Acne and Premature Aging - BiON Skincare Products (2024)


Additionally, the healing process of acne infections involves thousands and thousands of chemical processes. These chemical processes produce more free radicals as a natural by-product and add to the volume of free radical damage (aging).

The skin has a supply of antioxidants that reduce the volume of free radicals and their damage. It is believed that moderate to severe acne literally depletes the skin’s level of antioxidants, leaving it nearly defenseless against free radicals that are created by normal skin functions.

Control of acne is not only important to the appearance of the skin today, it is an important strategy to prevent the premature aging of the skin. If skin damage has already become a problem, the patient should achieve control of the acne first and once this is accomplished, address the issue of skin rejuvenation.

Benzoyl Peroxide and Premature Skin Aging:

Benzoyl peroxide creates free radicals and is known to cause premature skin aging, just like repeated sun exposure or persistent acne. Damage is determined by the concentration of benzoyl peroxide and the frequency and duration of use. While moderate to severe acne will cause the skin to age quickly, the use of benzoyl peroxide will significantly increase this speed.

BiON does not use benzoyl peroxide or any other ingredient that might damage or prematurely age the skin. For more information see the Acne and Benzoyl Peroxide Damage section under the Acne heading.

Acne and Premature Aging - BiON Skincare Products (2024)
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