3.3 Retention: How to Retain a Teacher | ED100 (2024)

It is often said that half of new teachers depart the profession within five years. This is a myth.

In This Lesson

What is teacher retention?

Why do teachers leave?

What is teacher turnover?

What is teacher burnout?

Do most teachers really quit within five years?

What makes teachers want to stay?

How can we get teachers to stay at our school?

Discussion Guide.

Teacher turnover (and its opposite, teacher retention) has been the subject of many studies over time. It can be hard to measure retention, because teachers change jobs within schools, change schools, and change their names. School systems don't necessarily connect to one another, and a lot of early studies just got it wrong. In 2015, the National Center for Education Statistics tried to set the record straight with a longitudinal survey that found at least 82.7% of those who started as teachers in 2007 were still teaching or serving in other education roles five years later. Other studies, using different methods, suggest that this estimate might be too rosy, pegging the five-year teacher retention rates at about 70%. There's room for interpretation, but either way: myth busted. It's definitely less than half. (See EdSource for more about the data.)

It is often said that half of new teachers depart the profession within five years. This is a myth. It's closer to a quarter.

But the point isn't purely wrong. In today’s America, most people are career-changers, and this includes teachers. Teacher turnover is a particularly big issue in California schools, especially in high-need areas like special education and bilingual education.

Why do teachers leave?

Teachers may leave a school for many different reasons, most of them not unique to teaching. These can include personal needs like the birth of a child or a spouse's work. Teachers might also leave a school based on a sense of dissatisfaction stemming from lack of support, challenging work conditions, or other problems. Teacher turnover varies widely by individual school, with high-poverty schools experiencing the greatest rates due to factors such as insufficient funding, poor working conditions, and lack of administrative support. Teaching can be lonely work, and nobody likes to feel unsupported.

Why don't teachers leave?

Leaving a school district is a bigger economic decision for a teacher than most people realize. In the private sector, changing employers is normal, and even expected. It can be easier to move up to a better job in the private sector by changing employers than by waiting for a promotion. In teaching, the incentives are entirely different. As explained in Ed100 Lesson 3.8, the pay system for teachers is strongly based on seniority. Teachers who move from one district to another generally face a pay cut. Less obviously, the financial hit of a pay cut is multiplied by the teacher pension system.

Why does teacher retention matter?

Students in poverty are more likely than other students to be in schools with high teacher turnover and less-experienced educators.

3.3 Retention: How to Retain a Teacher | ED100 (1)

Great school leaders do everything in their power to resist this churn and persuade good teachers to stay because the impact of retaining a great teacher is massive and long-lasting. In a study involving 2.5 million students and 18 million test scores, researcher Raj Chetty and colleagues demonstrated that a great, high value-added teacher, defined as a teacher whose students perform better than predicted based on past measures, can have a large, long-lasting effect on students' success in school. Keeping a great teacher matters a lot.

Teacher Supply and Teacher Shortages

The labor market for teaching drastically changes depending on whether budgets are growing or shrinking. When budgets are very tight, school districts often can't afford all of their teachers. The newest ones, with the least seniority in their district, check their mailboxes for warnings that they may not have a job. (These notices are commonly called pink slips.) When budgets are growing, by contrast, school districts may experience a teacher shortage, meaning that they cannot find good candidates with the right credentials to fill open positions. Teachers with seniority may take advantage of the moment to negotiate a shift to a school they like better. School districts fill the gaps with substitute teachers and teachers with an emergency permit.

These on-again, off-again cycles in the labor market for teaching have become part of the expectations for new teacher candidates. Teaching is a relatively attractive job in California (see survey above), but until you gain seniority it can't be assumed to be a safe one. (We take up this topic further in Lesson 3.10)

Staffing has become challenging throughout California schools in recent years, especially for schools in rural and disadvantaged areas. Bilingual teachers and special education teachers are in particular demand.

3.3 Retention: How to Retain a Teacher | ED100 (2)

Teacher retention programs and strategies

To keep new teachers in the profession and improve their effectiveness, some school districts invest in training and mentorship programs for new teachers to help them learn the ropes. In education lingo, this kind of on-the-job support is known as an induction program. These programs can make an enormous difference. If they are well-implemented induction programs not only reduce the "rookie ratio" in schools, they also save money that would otherwise be spent recruiting and hiring new teachers. California has made induction programs the preferred way for a teacher to complete requirements for a clear or professional credential. Some teacher induction programs are better than others, though. In order to raise the level of quality of such programs, California has established standards for them.

