiny2launcher.exe (in Destiny 2 installation folder)

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Security. You can search from the taskbar or double-click the shield icon in the system tray.
  2. Select App & browser control.
  3. In the Exploit protection section, click Exploit protection settings.
  4. Select the Program settings tab.
  5. Select the application.
  6. If you cannot find the application in the list, click Add program to customize or Choose exact file paths for BEService.exe, destiny2.exe, and destiny2launcher.exe.
  7. After selecting the application from the list, click the Edit button.
  8. Scroll down and in the Hardware-enforced Stack Protection section, select Override system settings.
  9. Apply the changes.

2) Turn Off Kernel-mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection

In some cases, you may still experience the error after following the steps above. If that's the case, you'll need to revert enabling the security feature using one of the following methods.

Please note that this action will not lower your device's security or expose it to greater risks compared to before, as this new security feature wasn't previously enabled on devices.

Warning: Do this at your own risk. It is not recommended to disable Windows security settings just because some spyware tells you to!

Option A: Disable the Feature from the Windows Popup

  1. Click the Disable button in the Windows popup that appears, which states that BEDaisy.sys cannot be loaded on this device due to a security feature known as "Hardware-enforced Stack Protection."
  2. Reboot your PC.

Option B: Disable Kernel-mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection

  1. Open the Start menu and type Core isolation in the search bar to access the associated Windows Defender settings.
  2. In the Windows Security window, toggle the option labeled Kernel-mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection to the Off position.
  3. Restart your system.

3) Update Your Windows

Lastly, it's essential to ensure your Windows system is up-to-date. On the other hand, if you face the "Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (577)" error on Windows 7, verify that your system is fully updated, or install the following specific update:: SHA-2 Code Signing Support Update.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we'll address some frequently asked questions related to the BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2.

What is BattlEye, and why is it causing issues with Windows security features?

BattlEye is an anti-cheat software used in many popular games, including Destiny 2, to prevent cheating and maintain a fair gaming environment. The issue arises when BattlEye conflicts with the "Hardware-enforced Stack Protection" security feature in Windows. This feature is designed to protect the operating system from certain types of attacks, but it may also block the kernel-level operations of the BattlEye software, causing the error.

Will disabling Hardware-enforced Stack Protection put my system at risk?

Disabling Hardware-enforced Stack Protection for specific applications will not significantly lower the security of your device or expose it to greater risks, as this is a new security feature that wasn't enabled on devices before. However, it's crucial to follow the instructions carefully and disable the feature only for the applications mentioned in the guide.

How long will it take for BattlEye and Microsoft to resolve the Driver Load Error?

There's no definitive timeline for a resolution, as it depends on the complexity of the issue and the collaboration between BattlEye developers and Microsoft. However, both parties are actively working on finding a solution, so it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest updates and patches for both Destiny 2 and your system's security features.

Are other games experiencing similar issues with BattlEye and Windows security features?

Several other games that use BattlEye as their anti-cheat solution may also experience similar issues due to incompatibility with the "Hardware-enforced Stack Protection" feature in Windows. The steps provided in this guide may also apply to resolving issues in those games, but always refer to the specific game's support channels for tailored advice.

In Conclusion

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2 and get back to enjoying your gaming experience. Most importantly, remember to keep your Windows system updated. Also, ensure your antivirus software active to maintain the security of your device.

It's worth mentioning that developers of anti-cheat software like BattlEye are constantly working on improving compatibility with new security features. Therefore, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest updates and patches for both Destiny 2 and your system's security features.

In the future, as BattlEye and Microsoft collaborate to resolve these compatibility issues, we can hope for a seamless gaming experience without having to tweak security settings. Until then, follow the steps provided in this guide to fix the BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2.

If you still encounter issues or have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below. Alternatively, you can contact the game's official support channels. Moreover, keep an eye out for official announcements from Bungie and Microsoft, as they may provide new solutions or updates that address the problem.

Happy gaming, and may the light guide you, Guardians!

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How to Fix BattlEye Service Driver Load Error in Destiny 2 - GhostArrow (2025)


How to fix BattlEye driver load error? ›

EAC driver error 1275 - Driver load error in Windows 11
  1. Press Windows key.
  2. Type Settings in the search bar.
  3. Click on Privacy and Security.
  4. Click Windows Security.
  5. Click Device Security.
  6. Select Core isolation.
  7. Disable the option for Kernel mode hardware enforced stack protection.
  8. Restart PC.

