Best Color of Light for Sleep: What Works for Adults and Kids (2024)

You may have heard that you should avoid bright lights before bed. While this is good advice, it turns out that some colors of light may disrupt your sleep more than others.

Your body natural sleep-wake cycles are largely controlled by a hormone called melatonin. Specialized photoreceptors in your eyes send information back to your brain and influence your production of melatonin.

According to a 2017 review of studies, research has found that these receptors are most sensitive to light with wavelengths around 450 to 480 nanometers (nm). To most people, this light appears blue.

There’s still a limited amount of research looking at the effects of other light colors on our sleep cycles. However, there’s some evidence that warm colors may help lull you to sleep more quickly than cool colors.

Let’s take a look at which colors have the potential to lull you to sleep the quickest and which might have you tossing and turning all night.

Up until now, most studies examining the best types of lights to stimulate sleep have been performed on rodents. However, because rodents are nocturnal and color-blind, it’s hard to draw conclusions from these studies.

Limited research of humans has suggested some evidence that red light may help stimulate sleep. There’s also some evidence that individual preference may also play a role.

Since pink light is made up of a combination of red and purple light waves, it could also be beneficial — in theory. However, there’s no research backing the claim at this time.

Red light

It’s thought that colors close to red on the light spectrum might stimulate melatonin production. However, at this time, more research is needed to support this theory.

A small study from 2012 examined the effect of 30 minutes of nighttime red light therapy in a group of 20 female basketball players.

The researchers found that after 14 days, participants who received light therapy improved their sleep quality and melatonin levels significantly compared to participants not exposed to any light.

One 2017 study on mice found that red light at an intensity of 10 lux or higher had the potential to induce sleep. The researchers noted that light under 10 lux had no effect.

Individual differences

Another 2017 study found evidence that individual taste may also play a role in determining which color light is best for inducing sleep. In the study, researchers ran two different experiments.

In the first experiment, participants were exposed to white light, a random color, or their self-selected preferred color. The researchers observed that participants exposed to their preferred light color fell asleep significantly quicker.

ColorTime to fall asleep
white18.8 minutes
random nonpreferred color18.1 minutes
preferred color11.8 minutes

In the second experiment, the researchers also included a group that was only exposed to darkness.

Once again, the researchers found that the group exposed to their preferred color fell asleep significantly quicker than participants in the other groups.

ColorTime to fall asleep
white21.2 minutes
darkness21.1 minutes
random nonpreferred color16.8 minutes
preferred color12.3 minutes

Babies and children seem to also be negatively impacted before bed by blue and white lights. That’s why warmer colors are often recommended for night lights.

A 2018 study examined the impact of two colors of light — whitish-blue and yellow — on the sleepiness levels of children and adults.

The researchers found that children had greater melatonin suppression than adults in both cases, but their melatonin was even more suppressed when exposed to yellow light.

Some people worry that exposing infants to bright lights at night while nursing could negatively impact their health. However, one 2016 study of 42 infants found that brief exposures (fewer than 15 minutes) didn’t have any negative impact on the babies’ health.

It’s well-documented that exposure to blue light can negatively impact your sleep quality. Electronic screens, LED lights, and fluorescent lights can all contain blue light.

One small older study from 1991 and one 2016 study on mice found evidence that green light could also negatively impact melatonin levels.

The same 2016 study found that violet light could have a similar effect as blue light. However, there’s been no research on the effect of violet light in humans.

Many factors can impact the quality of your sleep. Here are some tips to help you sleep better.

Habits to minimize:

  • exposure to electronic screens, such as phones or television, before bed
  • ingesting caffeine late in the day
  • drinking too much water before bed
  • consuming alcohol
  • going to bed and waking at irregular times
  • long naps during the day

Habits that may improve sleep:

  • exposing yourself to bright light during the day
  • exercising regularly
  • sleeping on a comfortable mattress and pillow. Want suggestions? Browse our market, filled with editor-trusted and expert-verified pillow and mattress recommendations.
  • having a quiet sleeping area
  • doing something relaxing before bed
  • keeping your room at a comfortable temperature

There’s some evidence that red light may induce sleepiness. However, more human research is needed to back this theory.