Successful teacher induction programs save money.

Some of the state's larger districts, searching for alternatives, take a “grow your own” approach to teacher recruitment and education. Many of these local programs aim to cultivate and support teachers with a deep commitment to a community. For example, the City College Teacher Prep Center of San Francisco provides information, resources, and advice for students interested in teaching as a career. This includes assistance with university transfer for advanced degrees as well as support to obtain elementary, secondary, and career technical education (CTE) credentials. (Hear Carol's interview with Kathleen White about it on KALW.)

Nationwide, the special education teacher workforce is frequently noted as a shortage area, leading some states to create retention incentives. An October 2019 study by the Education Commission of the States states that, “Twenty-nine states require or explicitly encourage additional pay for teachers who work in underserved schools and.or shortage subject areas.”

What is teacher burnout?

Teaching is demanding, important work. When a school environment is effective and teachers feel like they are pulling in the same direction, it can be exhilarating. But when teachers feel unsupported, it can be emotionally exhausting.

Burnout is not necessarily about working too hard or feeling tired — it's the feeling that nothing you can do will make a difference. School communities sometimes try to address teacher burnout by signaling their appreciation, for example with celebrations or messages of support. These actions can be helpful, but often don't address core issues. The demands of teaching are almost by definition bottomless. There is always more you could do to support students. On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t made it any easier for teachers to meet these demands. Where does it end? To address teacher burnout at a fundamental level, sometimes the highest-impact investment a school system can make is training and support for school leaders. Nobody likes working for a bad boss.

Clearly, it hurts kids when great teachers depart the profession, especially students of color and low-income students. Reducing turnover for its own sake, however, is not the point. Not all experienced teachers are equally effective with students. Periodically, when a recession hits, school districts have to lay off teachers. What happens then? This topic is central to Ed100 lesson 3.10,Tenure and Seniority.

Updated Sept 2018, Oct 2018, Sept 2021, Aug 2022

3.3 Retention: How to Retain a Teacher | ED100 (2024)


How can effective teachers be retained? ›

Proven Strategies for Increasing Teacher Retention Rates
  1. Cultivate Collaboration. Even in a classroom full of students, teachers can still feel very much alone. ...
  2. Empower Teachers to Succeed. ...
  3. Provide Them with Support. ...
  4. Create Better Work Conditions.

What is meant by teacher retention? ›

Teacher retention relates to the goal of keeping staff in the workplace, and reducing employee turnover. Teachers are much more likely to exit during their first few years of teaching. One in five new teachers leave the profession after their first two years, while four in ten leave after five years.

What is the most commonly cited grounds for teacher termination? ›

It is not surprising, then, that "insubordination" has become the most frequently cited reason for removing errant teachers.

Why do people drop out of teaching? ›

For those planning to leave within two years, workload was the key motivation for 65% of respondents, while concerns about the level of trust in teachers from the public and government were also a significant factor. Teachers also cited pay and accountability as reasons to consider leaving.

Why is teacher retention important? ›

Increasing teacher retention can support greater equality across the US education system. High turnover rates create constant flux, making it significantly more difficult to institute changes in education policies.

How do you recruit and retain teachers? ›

To improve the recruitment and retention of excellent teachers:
  1. Federal and state governments can provide service scholarships and loan forgiveness programs to attract prospective teachers to the fields and locations where they are needed most. ...
  2. States and districts can develop teacher residencies.
15 Sept 2016

Why is teacher retention a problem? ›

The cause of teacher retention struggles is far from one-dimensional. It sprouts from a variety of factors including inadequate preparation, a lack of mentoring or effective mentoring, pressures of test-based accountability, low salaries, and poor teaching conditions.

What is the turnover rate for teachers? ›

After the pandemic hit, turnover fell, then rebounded to 5.8% in 2021.

What works in attracting and retaining teachers in challenging schools and areas? ›

Use of financial incentives

The stronger studies suggest that offering financial incentives appear to work in attracting teachers to hard-to-staff schools and areas.

What gets a teacher fired? ›

Understand that in order to terminate a teacher, one of the following must be proven: immoral conduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, substantial noncompliance with school laws, conviction of a crime, insubordination, fraud or misrepresentation. The teacher's conduct must fall under one of these descriptions.

Why is it so hard to fire a tenured teacher? ›

Henry said the biggest obstacle in firing a teacher is weighing the financial risk. The law mandates a district pay its own and the teacher's attorney fees if it loses and its own lawyer fees if it wins, he said. An average case costs $100,000 in attorney fees for each party, Henry said.

