Feng Shui Advice for Placing the Christmas Tree (2024)

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Feng Shui Advice for Placing the Christmas Tree (1)

Whether you choose a natural or artificial tree, this year as you decorate for the holidays, try placing your Christmas tree according to Feng Shui principles. Feng Shui is the art and science of arranging things in harmony and balance with the natural world around you. This is especially important during the Christmas season when we fill our homes with new colors, shapes, and aromas. In Feng Shui we call these colors and shapes the Five Elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. A Christmas tree connects you with the living world, so it is considered a strong Wood Element symbol. In addition, the triangular shape of a Christmas tree is considered a Fire Element, even more so when it is covered with lights. Therefore, your Christmas tree is both a strong Wood and Fire enhancement.

The ideal location for a Christmas tree is in either the Wealth, Fame, or Family area of your home, because these support by Wood and Fire. The Wealth area is the room in the upper left hand corner of your home, or the upper left hand corner of any room. The Fame area is located across from your front door. Triangular shapes displayed in these areas enhance finances, abundance, and prosperity. The Family area is on the left hand side of your home. You can download a bagua that shows all nine of the Feng Shui areas of your home from the “Basics” section of my website, FengShuiForRealLife.com.

Sometimes you can’t place your tree in the perfect spot, often because it's not a public room, or due to tradition. Perhaps your family has always placed the Christmas tree in the dining room so it can be the showplace for the holiday meal, or your family tradition is to keep a tree in the family room so it can be seen every day. If you must place your Christmas tree in another Feng Shui area of your home, here are some ways to balance the energy.

  • If you locate your tree in your Career Area, decorate with blue lights and decorations, “icicle” decorations, and blue/black patterned tree skirt to help bring water energy into balance.
  • If your tree is located in either the Children or Helpful People Area use metal ornaments, tinsel, white lights, and a silver or gold accented tree skirt.
  • If your tree is in either the Love or the Knowledge Area use lots of ceramic ornaments, yellow and red lights, and red skirt. Skip the tinsel and white lights here, since you don't need more metal.
  • If your tree is in the Grounding Area of your home, choose a yellow or gold tree skirt and a bright yellow star or angel with golden hair at the top of the tree.

Many people think they have to put out years worth of decorations, whether they still like them or not, and somehow make everything fit. However, it’s good Feng Shui to display only those decorations you really love, and not your whole collection. If you vary what you display each year, your decorations will become more meaningful.

If you don’t put up a Christmas tree but still want to celebrate the season, bring a bit of nature indoors by displaying evergreen boughs or poinsettias to counteract any winter gloom and encourage your guests to laugh and enjoy the holiday.

Feng Shui Advice for Placing the Christmas Tree (2024)


Where should Christmas trees be placed according to Feng Shui? ›

The ideal location for a Christmas tree is in either the Wealth, Fame, or Family area of your home, because these support by Wood and Fire. The Wealth area is the room in the upper left hand corner of your home, or the upper left hand corner of any room. The Fame area is located across from your front door.

Which direction should Christmas trees be placed? ›

The Christmas Tree should be placed in the north direction of your home. It can also be kept in the North-East and East direction. 2. According to vastu, the Tree can help you bring good luck and positive energy at home.

What is the Feng Shui for Christmas? ›

To heighten the flow of energy into your home for Feng Shui at Christmas time, we recommend: Decorating your front pathway and your doorway with Christmas lights to keep it bright and to increase the energy flow into your home. Not to mention, it's festive and fun! Wipe down or wash your front door with salt water.

What is the Christmas tree rule? ›

Tradition dictates that Christmas trees should be put up at the beginning of Advent, which begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This year, Advent begins on Sunday 3rd December 2023.

When should you take your Christmas tree down for good luck? ›

Well, according to tradition, a Christmas tree should be kept up until 12 nights after Christmas. (And yes, this is also where the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" gets its meaning.) In the Christian religion, the Christmas season ends on The Feast of Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 6.

What do you put on a Christmas tree for good luck? ›

In the tradition, an ornamental pickle is placed on a Christmas tree as one of the Christmas decorations. On Christmas morning, the first person to find the pickle on the tree would receive an extra present from Santa Claus or would be said to have a year of good fortune.

How to arrange living room for Christmas tree? ›

Moving side tables out of the way to create more room is a great way of clearing a spot for your tree. Move spare tables into the hallway or landing and put your tree next to your sofa. It will create a cosy, closed-in feel, which is exactly what you want at Christmas time.

What are the benefits of having a Christmas tree in your home? ›

Additionally, there are benefits of having a real Christmas tree in the home. From improving mental health, productivity and happiness to boosting your immune system and lowering anxiety, research has proven time and again that living plants and trees are invaluable. And real trees are entirely biodegradable.

Can you put a Christmas tree on a table? ›

A tabletop Christmas tree is ideally below 3 feet in height. However, Christmas trees 4 to 5.5 feet tall can also be considered as tabletop trees because they can be placed on top of tables, counters, or wider elevated platforms.

What is the lucky symbol in Feng Shui? ›

How to attract good luck in Feng Shui? To attract good luck, you must have a lucky bamboo plant, evil eye, wind chime, crystal lotus and a laughing Buddha. They all help in bringing good luck.

What ornaments are lucky? ›

Acorns have long been considered good luck symbols. They also represent the rebirth of life, which is where we get the old saying: "from little acorns come mighty oaks." Celebrate life and good luck by hanging this glass acorn ornament on your tree!

What does a Christmas tree symbolize? ›

For many, the Christmas tree represents Jesus Christ's birth and resurrection. The tree branches and bushes are regarded as a sign of immortality and are thought to represent Christ's crown of thorns on the crucifixion.

What is the perfect Christmas tree ratio? ›

“There is an ideal baubles-to-lights ratio we adopt: about 75 ornaments per foot. Since trees are wider at the bottom than the top, there will be more ornaments placed toward the base than there will be at the top,” says Jerry Bowlen, Bellagio's executive director of horticulture.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Christmas tree? ›

The Spiritual Importance of a Christmas Tree

In Christianity, the Christmas tree represents Jesus Christ's birth and resurrection. People think of the tree's branches and bushes as a sign of immortality because they look like Christ's crown of thorns on the cross.

Is a Christmas tree good Feng Shui? ›

Santa Fe, New Mexico—The shape of the traditional Christmas tree is a powerful symbol of wealth in Feng Shui, and where you place your tree this year can help attract prosperity into your life. According to Certified Feng Shui Practitioner Carol M.

Is it good luck to keep your Christmas tree up? ›

There is another, perhaps lesser-known, tradition that in fact states that you should take your Christmas tree down on New Year's Eve (31st December) before midnight. For the superstitious types, it is thought you may have bad luck in the New Year if you keep your tree up longer than this period.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.