How Often Should My Cat Poop? (2024)

How Often Should My Cat Poop? (1)

It’s not a fun subject to talk about but just as a popular children’s book states, everyone poops. Since your cat can’t tell you whether he’s having trouble with elimination, it’s up to you to monitor the litter box, not only to keep it clean, but to notice the appearance, smell, and frequency of waste. A cat’s bowel movement should be well-formed, relatively moist, dark brown in color, and without traces of mucous or blood. Your cat’s poop will certainly have an odor but it shouldn’t be unbearable.

When trying to determine how often your cat should defecate, there are several things to take into consideration:

Your Cat’s Age

In general, an adult cat will typically defecate every day. Kittens will poop more often.

Your Cat’s Activity Level

Cats who are less active may not have a bowel movement as often as a cat who gets some form of daily exercise. Regular exercise can help contribute to healthy motility.

Your Cat’s Diet

Cats fed low quality food may have more frequent or larger bowel movements because more of the food ends up unusable by the body. Cats fed too much food may also have more frequent and/or larger bowel movements. Abrupt changes in food may result in a change in how frequently your cat poops as it often causes diarrhea. Changes in food should be done gradually by mixing a little of the new food in with the current recipe over the course of several days. Food allergies can also cause diarrhea and increased frequency of defecation.


Water plays an important role in maintaining healthy bowel movements. Cats fed dry food may experience more constipation and have drier stools. Make sure your cat is drinking enough water and if you’re currently feeding an all-dry diet, talk to your veterinarian about transitioning to wet food.

Your Cat’s Medical Condition

The frequency of bowel movements may be affected by certain medical conditions. Issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, constipation due to hairballs, blockage, megacolon, arthritis, parasites, hyperthyroidism and other medical conditions, can have a direct impact on the number of times your cat will poop during the day. Obese cats may suffer from constipation and might poop less frequently (something that should be addressed by talking with your veterinarian and getting your cat on an appropriate nutritional program.)

Your Cat’s Medication

If your cat is on any medication, always ask your veterinarian what the side effects can be, including changes in elimination habits.


Environmental Factors

A stressful or unhealthy environment may influence your cat’s elimination behavior. Constipation may occur because of stress. The cat may attempt to retain poop to avoid having to come in contact with a dirty or unappealing litter box. Your cat may also eliminate away from the box due to social stress, especially if he has been ambushed while in there. he may choose to eliminate in hidden areas away from the litter box. You may not find the feces right away and just assume your cat isn’t pooping often enough.

When Should You be Concerned?

If your cat poops more than once a day, that isn’t necessarily cause for concern unless it’s due to diarrhea, illness, if something about the stool is unusual, if your cat appears uncomfortable or if it’s a change from your cat’s normal elimination habits. Cats who eat more may poop more often. Always talk to your veterinarian if you have questions about the frequency and/or appearance of your cat’s bowel movements. Your veterinarian knows your cat’s health history and can advise you on whether your cat’s elimination habits are normal.


If your cat hasn’t had a bowel movement in a couple of days, see your veterinarian. Although many people might associate constipation as normal in cats, it isn’t normal. If you notice your cat straining, it’s time for a veterinarian visit. Sometimes cat parents assume straining is due to constipation but it may be the cat is straining to urinate and that’s extremely serious. Don’t skip the veterinary visit.

Monitor the Litter Box

Be diligent about monitoring what is or isn’t happening in your cat’s litter box so you can be alerted right away to changes in elimination habits. Scooping the litter box isn’t fun but it’s an important tool in keeping track of your cat’s health. Scooping only takes a few seconds out of your day but it can make a huge difference in your cat’s health.


Need More Information?

For more information on cat behavior and training, refer to the books by best-selling author, Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.

If you have a question about your cat’s behavior or health, contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a medical diagnosis nor is it a replacement for your cat’s regular veterinary care. This article is for general information purposes only.

How Often Should My Cat Poop? (2024)


How Often Should My Cat Poop? ›

How Often Should Cats Poop? Most cats poop about once a day, though it's also normal for a cat to poop every 12-36 hours. Kittens may poop up to three times per day, while older cats are usually less often. If your cat poops more than 3 times per day or less than once per day, consult your veterinarian.

How long can cats go without pooping? ›

Most cats will poop about every 12–24 hours. If your cat is pooping less frequently and having some difficulty, she may be constipated. While there is some normal variation, if it's been more than 48–72 hours without a bowel movement, you should contact your vet.