How hard is it to fire a teacher? ›

It's remarkably difficult to fire a tenured public school teacher in California, a Times investigation has found. The path can be laborious and labyrinthine, in some cases involving years of investigation, union grievances, administrative appeals, court challenges and re-hearings.

Are people happier after leaving teaching? ›

There are several examples of posts I shared from people who left teaching and described feeling a lot happier, less stressed and healthier. They also reported having more time for their own families.

What can teachers do instead of teaching? ›

Teachers may add a psychology or counseling certification and become career counselors. Some teachers can even make more as education consultants. A career change out of teaching may just be diving deeper into the world of education.

What percentage of teachers leave in the first 5 years? ›

44% of teachers quit in the first five years.

And they don't just quit their current positions - they often leave teaching altogether. This is a much higher rate than most other occupations in the U.S., including those known for high burnout rates, such as police officers.

What makes a teacher the best? ›

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

What do teachers do after they quit? ›

Leadership roles in community service are often a good fit for people who've left the teaching profession. Many youth organizations and retirement communities have positions for people skilled at planning, coordinating, and leading fun recreational or educational activities.

How do you keep a new teacher? ›

A team of people supporting new teachers is ideal, but someone needs to lead the effort.
  1. Plan for On-Boarding. ...
  2. Include Social Bonding in On-Boarding. ...
  3. Schedule Regular Check-Ins With the Principal. ...
  4. Provide Coaching. ...
  5. Bring New Teachers Together. ...
  6. Getting Started.
11 Aug 2016

How do you recruit high quality teachers? ›

8 strategies for how to recruit teachers
  1. Design great recruitment materials. ...
  2. Attend teacher job fairs. ...
  3. Ask for referrals. ...
  4. Be active on social media. ...
  5. Prioritize search engine optimization. ...
  6. Create customized advertisem*nts. ...
  7. Use online job boards. ...
  8. Reach out to previous teachers.
20 May 2022

How can we fix the teacher shortage? ›

Increase Funding for Teachers and Schools

Federal or state grants might draw more prospective teachers to preparation programs in academic areas where there is a scarcity of teachers. Federal programs for college loan forgiveness might encourage more teachers to look for jobs in high-needs schools.

What is the biggest reason for teacher turnover? ›

Stress is the number one contributor to teacher attrition and it can reveal itself in a variety of ways. According to a 2021 study, the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to teacher anxiety in several ways, including health and safety issues, isolation, communication, and concern for their students.

What is a high retention rate? ›

Generally, employee retention rates of 90% or higher are considered good, meaning a company should aim for an average employee turnover rate of 10% or less. In 2021, the average retention rate was around 52.8%2, but the individual rate varies by industry and sector.

What is the current teacher burnout rate? ›

More than 44% of K-12 employees feel “always” or “very often” burned out. Teachers are suffering the most in this cohort, with more than half (52%) reporting burnout.

How long does the average teacher last? ›

Years of teaching experience and grade level taughtTotalSuburban
Average number of years14.314.0
Years of teaching experience
34 more rows

What does teacher burnout feel like? ›

A loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, irritability, and other symptoms of ill mental health may also be present (Capone, Joshanloo, & Park, 2019; Madigan & Kim, 2021). When teachers are experiencing burnout, they may feel like they are in survival mode each day or react with a short temper.

Why do new teachers leave the profession? ›

Teachers often cite working conditions, such as the support of their principals and the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues, as the top reason for leaving. More than 1 in 4 teachers who leave say they do so to pursue other career opportunities.

What are states doing to retain teachers? ›

California signed into law a 2021-2022 state budget that includes a total of $350 million in state funding for the Teacher Residency Grant Program to help address areas of shortage by funding efforts in the state to recruit, support, and retain a diverse teacher workforce.

How do public schools attract the best teachers? ›

How to attract talented teachers to your international school in 2021 and beyond
  • Entice teachers by promoting your location. ...
  • Promote professional and personal development opportunities. ...
  • Establish your school's reputation. ...
  • Share what your staff are doing. ...
  • Work on your social media presence. ...
  • Recruit through your website.
19 Jul 2021

What measures should be implemented to attract and retain effective mg teacher? ›

To attract and retain effective teachers in multigrade schools the following measures should be implemented: regular monitoring of MG classes to sustain training gains and to provide them with technical as well as instructional support.

