Are Diamonds A Good Investment? (2024)

Yes, diamonds are a good investment. Diamonds are more than just one of the world's most precious gemstones; they're also one of the world's most reliable investment opportunities. That's because diamonds have increased in value since their first discovery thousands of years ago.

Their demand has remained steady through wars, financial downturns, technological advancements, and other major changes in the marketplace.

1. Price Fluctuations

One reason diamonds are a good investment is that their prices don't fluctuate as much as other commodities.

Diamonds are unique because they are not subject to the same economic forces as other commodities. For example, the price of gold is often affected by inflation, but diamonds are not.

People will always need and want diamonds, no matter what the economy is like, making diamonds a more stable investment.

2. A Store of Value

Rarity determines the diamond's value. The more scarce the diamond, the more valuable it is. So, when you purchase a diamond, you're investing in something that is rare and has the potential to appreciate over time.

Also, diamonds are durable and last forever, making them a great value store. If you take care of your diamond, it will retain its value and can even increase in value as time goes on.

3. Recyclable

One of the great things about diamonds is that they are 100% recyclable. When done with your diamond jewelry, you can take it to a jeweler and have it melted down and made into something new. It is great for the environment and your wallet!

4. Durable

One of the reasons diamonds are such a good investment is because they are so durable. They are the hardest natural material on earth, which means they can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Plus, they don't fade or tarnish over time.

With proper care, diamonds can last forever. That means they have the potential to be passed down as family heirlooms, which can increase their sentimental value. In addition, diamonds aren't subject to market volatility because they're not affected by inflation or other economic factors.

5. Growing in Demand

In recent years, there's been an increase in the number of people interested in buying diamonds. It is due to several factors, including that diamonds get valued as a status symbol and a sign of luxury.

As the world becomes more affluent, more people are looking to buy diamonds to show their wealth.

6. Wide Acceptance as a Global Currency

For centuries, diamonds have been accepted as a global currency. They are easily traded and exchanged for goods and services. Additionally, diamonds are very liquid assets, meaning you can sell them quickly and easily.

You can cash in your diamond anytime without penalty or loss of principal (the original amount invested). If you sell your diamond today for $10,000, for example, you'll still have $10,000 tomorrow should you decide to buy it back into the market again.

7. A Solid Alternative to Paper Money

Diamonds may be the right investment if you're looking for a solid alternative to paper money. Unlike cash, which can lose its value overnight, diamonds tend to hold their value over time. Diamonds have outperformed the stock market in eight of the last ten years.

8. Engagement Rings Work as Retirement Funds

You are investing in your future when you purchase a diamond engagement ring. The value of diamonds increases over time, so when you sell your ring later down the road, you will be able to get a good return on your investment.

Additionally, diamonds are a tangible asset you can pass down from generation to generation.

9. Affordable Alternatives for Investments

Investing in diamonds is a great way to get more for your money. With prices starting as low as $200 per carat, they offer an affordable alternative for investors.

In addition, diamonds are durable and will last a lifetime with proper care. They can also appreciate over time, making them a smart investment for the future.

Final Thoughts

Here at Siebke Hoyt, we've got you covered. Not only do we have diamonds that are great for investment, but our pieces are of the finest quality. They will last you for years.

The best part is that, because diamonds retain their value so well, you'll be able to resell them down the line when your tastes change or you need some cash. For any inquiries, contact us today or visit our website. We are here to help.

Your diamond investments are safe with Siebke Hoyt Jewelers.

Are Diamonds A Good Investment? (2024)


Are Diamonds A Good Investment? ›

A Safe Investment During Economic Uncertainty: Diamonds may be inflation-proof, making them a good investment option during economic downturns. A Beautiful, Versatile Investment: Buy loose stones (yes, even colored diamonds), and you can turn them into a diamond jewelry piece, like a diamond engagement ring.

Do diamonds increase in value? ›

Always remember that diamond jewellery is not a get-rich-quickly plan. Diamonds increase in value over time and don't offer short-term results. In fact, like other physical commodities, the price of diamonds fluctuates from time to time. The second mistake people often make is to pay too much.