How often should indoor cats poop? ›

As a general rule of thumb, cats will poop once, maybe twice a day. If your cat is pooping a lot more than that or missing a couple of days in a row, it's not a bad idea to talk to your veterinarian.

Is it OK if my cat doesn't poop everyday? ›

If it happens infrequently, there's no need to worry, but you should contact your vet if it becomes a common problem or if it's been more than 48 to 72 hours since she's had a bowel movement. Constipation can sometimes be a sign of serious health issues, not to mention be uncomfortable (and severe in some cases).

How often should a cat poop on wet food? ›

Most of the time, your cat will poop once a day on wet cat food—possibly twice. If they are pooping more or less frequently than that, it could be directly related to food changes.

How can I stimulate my cat to poop? ›

Listed below are the 6 ways you can help your cat:
  1. Hydration. Hydration is the most important step in helping your cat deal with constipation. ...
  2. Diet. ...
  3. Exercise. ...
  4. Stress- Adding Litter Boxes. ...
  5. Over-the-Counter Laxatives (MiraLax and Lactulose)
Mar 29, 2023

What if my cat hasn't pooped in 2 days but acting normal? ›

How long can a cat go without pooping? While it can vary, a healthy cat typically has a bowel movement once a day to once every other day. If your cat hasn't 'gone' for more than 3 days, it's time to seek veterinary advice.

How can I tell if my cat is constipated? ›

Signs of constipation in the cat are usually easy to spot, and include:
  1. Straining and difficulty passing faeces (called tenesmus)
  2. Pain when passing faeces.
  3. Decreased frequency of defecation.
  4. Production of small, hard dry faeces (stools)
Aug 17, 2018

What if my cat hasn't pooped in 3 days? ›

Constipation can lead to life-threatening conditions in cats. If your cat hasn't pooped in 2 to 3 days, seek veterinary attention immediately.

What are the symptoms of a constipated cat? ›

Affected cats usually strain unsuccessfully to defecate, and may cry in pain. Any feces passed are hard and dry. The cat may also show signs of lethargy, reluctance to eat, abdominal pain and distension, and vomiting.

How do you Unconstipate a cat fast? ›

At-Home Remedies For Treating Constipation in Cats
  1. Over-the-counter laxatives (consult your vet, as these may worsen symptoms in cats with underlying or chronic diseases)
  2. Minimize stress and anxiety.
  3. Provide probiotics.
  4. Increase exercise to help with weight loss, reduce anxiety and promote normal movement of intestines.
Jan 30, 2022

Why is my cat squatting but not pooping? ›

Urinary blockage, diarrhea, and constipation can all result in a cat squatting in the litter box, looking uncomfortable, and not producing much of anything. The symptoms of constipation depend on the duration and cause and whether it has progressed to obstipation and megacolon: Small, hard, dry stool.

Will a constipated cat eventually poop? ›

Many constipated cats will defecate outside the box and often it is unintentional. They may start out in the litter box trying to defecate but little or nothing comes out until they start to walk away. The physical activity of walking helps some feces fall out to the ground.

Do cats poop more on dry food? ›

The easier digestibility of wet food means cats absorb more nutrients, resulting in less undigested material in their system. Additionally, wet food is generally lower in fiber compared to dry food, which can contribute to increased bowel movements as fiber adds bulk and regulates stool consistency.

What does unhealthy cat poop look like? ›

Unhealthy cat poop may have a soft or runny consistency and be difficult to scoop; it may be very hard and pebble-like. Any color other than brown is cause for concern, especially if the color change can't be attributed to diet.

Should I be concerned if my cat poops outside the litter box? ›

When you notice that your cat is no longer pooping in the litterbox and is now doing their business elsewhere, it would be a good idea to see your veterinarian to rule out any medical or health conditions. Once a medical condition has been ruled out, you can try our tips to get your cat to use their litterbox again.

What if my cat hasn't pooped in 3 days but acting normal? ›

So, what should you do if your cat is not pooping? If your cat is not pooping but is acting normally otherwise, you should increase their water intake. However, if they don't pass any poop within two days or seem unwell, you should see the veterinarian straight away.

Why has my cat not pooped in 5 days? ›

Causes of cat constipation

Not enough or too much fibre in their diet. Sedentary lifestyle. Hair ingestion: a primary cause in long-haired cats. Litter tray avoidance (when the litter needs to be changed or cleaned)

What happens if a cat is constipated for too long? ›

When the colon becomes distended with fecal material over a prolonged period, its ability to contract may be reduced or lost resulting in megacolon.

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