How do you get back at a teacher without getting in trouble? ›

Ways to Annoy Your Teacher Without Getting in Trouble
  1. Doodle on your desk while he/she is discussing something.
  2. Every time your teacher makes a statement, ask "Why?”
  3. Pass notes everywhere in class. ...
  4. Be a know-it-all!
  5. Bring the wrong notebook for every subject.
  6. Give your teachers funny code names.
18 Dec 2018

When can a teacher be dismissed from the service? ›

School districts may dismiss tenured teachers only by a showing of cause, after following such procedural requirements as providing notice to the teacher, specifying the charges against the teacher, and providing the teacher with a meaningful hearing.

How do you deal with a stubborn teacher? ›

Here are five ways to deal with negative teachers.
  1. Address the Behavior with the Teacher. ...
  2. Get Administration Involved. ...
  3. Learn to Properly Express Your Own Feelings. ...
  4. Remove Yourself from the Situation. ...
  5. Don't Let Go of Your Own Positivity.

What are the three major grounds on which a tenured teacher can be dismissed? ›

Reasons for Firing a Tenured Teacher

Incompetence. Immoral actions. Being convicted of a crime. Neglect of duty.

How do I get rid of a tenured teacher? ›

Teacher Tenure

School districts may dismiss tenured teachers only by a showing of cause, after following such procedural requirements as providing notice to the teacher, specifying the charges against the teacher, and providing the teacher with a meaningful hearing.

Does tenure mean you can't be fired? ›

No matter how egregious the reasons may be, a tenured faculty member has the right to a hearing before being fired. Tenure, by definition, is an indefinite academic appointment, and tenured faculty can only be dismissed under extraordinary circ*mstances like financial exigency or program discontinuation.

What is an incompetent teacher? ›

Incompetent Teacher – Any teacher who consistently fails to meet minimum state, district, or building level standards for effective teaching. Barrier – Any obstacle that prevents, or makes it difficult, to dismiss an incompetent teacher.

Can a teacher be fired for being late? ›

You can be fired for being late. In at-will states, employees can be fired at any time for any reason, and can also quit a job at any time for any reason. However, most employers will have an attendance and punctuality policy that spells out exactly how late and how often you can be late before you will be fired.

Can a teacher be fired for dating a parent? ›

No, teachers cannot get fired for dating parents as there are no regulations against teachers dating parents. That said, some schools and districts have policies against this act which when breached would lead to some form of minor punishment.

Why are so many people leaving teaching? ›

The tension and responsibility that educators like Gillum faced during the pandemic — combined with long-standing issues plaguing the profession, plus the coarsening of debates about classroom control, teacher pay and respect — have caused many to make the tough choice to leave the classroom.

What jobs can you do after teaching? ›

If you're considering a career change, here are 19 jobs after teaching in a school for those with a degree in education:
  • Youth worker. ...
  • Education coordinator. ...
  • School counsellor. ...
  • Education recruitment consultant. ...
  • Education consultant. ...
  • Education welfare officer. ...
  • Campus recruiter. ...
  • Archivist.
30 Nov 2021

How many newly qualified teachers quit? ›

Among newly qualified teachers, the number who left within one year rose from 11.7 per cent in 2020, to 12.5 per cent last year. Again, this is still below the pre-pandemic levels (it was 14.6 per cent in 2019).

Is teaching the most stressful job? ›

While many are hesitant to believe the grass is greener on the other side, many former teachers confirm that after transitioning into another industry, teaching was the most stressful job they have ever had.

What is the highest paid type of teacher? ›


When you are looking for the best-paid teaching jobs for your area of interest or specialized skill, then you may consider working as a professor in a college or university. A college professor prepares course material, teaches students in a classroom environment, and grades student work.

Are teachers leaving the profession? ›

The National Center for Education Statistics says 44% of public schools will report teaching vacancies at the start of this year and more than half of those were from resignations with 1000s of teaching vacancies across the country, the nation appears to be reckoning with an exodus of educators.

How can teacher retention be improved? ›

Teacher Retention Strategies: Ideas to Keep Great Educators
  1. Support Teacher Wellness. Throughout the pandemic, the notion of “normalcy” didn't really exist. ...
  2. Promote growth opportunities. ...
  3. Cultivate a positive school culture. ...
  4. Offer Employee Assistance Programs. ...
  5. Teachers who feel supported are teachers who stay.
18 May 2022

What state has the highest teacher shortage? ›

The 11 states in Group 1 have the clearest vacancies. Florida leads the nation with nearly 4,000 unfilled teaching positions for the 2021–22 school year, followed by Illinois with 1,703 and Arizona with 1,699.