Is diamond a better investment than gold? ›

Generally, gold/gold jewellery is preferred because of its long history as a storehouse of value and wealth. Diamond/diamond jewellery on the other hand does not bring in a higher resale value as gold, owing to market demand and the presence of intermediaries in the diamond industry.

Is it worth it to invest in diamonds? ›

Diamonds are not only one of the most valuable gemstones in the world but also one of the most trustworthy ways to invest. Price Variations: Diamonds are an excellent investment because their prices are less volatile than those of other commodities.

What is worth more gold or diamonds? ›

While, yes, gold is rarer, diamonds are more expensive, and gold is a more stable investment option, there's a reason why we all know and love diamonds. They hold a sentimental value that can be difficult to replace — and for some, that sentimental value makes a diamond worth more than gold every single time.

How much can I sell a 1 carat diamond for? ›

The average price of a 1 carat diamond is currently $4,048 (see price chart below). 1 carat diamonds can cost anywhere from $1,316 - $9,511 depending on the diamond's shape, color, clarity, and other factors.

Do diamonds lose resale value? ›

The typical loss on reselling a diamond is between 25% and 50% of its original purchase price. Like the price of gold, diamonds' resale value can rise and fall depending on some circ*mstances. You can anticipate getting 25-50% less when you resell your diamond than you paid.

What is the best diamond to invest in? ›

Investment Diamonds - Which are the Best Diamonds to Invest In? Although each of the incredibly rare stones has appreciated in value, Argyle Pink Diamonds, Fancy Yellow Diamonds of a high clarity grade over 2 carats, and Fancy Blue Diamonds have all proven as strongest investment pieces.

How much have diamonds appreciated in 10 years? ›

According to the Natural Colour Diamond Association, prices for natural blue diamonds have been gradually and consistently rising between 12 and 17 percent every year over the past decade.

What are the pros and cons of investing in diamonds? ›

The Pros of investing in diamond jewelry include a high resale value, long-term durability, and the potential for increased prestige. The Cons can include the cost of purchasing quality diamonds, as well as the possibility of loss or theft.

What is a downside to diamonds? ›

Environmental Impact: Mining for natural diamonds often has a significant environmental impact, including deforestation, soil erosion, and disruption of local ecosystems. Cost: Natural diamonds are generally more expensive than their lab-grown counterparts due to mining, transportation, and processing costs.

Why not to buy diamonds? ›

No joke. Diamond mining takes a major toll on our natural resources. And it's not just land! Mined diamonds produce more than 125 pounds of carbon for every single carat, whereas lab created diamonds produce just under 10 pounds.

Do diamonds resell well? ›

Resale Value: The resale value is how much you will get paid if you decide to sell the diamond. As a result of the retail mark-up and the decline in diamond prices, the resale value is typically well below what you paid. Indeed, diamond jewellery will typically resell for 25% to 50% of the purchase price.

Is anything worth more than diamond? ›

Tanzanite. Tanzanite is a shocking 1000 times more rare than a diamond. Discovered for the first time in 1967 and only found in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, these gemstones go for about $1,500 per carat.

What's more valuable than diamonds? ›

Benitoite. This rare stone exceeds diamond's rarity as well as its "fire" or dispersion. Combined with its often sapphire-blue color, it's no wonder this is a highly sought rare gem. Gem-quality benitoite occurs only in San Benito County, California (and thus a natural choice for the California state gem).

What is the most expensive gem? ›


Revered as the pinnacle of gem luxury, blue diamonds are considered to be the most expensive stones in the world. The allure of blue diamonds lies in their exceptional rarity and extraordinary beauty.

Have diamonds gone up in value in 20 years? ›

Diamond prices increases about 14% each year since 1960! Past performance does not guarantee the performance of the future.

Do diamonds lose or gain value over time? ›

Engagement Rings Are a Depreciating Asset

Like a car, a diamond is a depreciating asset since it loses a large portion of its value the second you buy it. Think about gold and silver.

Which diamond is best for investment? ›

According to a well known diamond trade organization the ideal diamond for investment is a Round Brilliant from 1.01 to 1.49 carat, D-H in color and from IF (internally flawless) to VS2 (very slightly included) clarity.

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