How to fix BattlEye error? ›

Failed to install BattlEye Service (4, 50000005) error
  1. Right-click the BattlEye Launcher executable.
  2. Choose Properties.
  3. Go to the Compatibility tab.
  4. Check the Run this program as an administrator option.
  5. Click OK to apply your changes.

Why isn't BattlEye starting? ›

This happens if something on your system prevents the installation/startup of the BattlEye Service, which is required to play on BattleEye-enabled servers. To resolve this issue: Please ensure that any security software (anti-virus, etc.) running on your system doesn't block the BattleEye Service in any way.

Can I play Destiny 2 without BattlEye? ›

Players must allow BattlEye to be installed if they want to play Destiny 2. If BattlEye is denied to install, Destiny 2 will be unable to launch.

Why is BattlEye not responding in Destiny 2? ›

This can happen if the server's or your connection times out for quite a while or breaks up completely. A common solution is to update your modem/router's firmware. Also, make sure that you aren't running “Cucusoft Net Guard” which is incompatible with BE.

Why is BattlEye blocking Destiny 2? ›

This appears to be a windows 7 exclusive issue, and non updated windows 10 machines. Due to battleEye being written in a newer version of python, windows 7 x64 machines do not support the runtime DLLs included. With windows 7 being EOL, the only fix is to update your pc from 7 to win 10, and have the updated C redis.

How do I remove BattlEye service? ›

If you still want to uninstall BattlEye:
  1. Go to the BattlEye folder in your game directory.
  2. Locate a file called Uninstall_BattlEye. bat, which is present in many games. If it exists, simply run it to completely uninstall the BE Service.

How to fix BattlEye bad service version? ›

Due to external factors in some cases the BE Service may have problems operating, which can also lead to this error. In that case please try to close all unnecessary programs while playing the game. If that still doesn't help we would suggest a full repair reinstallation of Windows as a definite solution.

Is BattlEye a bad anti-cheat? ›

BattlEye is the gold standard of anti-cheat services because: We relentlessly hunt down any hacks, not stopping until they have been dealt with. This means that BattlEye is constantly evolving to make hacking ever-increasingly harder. We truly care about the games we protect 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

Do I need to install BattlEye? ›

To play a game requiring BattlEye, the software needs to be present on your system. If you uninstall it, you will not be able to launch your game.

How do I disable BattlEye? ›

You can disable BattlEye using the Arma 3 Server Config through your server's control panel.
  1. Access your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to Files > Config Files.
  3. Click Server Config.
  4. Locate the BattlEye option and modify the value from 1 to 0 .
  5. Click Save and Start your server.

What is the BattlEye error in Destiny 2? ›

The Bungie official website explains that error code Plum appears when BattlEye detects a problem with your PC that could potentially violate the developers' Terms of Service. Fear not, as you may be running the game without the latest version of Windows, which could cause some issues.

How do I launch a game without BattlEye? ›

In Basic and Advanced Mode

Open your configuration. Navigate to Configuration -> Add-Ons, then enable Disable BattlEye by clicking on it. Save and restart.

How do I reinstall BattlEye? ›

To fix this, go to the BattlEye folder in your game directory (e.g. “Fortnite\Binaries\Win64\BattlEye” in Fortnite) and double-click the Install_BattlEye. bat file to install BattlEye. For more information, see BattlEye's official FAQ here.

How to fix you have been kicked by BattlEye reason query timeout? ›

  1. Find the BattleEye folder.
  2. Delete it.
  3. Go to Ark on Steam and verify integrity of game files so it will redownload a fresh BattleEye copy for you once it notices it's gone.
May 2, 2023

How do I get rid of BattlEye? ›

If you still want to uninstall BattlEye:
  1. Go to the BattlEye folder in your game directory.
  2. Locate a file called Uninstall_BattlEye. bat, which is present in many games. If it exists, simply run it to completely uninstall the BE Service.

Why do I keep getting error code Destiny 2? ›

It might be that Bungie performing maintenance or unexpected server issues are causing a spike in error codes or that there's an issue on your end preventing you from connecting to Destiny 2 properly. That means fixing errors is tricky since they're unpredictable and sometimes not even your fault.

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