Can you please or Could you please (2024)




Which is correct:

  • Can you please send us samples?
  • Could you please send us samples?

Please give a brief explanation why?

  • Hindi

    Added to previous thread.
    Cagey, moderator

    Could/can anyone tell me what the difference between 'can' and 'could' in the following sentences is? And, are they interchangeable in the following context? What Difference do the words 'can' and 'could' create when making a request or an offer?

    Here are the examples:

    • Suppose, I am looking for a particular bank but I don't know where the bank is. I meet an old man and want to know the direction of the bank from him. So I ask him "Can/could you please tell me where the bank is?"

    • Could/can anyone please teach me how to share videos and photos on Facebook?

    As usual, if there is anything ungrammatical in my writing, please correct it.

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    The Newt

    Senior Member

    English - US

    "Could" is slightly more polite in your examples, and I would use it rather than "can," although the difference is actual meaning here is not significant.

    Enquiring Mind

    Senior Member

    English - the King's

    You can use either "can" or "could", Subhajit12. "Could" is more deferential.

    Can or could (...) Instructions and requests: We use could you as a polite way of telling or asking someone to do something:
    Could you take a message please? Could I have my bill please?
    Can is less polite: Can you take a message please? (

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    Can you please or Could you please (2024)


    Can you please or Could you please? ›

    Both can and could can be used to make a request, but when asking for permission, could is the more polite choice to use. When indicating ability or possibility, can is used in the present tense and could is used in the past tense.

    Which is correct can you please or could you please? ›

    "Could" is the polite form of "can"—so both are correct, but we use them in different situations. We use "can" when we are telling someone to do something. We use "could" when we are making a request.

    Is it right to say can you please? ›

    “Can you please” and “could you please” can only be used in the context of requesting something. This is because of the “please” directly after the “can you” and “could you” which suggests it is a polite request. There is no difference in meaning between “can you please” and “could you please”.

    Can or could you help me please? ›

    "Can you help me" and "could you help me" are both requests for assistance, but "could you help me" is considered more polite and formal than "can you help me." "Could you help me" suggests a greater degree of respect for the person being asked and is often used in more formal situations.

    How do you politely say can you please? ›

    Table of Contents
    1. If you have a moment, I'd appreciate your help.
    2. If you don't mind, I could use your help…
    3. Would you mind helping me?
    4. If it's not too much trouble, would you mind lending me a hand?
    5. Can I trouble you for…?
    6. If you're available, I'd be grateful for your assistance.
    7. Would you kindly do me a favor and…?

    Could you please grammatically correct? ›

    Both are acceptable. "Could you please" is probably the more common construction, but "Please, could you..." is perfectly fine. Really your question here just has to do with the location of "please," an aside of sorts, and those phrases can generally be moved within a sentence without changing meaning.

    What can I say instead of could you please? ›

    Some other phrases you could use are:
    • Would it be possible to ...
    • Please could you,
    • Ideally, we'd like this by.
    • If you could X, it would be very much appreciated.
    Mar 21, 2016

    Can you please assist or could you please assist? ›

    You would not normally ask someone to permit themselves to do something. So the proper verb is can. To be polite, just put it in the conditional: Could you assist me with the request below?

    What is the difference between can and could? ›

    Both 'can' and ' could' are modal verbs that refer to 'a possibility', 'ability' or 'capacity'. 'Can' refers to a general truth or something that has a strong sense of possibility. 'Could' refers to something that has a weak possibility, or something that might happen, but is not necessarily a general truth.

    Could you please help me examples? ›

    Consider the following: "Could you help me find my light-brown work shoes that I just bought, please?" "Could you please help me find my light-brown work shoes that I just bought?" The latter introduces politeness earlier while also focusing the sentence on the important information.

    What is more polite can or could or may? ›

    “May” and “could” suggest we are less certain about something. Asking for Permission: You can use all three words to ask for permission. To be formal, though, you should use “may” instead of “could” or “can.”

    How do you please someone formally? ›

    Here are some better phrases to make polite requests in English:
    1. “Do you mind…?.”
    2. “Would you mind…?
    3. “Could I…?”
    4. “Would it be ok if…?”
    5. “Would it be possible…?”
    6. “Would you be willing to…?”

    What is the difference between May you please and can you please? ›

    May is the more formal word, and if you are at all concerned about being tut-tutted, a safe choice. Can is now the verb of choice for ability, and both can and may are still used in the "possibility" sense. You may use can if you wish, and you can use may if it makes you feel better.

    Which is more polite Could you please or would you please? ›

    “Would you” and “Could you” are equally polite and valid ways to make a request. “Could you” sounds more polite than “Would you.” “Would you” sounds more insistent and is more often used in angry requests, such as “Would you please hurry up!”

    Can you please professional email? ›

    Business emails should normally be fairly simple and direct. Adding "please" is good. But complex or "flowery" language like "would it be possible" should be avoided. So the less polite but more direct expression "Please send me..." is better.

    Can I ask you something or could I ask you something? ›

    It is grammatically correct to say, “Could I ask you something.” You could also say, “May I ask you something?” to be extremely polite. “Can I ask you something?” is for a present moment question.

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