What is the turnover rate for teachers? ›

After the pandemic hit, turnover fell, then rebounded to 5.8% in 2021.

What measures should be implemented to attract and retain effective mg teacher? ›

To attract and retain effective teachers in multigrade schools the following measures should be implemented: regular monitoring of MG classes to sustain training gains and to provide them with technical as well as instructional support.

What makes a teacher the best? ›

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

How do you attract teachers to your school? ›

Tips for how to recruit and retain teachers
  1. Offer a competitive salary and benefits. ...
  2. Create a supportive working environment. ...
  3. Start the hiring process early. ...
  4. Reduce technology use when managing applications. ...
  5. Design great recruitment materials. ...
  6. Attend teacher job fairs. ...
  7. Ask for referrals. ...
  8. Be active on social media.
20 May 2022

How does teacher leadership affect students achievement? ›

Teachers' leadership and collective expertise are tightly linked to student achievement. A sophisticated new study has found that schools staffed by credentialed and experienced teachers who work together over an extended time generate the largest student achievement gains.

What are states doing to retain teachers? ›

California signed into law a 2021-2022 state budget that includes a total of $350 million in state funding for the Teacher Residency Grant Program to help address areas of shortage by funding efforts in the state to recruit, support, and retain a diverse teacher workforce.

What works in attracting and retaining teachers in challenging schools and areas? ›

Use of financial incentives

The stronger studies suggest that offering financial incentives appear to work in attracting teachers to hard-to-staff schools and areas.

How do you keep a new teacher? ›

A team of people supporting new teachers is ideal, but someone needs to lead the effort.
  1. Plan for On-Boarding. ...
  2. Include Social Bonding in On-Boarding. ...
  3. Schedule Regular Check-Ins With the Principal. ...
  4. Provide Coaching. ...
  5. Bring New Teachers Together. ...
  6. Getting Started.
11 Aug 2016

What are 5 qualities of an excellent teacher? ›

top 5 qualities and characteristics of a good teacher.
  • Patient and approachable. They say that 'patience is a virtue', and this couldn't be more true for teachers. ...
  • Enthusiastic. ...
  • Strong communication skills. ...
  • Strong knowledge and a solid education. ...
  • Disciplined and professional.
1 Mar 2022

What are the 8 qualities of a good teacher? ›

8 characteristics of a great teacher
  • They Demonstrate Confidence. ...
  • They Have Life Experience. ...
  • They Understand Each Student's Motivation. ...
  • They're People, Not Heroes. ...
  • They're Technologically Capable. ...
  • They Model Risk Taking. ...
  • They Focus On Important Stuff. ...
  • They Don't Worry Too Much About What Administrators Think.

How do you get teachers to like you? ›

So show up—you might just learn something!
  1. Use proper titles. ...
  2. Don't use text-speak in emails. ...
  3. Speak up in class. ...
  4. If you miss class, get notes from another student. ...
  5. Say "thank you" when the prof goes the extra mile for you. ...
  6. Do the work.
27 Apr 2015

How do public schools attract the best teachers? ›

How to attract talented teachers to your international school in 2021 and beyond
  • Entice teachers by promoting your location. ...
  • Promote professional and personal development opportunities. ...
  • Establish your school's reputation. ...
  • Share what your staff are doing. ...
  • Work on your social media presence. ...
  • Recruit through your website.
19 Jul 2021

Is it OK to date your teacher? ›

A relationship between a student and a teacher should be acceptable as long as they maintain their professionalism within the school. A person's profession shouldn't determine who they're allowed to love and express their feelings for.

How can teachers improve leadership? ›

To encourage teacher leadership, be sure to do the following: Value and respect the role and work of teacher leaders. Embrace change and allow data-driven, research-based risk taking. Provide affirmation for teachers' leadership tasks.

What is the role of a teacher as a leader? ›

Teachers are leaders all day. They lead by example in the way they act, speak, and behave. They lead their students through challenging activities and rigorous learning. Then, they take on additional teacher leadership roles inside and outside the classroom.

What are the different best practices of a teacher leader? ›

4 Key Insights About Teacher Leaders: Best Practices From High-Growth Districts
  1. Build Trusting Relationships. Building trusting relationships is both important and possible in all school settings. ...
  2. Focus on Curriculum Implementation. ...
  3. Use Data to Guide the Work. ...
  4. Collaborate During Instructional Time.
18 Aug 2020

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