It’s well-documented that blue light can have a negative impact on your melatonin levels.

Exposure to green and purple light could also potentially hinder your ability to fall asleep, but more research is needed to fully understand their effects.

Best Color of Light for Sleep: What Works for Adults and Kids (2024)


What color light is it best to sleep with? ›

Research studies discovered red to be the best color light to help you sleep, because it increases production of melatonin as well as full darkness. On the other end of the spectrum, blue is the worst. Despite being a calm-inducing color on most occasions, blue is not suitable for lighting a bedroom.

What color lights help kids sleep? ›

Amber and red are the best color night light for newborns and babies. Due to their having a longer wavelength than other colors, they are less likely to disturb your baby's natural sleep cycle. On the other hand, blue light has been proven to have a "hyper alert" effect.

Which color is the best for sleep? ›

The best color for bedroom sleep typically includes shades that are calming and soothing. Blue has serene and tranquil qualities, closely followed by soft greens and earthy tones like beige. These colors tend to lower stress and create a peaceful environment, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

What color light is best seen at night? ›

The color that can be easily seen at night depends on a variety of factors, including the level of light pollution in the area and the sensitivity of the observer's eyes. However, bright colors such as white, yellow, and red are generally easier to see at night than darker colors like blue or green.

Is purple LED light good for sleep? ›

The worst colors for sleep are: Blue light: Suppresses melatonin production and pushes back your circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep. Green light and violet light: May disrupt sleep, but more research is needed. Any light at night: Can keep you up and be harmful to your health.

What color LED lights help with anxiety? ›

Blue light therapy is the most effective for anxiety and other mood disorders. This treatment aims to correct both physiological and psychological imbalances. When the body is stressed, blue light can effectively calm it. Blue light has the most energy of any color in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What color wakes you up? ›

In the morning, the blue light (from sunlight) wakes us up by reactivating the melanopsin to produce electrical signals. The brain responds to these signals and promotes wakefulness. In this way, blue light controls our sleep-wake patterns.

What color light helps you relax? ›

1. Blue light. According to a 2017 study in the scientific journal PLOS ONE (9), blue lighting “accelerates the relaxation process after stress in comparison with conventional white lighting.” This study found that stressed people immersed in blue light relaxed three times as quickly as in white light.

What does a red light in a bedroom mean? ›

Putting red light on before you go to bed is a great idea because red light stimulates the secretion of melatonin, the hormone responsible for making us sleepy. It also improves muscle regeneration which helps with muscle gain. This helps improve sleep quality and therefore improves your performance throughout the day.

What color is not ideal for a bedroom? ›

Amy Woolf, a color consultant, avoids hues that are incompatible with a restful bedroom space. Deep or bright oranges can be overstimulating and make a room feel too busy to sleep in. Dated grays, trendy shades of green, and fad colors like Barbie pink won't stand the test of time.

What color makes you hungry? ›

The color yellow elicits a feeling of comfort, while red tends to make people feel more hungry and impulsive. Marketing experts refer to the pairing of yellow and red as the "Ketchup and Mustard Theory."

What color stands out the most at night? ›

Structures in the eye called rods help us to see during low-light situations and yellow is the most visible color from a distance in darkness. This is one reason why taxi cabs are often yellow.

What color light makes you happy? ›

The sunny yellow color of the sun and spring flowers directly translates to joy and happiness. For this reason, yellow light has been clinically used to treat depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). You might try switching your LED lights to a yellow hue during the dark winter months and when you feel down.

Is it OK to sleep with LED strip lights on? ›

Yes, you can sleep with LED strip lights on, but this doesn't mean you should. Safety-wise, there are no issues raised by sleeping with LED lights on; you can leave LED fixtures on 24/7 without creating a fire hazard as they generate little heat when lit.

Is green LED light good for sleep? ›

Psychologically, green light is known to promote sleep because it has a calming effect on the body and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Is blue LED light good for sleep? ›

Light therapy, and blue light in particular. View Source , can help realign the body's circadian rhythms and improve sleep. Inversely, exposure to blue light in the hours leading up to bedtime can hinder sleep. Blue light suppresses the body's release of melatonin.

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