Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (2024)

By Payton Lott

PVP in Escape From Tarkov can be downright scary. Here are some great tips to help you survive against your foes.

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (1)

Escape From Tarkovmay be a survival based game, but there are plenty of opportunities for PVP combat. Maps like Shoreline, Interchange, and Factory are impossible to play without getting into at least a few engagements. People that are used to traditional loot and shoot games will have to adjust to the gameplay style and mechanics in Tarkov.

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One of the best things about the game is that players can choose how aggressive or defensive they want to be in a raid. With a little research, gamers can get an idea of where all the spawn points and PVP zones are on each map. This guide will cover ten different tips to help Tarkov players improve their prowess in PVP.

There Is Always One More PMC

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (2)

In 2021, there are more squads and duos in raids than solo players. The balance has shifted over the past year, and it can be difficult to survive as a solo queue. When fighting in areas like the Resort, it is crucial to be ready for a second or third enemy PMC. As a result, running larger mags when seeking out fights is almost essential.

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Going up against squads makes looting more dangerous as well. Teammates will come rushing in as soon as they get the callout from their fallen squad member. Players should wait a minute, check angles, and listen for additional footsteps before looting.

Every Gunshot Is Heard By A Dozen Enemies

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (3)

While it might not always be a dozen, someone on the map will hear every gunshot. PVP will attract other players and teams looking to third party. After downing a player and gathering information, gamers need to be thinking about where another team will be pushing from. In most of the PVP zones in Tarkov, there are only a few different entrances and exits PMCs can travel through. If users down a PMC, their next order of business should be checking for teammates and scanning for third party teams.

Finding A Balance In PVP

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (4)

Looting and healing are essential when getting into a lot of gunfights during a raid. Players that neglect their heals and are constantly tracking enemies will almost always die. The third step after killing an enemy is to secure the loot. Dead PMCs will have a lot of useful items that will likely be needed in the end game. There is no point in killing a bunch of PMCs if gamers fail to secure the rewards for their hard work. People need to be cautious, but not to a fault.

See Also

Mental Preparation

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (5)

Having the right mentality is important, but this tip will focus on knowing the intricacies of a loadout before getting into fights. A quick mental checklist will make sure survivors are ready to engage enemy teams. People need to know what equipment they have and use that knowledge to fight in the most favorable way possible. A prime example is spotting an enemy far away while using an SMG. Shooting at the PMC will just alert that user and others on the map of the approximate location of the gunfire. Likewise, gamers will commonly have a grenade to use as a breaching tool, but forget and die in the process.

Be The First To React

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (6)

The passive players are usually the ones that are killed off first. As soon as survivors hear enemy players, they should immediately make a decision on what their plan is. They can be aggressive and push, decide to flank, or get out of the situation altogether. The longer people wait for opponents to make a move, the more likely they will be put in a less than favorable position.

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Tarkov is all about anticipation and decisiveness. PMCs will want to react to information as fast as possible before the opposing player can execute a plan of their own. Being aggressive does not imply recklessness. Gamers will have more success if they formulate an effective plan quickly and act on it.

Analyze Every Death

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (7)

Obviously, there are a lot of moments where death is just inevitable. Getting headshot sniped while rotating to an extraction is a good example. However, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from raid mistakes. Flanks, peeks, and awareness are all skills that are developed through experience. Gamers need to ask themselves what they could have done differently to effect the outcome of a fight. Sometimes there is nothing that could be done differently. The vast majority of deaths are the result of an error on the part of the PMC.

Confident Players Survive

Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (8)

A huge aspect of Tarkov is visual and audio recognition. Players will need to use their senses and trust them to have success in PVP. Far too many players will think they saw something, but second guess their instincts. There are too many dark and hard to see areas in Tarkov to count. Survivors will have to make split second decisions on less than concrete information every single game. Being confident and trusting initial observations will benefit players at all levels.

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Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP (2024)


Escape From Tarkov: Pro Tips For PVP? ›

Situational awareness is key to being successful in all aspects of Escape From Tarkov. Be it in spotting a wayward bit of rare loot, or realizing that far-off bush is actually a player in disguise. As there are no HUD indicators of friends or foes, keeping a constant awareness of your surroundings is mandatory.

How do I get better at PVP in Escape From Tarkov? ›

'Escape From Tarkov' beginner's guide – 7 tips for winning more PVP fights
  1. Move carefully. Escape From Tarkov. ...
  2. Be aggressive. Escape From Tarkov. ...
  3. Practice with your guns before getting into real combat. Advertisem*nt. ...
  4. Use gear to inform your decision-making. ...
  5. Learn where you're in the most danger. ...
  6. Loot fast. ...
  7. Pick your battles.
Dec 27, 2022

What is the best way to play tarkov? ›

Situational awareness is key to being successful in all aspects of Escape From Tarkov. Be it in spotting a wayward bit of rare loot, or realizing that far-off bush is actually a player in disguise. As there are no HUD indicators of friends or foes, keeping a constant awareness of your surroundings is mandatory.

Is Escape From Tarkov one of the hardest games? ›

Escape from Tarkov is an incredibly challenging game, and some areas in the game are even more difficult to clear than others. Escape From Tarkov is, at its heart, one of the most challenging games ever made.

Why is Escape From Tarkov so hard? ›

It's Almost a Milsim

That means that Escape From Tarkov boasts hyper-realistic mechanics, from weapon and bullet physics to healing mechanics. If you get shot in the legs, you'll be slower, if you have a shot take out your stomach, your food and water levels will deplete faster.

Do you want high or low recoil tarkov? ›

Recoil affects the vertical and horizontal movement of your weapon when firing. Having higher recoil means your gun will move upwards and bounce side-to-side when shooting, usually making it more difficult to land shots on your target.

Where should I be aiming in tarkov? ›

The Escape From Tarkov Aim Trainer Routine

Learning to aim at the head is one of the best things to do, you'd be dropping enemies really quickly and a lot of ammo becomes viable.

How fast is an hour in tarkov? ›

To clarify further, in order for 1 hour in Tarkov to pass, you have to wait 24min in Real Life.

How many minutes to not get a run through tarkov? ›

If you extract from the raid with a "Run Through" status, you will not reset the quest, but that raid will not count as being completed. To avoid the "Run Through" status, gain at least 200 EXP in raid (by killing or looting) or be in raid for at least 7 minutes before extracting.

What should a new player do in Tarkov? ›

Looting. The art of looting valuable items fast should be one of your main interests while playing Escape from Tarkov. The items you find will be useful for healing, creating better loadouts, building modules in your construction, selling to NPCs, and earning money, among other things.

Is it fun to play Tarkov alone? ›

This game is super fun to play solo. As a solo I am able to play the way I want to play. Sometimes when you play in a group you have to play the way the group plays which might not be the playstyle you enjoy playing the most.

Where is the best place to start in Tarkov? ›

Customs, woods, interchange. You can check the maps on tarkov wiki. It's important to learn the extraction points first. Also be aware of every PMC spawn points for every map since some of PMC spawns are near each other.

How do I get better Scavs in Tarkov? ›

To increase your Scav Karma, you can do a series of actions that will increase your reputation. For example, you have to survive Raids as a Scav without killing other Scavs, helping them whenever you can, using co-op extraction points, and killing traitors (Scavs that have killed other Scavs).

Why does matchmaking take so long in Escape From Tarkov? ›

Their issue is fairly simple: Scavs are loading in the existing raids with PMC players still active in them, and there is a limit to the number of player Scavs in one match.

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