Conversion factors for units of energy (2024)

Conversion factors for units of energy (1)

Conversion Factors for Units of Energy

The most common energy unit is the kilowatt hour. However, different units are used in energy statistics. This overview summarises the most important units and conversion factors.

J (joule) and Ws (watt second) are the valid SI units for energy. Nevertheless, in the energy sector a lot of other units are used. This overview describes the most important units of energy and their conversion factors. A specialized calculator assists at these calculations.

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Conversion factors for units of energy part 1

1 kJ10.23880.000278
1 kcal4.186810.001163
1 kWh3 6008601
1 kg SKE29 3087 0008,14
1 kg oe41 86810 00011,63
1 m³ natural gas31 7367 5808.816

Conversion factors for units of energy part 2

kg SKEkg RÖEm³ natural gas
1 kJ0.0000340.0000240.000032
1 kcal0.0001430.00010.00013
1 kWh0.1230.0860.113
1 kg SKE10.70.923
1 kg oe1.42811.319
1 m³ natural gas1.0830.7581

Units of energy overview part 1

WhWatt hour
(kg) SKE(kilogram) Coal equivalent
(kg) RÖE(kilogram) Oil equivalent
oe oder OEOil equivalent
m³ Erdgascubic meter natural gas
BTUBritish thermal unit
kpmKilogram force meter (Kilopondmeter)
eVElectron volt

Units of energy overview part 2

UnitConversion in kJ or kWh
J1 000 J = 1 000 Ws = 1 kJ
cal1 000 cal = 1 kcal = 4,186 kJ
Wh1 Wh = 3,6 kJ
(kg) SKE1 kg SKE = 29 308 kJ
(kg) RÖE1 kg RÖE = 41 868 kJ
oe oder OE1 (kg) oe = 41 868 kJ
m³ natural gas1 m³ Erdgas = 31 736 kJ
BTU1 BTU = 0.000293071 kWh = 1.05506 kJ
kpm1 kpm = 2.72·10-6 kWh = 0.00980665 kJ
erg1 erg = 2.78·10-14 kWh = 1·10-10 kJ
eV1 eV = 1.60217733·10-19 J = 1.60217733·10-22 kJ

Conversion factors for units of energy (2024)
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