Materials needed: marigold seed, egg cartons or cell packs, potting soil, soluble garden fertilizer, watering can, granular garden fertilizer, rake, hoe, shovel and trowel.

Completion time: Six to eight weeks.

The project: Marigolds are native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. Some types are called French or African marigolds, but the original plants were discovered by explorers in North America. They have colorful yellow, orange, bronze and white flowers and are easy to grow.

Pick your favorite color of marigolds from the seed rack at a local garden center. The plants can grow tall or remain quite small, so select a variety that fits the space available in your garden. Also get a bag of potting soil, and you are ready to start the project.

Any small container may be used to grow marigold seedlings. Egg cartons are ideal. Make sure you punch a few small holes in each depressed area in the carton so the plants have good drainage. Other containers that can be used to start seedlings are recycled cell packs.

Fill each container to within one-half-inch of the top with potting soil. Then plant the marigold seeds. Gently push one or two seeds into the soil of each section of the egg carton or cell pack. Similar sowings can be made in small pots.

Keep the planted containers moist and in a bright, warm location. The seeds should sprout in five to seven days. When you see the first seedlings pushing above the soil, move the containers into full sun.

Continue to water the young plants when the surface soil starts to dry. Also apply a soluble garden fertilizer weekly at the rate suggested for seedlings.

Marigolds grow rapidly and should be ready to plant in four to six weeks. The plants need a sunny site to produce colorful flowers. Use a shovel, hoe and rake to loosen the soil and add manure, compost or peat moss to sandy sites before planting.

The first flowers of young marigolds may be opening when you plant them. Use a trowel to dig the planting holes. Be sure to give the plants plenty of room to grow and produce additional blooms. Space low-growing types 6 to 8 inches apart and taller varieties 12 to 14 inches apart.

Water well after planting and whenever the surface soil starts to dry. The planting also needs a monthly feeding with a garden fertilizer. Scatter the fertilizer lightly among the marigolds, and then water.

With good care, marigolds grow rapidly. New shoots fill with flowers that continue to open for months. Help keep the plants in bloom by cutting bouquets from the garden to take indoors or share with friends.

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