10 ways to make eating vegetables appealing | HCF (2024)

10 ways to make eating vegetables appealing

If there’s someone in your household who hates vegies here are some ideas for making them tastier.

Fit&Well blog
November 2016

It’s a sad fact that the very compounds that make veggies good for your health can also make them tough on the taste buds, Prevention magazine explains.

10 ways to make eating vegetables appealing | HCF (1)

Many people find some vegies bitter and others complain they don’t have enough flavour, but there are some tricks you can try to make them more appealing.

  1. Choose baby varieties
    Some vegies do develop stronger flavours as they mature so buying the baby varieties of some vegies (for example, carrots) is one solution.
  2. Buy fresh and cook straightaway
    Cruciferous vegies such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and Brussels sprouts become bitter the longer they're left on the shelf, especially if they're wrapped in plastic, so try to buy these varieties fresh. They don’t like being stored close to fruit either, which can also affect carrots, squash and parsnips.
  3. Flash cook them
    Blanched or stir fried vegies are cooked fast to prevent the bitter taste from developing. Steam for half to a full minute and drench in cold water, or toss chopped vegies into a hot wok for a couple of minutes.
  4. Cook Brussels sprouts faster
    Try slicing and pan frying, then steaming in lemon juice, or microwaving with butter and caraway seeds.
  5. Cook onions slower
    A pinch of salt will slow the frying process. Otherwise slow roast garlic and onions for sweetness, brush leeks with olive oil and bake in foil.
  6. Don’t buy eggplants overripe
    If your thumb leaves an imprint that doesn’t bounce back the eggplant will be tough, spongy and bitter. To prepare, slice and sprinkle with salt, leave for half an hour for the bitter chemicals to draw out, then rinse and press the moisture out with paper towels.
  7. Give them an oil change
    Try drizzling sliced veggies with olive oil and seasoning with salt, pepper, smoked paprika, curry powder, fresh thyme or balsamic vinegar – pop them on a baking sheet or in a pan and roast until tender.
  8. Take a dip
    Cut up blanched broccoli, raw celery, cucumber or carrots and dunk them in low fat or beetroot dip or hummus.
  9. Say cheese
    Sprinkle grated cheese over broccoli or cauliflower and grill, or crumble feta over green beans, spinach or kale.
  10. Be sneaky
    It’s easy to add grated carrot or zucchini to muffins or any grated vegies to meatloaf. Soups take longer to cook which mellows the vegetable flavour, making them another easy way to get health benefits without hassle.


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10 ways to make eating vegetables appealing | HCF (2024)
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